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Should Capital Punishment Be Allowed?

Should Capital Punishment Be Allowed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters
If you are already doing cap pun, give them cap pun.
There's a thin chance that maybe they will be found not guilty or that some legal mistakes happened.

For whatever reason only things that meet a certain criteria are deemed as capitol.

This nigga like Kill em all

Problem is some of those ppl may be found innocent with new evidence or science breakthroughs .
We actually don't know what Manson did.

I heard stories of him possibly shooting random ppl and never being caught.

But like I said I wasn't talking about life not capitol punishment.

We know what he got convicted of though. The crimes a person committed that they didn't get caught for don't matter
We know what he got convicted of though. The crimes a person committed that they didn't get caught for don't matter
I mean I wouldn't have been sad if Charles Manson got the death penalty.

I think he would have gotten it then,but Cali banned the death penalty around that time.
I mean I wouldn't have been sad if Charles Manson got the death penalty.

I think he would have gotten it then,but Cali banned the death penalty around that time.

I agree he probably would have gotten it but that is why I asked you that initial question because he didn't physically kill any of those people. He ordered his followers to kill those people.

Is the ordering of killings equal to the person actually carrying out the actual killing?

IMO it isn't.
I agree he probably would have gotten it but that is why I asked you that initial question because he didn't physically kill any of those people. He ordered his followers to kill those people.

Is the ordering of killings equal to the person actually carrying out the actual killing?

IMO it isn't.
Depends on how the situation goes down.

There's a difference between a gang or crime boss killing an enemy over money and war and some mad man getting a group of ppl to form some murder cult to kill random ppl.
Depends on how the situation goes down.

There's a difference between a gang or crime boss killing an enemy over money and war and some mad man getting a group of ppl to form some murder cult to kill random ppl.

I disagree. Don't really see the difference but cool

Private prisons are only 8% of the market, with a total annual revenue of $4 billion. By comparison, to many companies, the roughly $80 billion that the United States spends on corrections each year is not a national embarrassment but a gold mine. Food service provides the equivalent of $4 billion of food annually. Private companies provide about half of the at least $12.3 billion spent on healthcare. Telephone companies, which can charge as much as $25 for a 15-minute call, rake in $1.3 billion.

Think about it the longer you can keep people locked up the more money these people are making.


Now we getting into the real.
There's a thin chance that maybe they will be found not guilty or that some legal mistakes happened.

For whatever reason only things that meet a certain criteria are deemed as capitol.

This nigga like Kill em all

Problem is some of those ppl may be found innocent with new evidence or science breakthroughs .


First off, im against cap pun. So im really not saying kill them all.

Just making a point that if we are living in a system that has cap pun, then keeping a mfer alive for 60 year that has no chance of getting out makes no sense.

You can make the argument that a mfer should only have a max sentence of 30 years and then they can be evaluated every so often to get released (if its not some serial killer shit) or get released into a mental asylum.

My only point is the concept of life in jail is useless
I wonder what plays on the mind of a person more. Knowing they're never getting out of prison and having to live in that environment for 30+years or having the death penalty and actually knowing the exact day and time you're going die.
I'm not pro death penalty because this justice system is so fucked it would probably bring people to tears thinking of all the innocent and wrongly convicted people who've been killed.

I wish it was done without the profit angle but I do think that a person losing their freedom and having to live with the consequences every day does more than just giving them a death countdown that they can look forward to as their ultimate escape
I'm Pro Death Penalty.

I'm sorry, but there are some crimes in which the only justifiable punishment for it is to forfeit your own life. Mostly for taking the lives of others. There's no way you can't tell me guys like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy (Killer Clown), Richard Ramirez (Night Stalker), John Allen Muhammad (DC Sniper) didn't earn the volts or juice they got.

It seems wild that people use the Bible to argue against it, when there are many verses that showed people should be executed for WAY LESS crimes than murder; people were getting put to death for adultery (which is still punishable by death in Saudi Arabia) in that thing, for fuck's sake. I'm not going that far, but it IS worth noting.

My issue with the US version of capital punishment is the appeals process is too damn slow and convoluted; there's no way guys should be sitting on Death Row for decades; I think that once a person is condemned to die, they should be given five years max and a special appeal division of lawyers at their disposal to either: 1) prove their innocence or 2) get the sentence commuted based on the nature of the crime. Like, someone who kills someone in an armed robbery shouldn't be sentenced to death, but someone who multilates or race-related killers (Dylan Roof) should go down.

I also find it weird when people say the US capital punishment system is barbaric. Clearly, they don't know shit about capital punishment in Middle Eastern countries and China.

Just to compare: the US has only four (4) offenses that are punishable by death: murder, treason, espionage, and trafficing drug in mass quantites (and no one's ever gotten a death sentence for that). China has 65 offenses that will get you executed, and most of them are victimless offenses, like corruption or trafficking more than 10g of heroin into the country. Plus, their appeal process is 30 days. That's it.

Just to be clear, in America you don't get the death penalty for murder. You get the death penalty for murder while committing a felony. So if you rob a bank and shoot and kill the teller, that's punishable by death. Or if you rape a woman and kill her that's punishable by death. But just murdering somebody over a personal beef isn't punishable by death.

But I am pro death penalty. I think child molesters are worse than killers, drug dealers and bank robbers. I can understand why somebody would rob a bank. It makes perfect sense. That's where the money is. A person who robs a bank isn't abnormal imo. But the problem is when you shoot and kill the teller while robbing that bank. I've spoken to The President of the United States about drug dealers. President George Bush Sr came to my school when I was a Senior back in 1991 and me and my friends had the opportunity to talk to him. It was a surreal experience. He said people don't go to jail for selling drugs (cocaine, heroin, etc.) 9 times out of 10 the reason those people go to jail is because what they're selling isn't cocaine or heroin. It's baking soda, or dirt. That's called manufacturing a controlled substance. He went on to say that most adults do cocaine and heroin but the people that go to jail are the people that say that it's cocaine, or heroin, and it isn't. About 15 years after that conversation I spoke to my cousin who's in the DEA. He said the same thing. People don't go to jail because they're selling cocaine or heroin, people go to jail because what they're selling isn't cocaine or heroin. He went on to say that everybody in the DEA does cocaine and heroin and they hate it when they buy drugs off somebody and it isn't what they say it is. That's who the DEA looks for, not somebody who sells the real thing. I said 9 times out of 10 the reason people go to jail is because what they're selling isn't cocaine or heroin. The other 1 time out of 10 is because they don't report their income on their taxes and they spend the money on hookers and jewelry. If they'd donate to charity they'd stay out of jail. That's how the drug game works.

I can also understand why you might kill somebody over a personal beef. Like if they ripped you off for millions of dollars and you have no way of recouping the money. It makes logical sense to kill somebody over millions of dollars. Especially if the court system can't solve the problem. For example, a rapper that gets screwed out of his royalties that's living in the projects. I can understand why he would kill the record label owner. Not saying it's right but I can understand it.

What I can't understand is why you would molest children. I think child molesters are the ones that deserve the death penalty. I'm a victim of child abuse and I would have no problem pulling the switch on the people that molested me. There's no point in making a child molester or a rapist serve a 10 year sentence and then letting them go. And castration doesn't work either (HIV). Rapists use dildos and strap-ons to rape after they get castrated. The next step is to sew their pussy shut (AIDS), but sometimes that doesn't even work. They can still use a strap-on to rape.

But yeah, some people are just sick in the head and go on killing sprees. I mean, a kid that shoots up a school and kills 20 people (are people still shooting up schools or has it stopped because of Covid?) could be locked up for 60 years or you could pull the switch and save the taxpayers a lot of money. Anybody who is a serial killer or a school shooter isn't going to be rehabilitated and make anything of himself after he serves the 60 year sentence. It makes more sense to just pull the switch.

I'm pro death penalty in the case of rapists and child molestors. (No date rape killings because that's he said/she said, I'm talking about climbing in somebody's window late at night and raping a complete stranger)

And the current system of capital punishment for people that murder while committing a felony (robbing a bank, or rape) makes sense.

I also think people that commit espionage or treason should be executed.

I have mixed feelings about killing a police officer because not all police officers are clean. Some officers are dirty and belong in jail. Like if George Floyd had a knife on him and defended himself I think that would be justified.
Im not disagreeing with you.

My point is jail is a place where you are supposed to be rehabilitated and allowed to enter back into society. Again, supposed to be.

So the point of giving someone life makes no sense. A mfer could literally be in jail for 60+ years.

Might as well just off the mfer is my point

Why do people have an issue with jail being a punishment? If the purpose was just rehabilitative there wouldn't be a time assigned to it.
Actually the problem with jail is that some people come from nothing. I did 60 days once in the county jail. In jail you get 3 meals per day and a place to sleep. You can work if you're ambitious, or you can sleep and hang out in the yard all day.

If you come from nothing and never had any positive role models, meaning; You're not used to seeing adults get up and go to work every day. You're used to seeing adults on welfare or some form of public assistance drinking all day and doing drugs, then going to jail isn't really that bad compared to where you come from.

Some people are so brainwashed and have such a street mentality that going to college and working a 9-5 doesn't seem like a realistic goal. They dropped out of high school and don't speak proper English. In many cases they can't read. A person like that sees prison as a realistic, feasible course of action. Or a reasonable place to spend 40 years. 3 hots and a cot.

So how should society deal with people from broken homes who see prison as a way out? Somebody that robs a convenient store for a couple of hundred dollars with the rationale that the worst that could happen is he'll go to jail and get 3 hots and a cot? How do you deal with those people?

The politicians and wardens make laws/rules to send these people to jail, but the reality is that those people were never going to make it in the first place. I remember reading an article/ statistic that says you can predict the future prison population by qualitatively measuring the children in certain neighborhoods in kindergarten; Do their parents work, what is their household income, is the father in the house, does the mother have a college degree, etc. If certain boxes are checked you can estimate how many people from that neighborhood will end up in prison by the time they're 21.

Jail is an excellent punishment for somebody that comes from a two parent household in the suburbs who breaks the law. But it's not really a punishment at all for somebody that comes from a broken home in the slums. It's just a fact of life.

Like I said before, I'm in favor of capital punishment. I think if you commit certain crimes you're not worthy of living (e.g. molesting children). That's simple to me, if you're molesting children you should get the chair, or the needle.

I don't think Capital Punishment is the dilemma, I'm all for it. I think the dilemma is sending people to jail for long periods of time, especially repeat offenders who use the jails as a revolving door; People who will never make anything of themselves and can't stay out of prison. It actually helps explain how wars get started; You get thousands of prisoners, give them rifles and send them on a suicide mission to attack another country. The worst that could happen is that they get slaughtered. That's how World Wars get started; you give the undesirables rifles and tell them to attack the enemy.
Actually the problem with jail is that some people come from nothing. I did 60 days once in the county jail. In jail you get 3 meals per day and a place to sleep. You can work if you're ambitious, or you can sleep and hang out in the yard all day.

If you come from nothing and never had any positive role models, meaning; You're not used to seeing adults get up and go to work every day. You're used to seeing adults on welfare or some form of public assistance drinking all day and doing drugs, then going to jail isn't really that bad compared to where you come from.

Some people are so brainwashed and have such a street mentality that going to college and working a 9-5 doesn't seem like a realistic goal. They dropped out of high school and don't speak proper English. In many cases they can't read. A person like that sees prison as a realistic, feasible course of action. Or a reasonable place to spend 40 years. 3 hots and a cot.

So how should society deal with people from broken homes who see prison as a way out? Somebody that robs a convenient store for a couple of hundred dollars with the rationale that the worst that could happen is he'll go to jail and get 3 hots and a cot? How do you deal with those people?

The politicians and wardens make laws/rules to send these people to jail, but the reality is that those people were never going to make it in the first place. I remember reading an article/ statistic that says you can predict the future prison population by qualitatively measuring the children in certain neighborhoods in kindergarten; Do their parents work, what is their household income, is the father in the house, does the mother have a college degree, etc. If certain boxes are checked you can estimate how many people from that neighborhood will end up in prison by the time they're 21.

Jail is an excellent punishment for somebody that comes from a two parent household in the suburbs who breaks the law. But it's not really a punishment at all for somebody that comes from a broken home in the slums. It's just a fact of life.

Like I said before, I'm in favor of capital punishment. I think if you commit certain crimes you're not worthy of living (e.g. molesting children). That's simple to me, if you're molesting children you should get the chair, or the needle.

I don't think Capital Punishment is the dilemma, I'm all for it. I think the dilemma is sending people to jail for long periods of time, especially repeat offenders who use the jails as a revolving door; People who will never make anything of themselves and can't stay out of prison. It actually helps explain how wars get started; You get thousands of prisoners, give them rifles and send them on a suicide mission to attack another country. The worst that could happen is that they get slaughtered. That's how World Wars get started; you give the undesirables rifles and tell them to attack the enemy.

This sounds like the 3 strike rule is the move then. If people are gonna get out and ruin society because they don't fear jail, then keep them in jail, and make society a better place by removing recidivists.
While I share @5 Grand ’s stand on capital punishment, I have to amend something. Sometimes, people do get a death sentence for a simple homicide. This happens in Texas a TON. I think that should be amended; if a person commits murder, even in the 1st degree, the death penalty shouldn’t be on the table unless special circumstances are involved: rape, murder of a child, torture, multiple murders, and murder of a government employee.

Like I previously said, the one of the biggest deterrents against the death penalty is the cost of litigation of these cases. Fixing that will move the wheels of either setting innocent people free, commuting sentences that were unjustly handed down, or carrying the sentence out quicker.
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While I share @5 Grand ’s stand on capital punishment, I have to amend something. Sometimes, people do get a death sentence for a simple homicide. This happens in Texas a TON. I think that should be amended; if a person commits murder, even in the 1st degree, the death penalty shouldn’t be on the table unless special circumstances are involved: rape, murder of a child, torture, multiple murders, and murder of a government employee.

Like I previously said, the one of the biggest deterrents against the death penalty is the cost of litigation of these cases. Fixing that will move the wheels of either setting innocent people free, commuting sentences that were unjustly handed down, or carrying the sentence out more quicker.

In your opinion what makes a gov't employee life more special than a non-gov't employee?