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Should Capital Punishment Be Allowed?

Should Capital Punishment Be Allowed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters
I don't typically write long posts and I can't answer this without getting Biblical, so here we go. I've got two passages, one from the OT and one from the NT.

Genesis 9:6 "Whoever sheds man’s blood,
By man his blood shall be shed,
For in the image of God
He made man." One makes their life forfeit when they have so little regard for the life of another human to be able to callously murder. That is a dangerous individual that simply doesn't care about anyone else. You don't want that person walking around freely, and you don't want that person influencing other people. The difference between the two killings is that the first is murder and implies the innocence of the victim while the second is a killing to punish and remove the offender.

Romans 13:4, in a discussion on governing authorities and their role in protecting the innocent while punishing the wrongdoer that goes back to verse 1 and forward to verse 7, "...for it is a minister of God to you for good. But if you do what is evil, be afraid; for it does not bear the sword for nothing; for it is a minister of God, an avenger who brings wrath on the one who practices evil." That isn't an endorsement of any particular firm of government, nor a statement about good vs bad government, but rather a statement about government in general as God has ordained it to be a protective entity. A part of that is the evildoers should fear government because it "does not bear the sword in vain." The death penalty is meant to be a deterrent more anything. It isn't meant to be desired. As a deterrent, it is effective. It may not stop every murder from happening, but can you imagine how many more people would be willing to murder another human if their own life wasn't on the line?

For those reasons, I have no issue with the DP in and of itself, the problems are the human element and as someone pointed out humans make mistakes. This is a mistake that can't afford yo be take. I believe that if the DP is on the table, the state needs to be 100% sure of the guilt of the offender. If there is even a small chance the person could be innocent, the DP should be off the table. I'd like to see more appeals get an honest review and more of those sentences overturned for weak evidence or bad prosecutorial or police investigative behavior.

The other human problem with the DP is bias which leads to unfairness in how the DP is carried out and who is eligible for it. This is not justice, but rather injustice.

While I don't have an issue with the death penalty itself, those two reasons are why I also have no issue with it being scrutinized and scrapped.
All im saying is if capital punishment is allowed, then life in jail shouldnt be.

A life sentence is fundamentally useless imo
Somebody like a Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer for example shouldn't be allowed to just be hanging out at Starbucks.

There are some ppl who are a straight up menace To Society and not like the movie.
Finish the quote, don’t just pick and choose.

Naw, that's the thing, B. YOU are picking and choosing. I said right from the beginning, if even ONE person is wrongfully executed, the whole system is bullshit. You and I agree that people have been wrongfully executed. For ME, that's where it stops. Argument over. I understand that for YOU, there is more to be said. But for ME, that's the end. The shit is very binary to me.
Naw, that's the thing, B. YOU are picking and choosing. I said right from the beginning, if even ONE person is wrongfully executed, the whole system is bullshit. You and I agree that people have been wrongfully executed. For ME, that's where it stops. Argument over. I understand that for YOU, there is more to be said. But for ME, that's the end. The shit is very binary to me.
People have been wrongfully imprisoned, too. By that logic, no one should be imprisoned. You wanna stand on that as well?

We’re not saying any of this is a perfect system; it’s deeply flawed. But having one aspect of it removed for instances that are few and far between is a gross overreaction.
Somebody like a Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer for example shouldn't be allowed to just be hanging out at Starbucks.

There are some ppl who are a straight up menace To Society and not like the movie.

Im not disagreeing with you.

My point is jail is a place where you are supposed to be rehabilitated and allowed to enter back into society. Again, supposed to be.

So the point of giving someone life makes no sense. A mfer could literally be in jail for 60+ years.

Might as well just off the mfer is my point
Im not disagreeing with you.

My point is jail is a place where you are supposed to be rehabilitated and allowed to enter back into society. Again, supposed to be.

So the point of giving someone life makes no sense. A mfer could literally be in jail for 60+ years.

Might as well just off the mfer is my point
While in practice it makes sense,If 1 innocent person is killed for a crime they didn't commit,the system has failed.
Only if its public stonings or hangings...

People need to see death in my opinion to be so quick to rush a person of to it....

The only reason I don't like capitol punishment, cuz I don't like the idea of an unaccountable death...

Regardless of a persons wrongs,, if the decision to kill a person is made some one should carry the burden of taking them out....

It shouldn't be done by the state,, and if it is, then it should be carried out.... Violently..... In front of a fairly large public audience...

We should never have such a disconnect to what death really is....
Still feel the same way......I hate the idea of a state determined execution. Death should always be personal and direct.

If you not capable yourself of taking a life, I feel like it's cowardice to allow the government to do it.
People have been wrongfully imprisoned, too. By that logic, no one should be imprisoned. You wanna stand on that as well?

We’re not saying any of this is a perfect system; it’s deeply flawed. But having one aspect of it removed for instances that are few and far between is a gross overreaction.

This is incorrect. That's a very different situation. There is a chance for redemption for the wrongfully imprisoned. You can rectify that mistake. You can let a nigga out of jail. You can compensate him for those lost years. Not the case with wrongful executions.

Having shit removed due to few and far between examples is exactly what should be happening, when it involves life and death. Just like everything else in this country.

When ikea sold millions of dressers, then realized that a handful of kids were being killed by trying to climb their dressers and having them fall on them because they were poorly designed...they stopped selling that dresser.

When a company sells millions of pounds of spinach and then a handful of people die from whatever the fuck was in the spinach...they stop selling the spinach and identify what the issue is.

When a drug is being tested and they get to human trials, if 1% if the humans it gets tested on die a painful death...they don't approve the drug.


Somebody like a Charles Manson or Jeffrey Dahmer for example shouldn't be allowed to just be hanging out at Starbucks.

There are some ppl who are a straight up menace To Society and not like the movie.

Manson didn't physically kill anybody though.

So are you saying that somebody who can order a hit by people who follow them should get the death penalty?

People who put money on peoples head should they also get the death penalty?
Im not disagreeing with you.

My point is jail is a place where you are supposed to be rehabilitated and allowed to enter back into society. Again, supposed to be.

So the point of giving someone life makes no sense. A mfer could literally be in jail for 60+ years.

Might as well just off the mfer is my point

The american prison system has moved away from actually being about rehabilitation very long time ago. It's been and is only really a system for punishment.
Manson didn't physically kill anybody though.

So are you saying that somebody who can order a hit by people who follow them should get the death penalty?

People who put money on peoples head should they also get the death penalty?
Not my decision to make,but I'm sure ppl who put hits on ppl might have gotten death before.

We were talking about life in jail,not execution in that particular convo.
The american prison system has moved away from actually being about rehabilitation very long time ago. It's been and is only really a system for punishment.

Word. I agree.

Thats why life makes no sense.

I get it if a country doesnt get capital punishment. But if you do have capital punishment, then why give life? Doesnt make sense keeping a person in jail for 60+ years if they dont have a road to release.
Word. I agree.

Thats why life makes no sense.

I get it if a country doesnt get capital punishment. But if you do have capital punishment, then why give life? Doesnt make sense keeping a person in jail for 60+ years if they dont have a road to release.
what's the other alternative?
Not my decision to make,but I'm sure ppl who put hits on ppl might have gotten death before.

We were talking about life in jail,not execution in that particular convo.

Never happened and majority of time the person who ordered or paid for a hit gets less time than the person who actually carried the hit out.
Never happened and majority of time the person who ordered or paid for a hit gets less time than the person who actually carried the hit out.
We actually don't know what Manson did.

I heard stories of him possibly shooting random ppl and never being caught.

But like I said I wasn't talking about life not capitol punishment.
Word. I agree.

Thats why life makes no sense.

I get it if a country doesnt get capital punishment. But if you do have capital punishment, then why give life? Doesnt make sense keeping a person in jail for 60+ years if they dont have a road to release.


Private prisons are only 8% of the market, with a total annual revenue of $4 billion. By comparison, to many companies, the roughly $80 billion that the United States spends on corrections each year is not a national embarrassment but a gold mine. Food service provides the equivalent of $4 billion of food annually. Private companies provide about half of the at least $12.3 billion spent on healthcare. Telephone companies, which can charge as much as $25 for a 15-minute call, rake in $1.3 billion.

Think about it the longer you can keep people locked up the more money these people are making.