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Should Capital Punishment Be Allowed?

Should Capital Punishment Be Allowed?

  • Yes

    Votes: 15 51.7%
  • No

    Votes: 14 48.3%

  • Total voters
I'm Pro Death Penalty.

I'm sorry, but there are some crimes in which the only justifiable punishment for it is to forfeit your own life. Mostly for taking the lives of others. There's no way you can't tell me guys like Ted Bundy, John Wayne Gacy (Killer Clown), Richard Ramirez (Night Stalker), John Allen Muhammad (DC Sniper) didn't earn the volts or juice they got.

It seems wild that people use the Bible to argue against it, when there are many verses that showed people should be executed for WAY LESS crimes than murder; people were getting put to death for adultery (which is still punishable by death in Saudi Arabia) in that thing, for fuck's sake. I'm not going that far, but it IS worth noting.

My issue with the US version of capital punishment is the appeals process is too damn slow and convoluted; there's no way guys should be sitting on Death Row for decades; I think that once a person is condemned to die, they should be given five years max and a special appeal division of lawyers at their disposal to either: 1) prove their innocence or 2) get the sentence commuted based on the nature of the crime. Like, someone who kills someone in an armed robbery shouldn't be sentenced to death, but someone who multilates or race-related killers (Dylan Roof) should go down.

I also find it weird when people say the US capital punishment system is barbaric. Clearly, they don't know shit about capital punishment in Middle Eastern countries and China.

Just to compare: the US has only four (4) offenses that are punishable by death: murder, treason, espionage, and trafficing drug in mass quantites (and no one's ever gotten a death sentence for that). China has 65 offenses that will get you executed, and most of them are victimless offenses, like corruption or trafficking more than 10g of heroin into the country. Plus, their appeal process is 30 days. That's it.
"Murder is wrong!"

Unless you have a group of people who agree someone should die. Hypocritical af.
The death penalty is not a good solution as it appears to be linked to higher crime rates. Rehabilitation is better for communities and in states without the death penalty we see lower murder rates.

Say no to the death penalty.
Points For Capital Punishment:

  1. It helps the victims' families achieve closure.

  2. The death penalty deters crime.
  3. Execution prevents the accused from committing further crimes.
  4. The death penalty should apply as punishment for first-degree murder; an eye for an eye.
5. Execution helps alleviate the overcrowding of prisons.

1. No, it gives them a sense of satisfaction that the person is dead, but closure never happens.
2. The death penalty has never deterred anything. If it did, there wouldn't be anyone on death row.
3. While true, most people convicted of a crime that could possibly get one the death penalty have an extremely low recidivism rate anyways so this isn't really a good argument.
4. See #3.
5. So few people are on death row that when they're killed it doesn't alleviate anything. Stop locking people up for non-violent, petty crimes and get them some social services and you'll free up thousands of beds immediately.
I’m only for the death penalty when it comes to crimes against kids.
I feel the same way, no one should die except for pedos! Mostly cuz there is no cure for sexual desire. Yes actions can be controlled but sexual desire cannot be changed.

However murder is murder. And life in prison is the most horrid torture a human can endure being caged like an animal.
I feel the same way, no one should die except for pedos! Mostly cuz there is no cure for sexual desire. Yes actions can be controlled but sexual desire cannot be changed.

However murder is murder. And life in prison is the most horrid torture a human can endure being caged like an animal.

Chemical castration
Only if its public stonings or hangings...

People need to see death in my opinion to be so quick to rush a person of to it....

The only reason I don't like capitol punishment, cuz I don't like the idea of an unaccountable death...

Regardless of a persons wrongs,, if the decision to kill a person is made some one should carry the burden of taking them out....

It shouldn't be done by the state,, and if it is, then it should be carried out.... Violently..... In front of a fairly large public audience...

We should never have such a disconnect to what death really is....
Still feel the same way.

The decision should be on the family of the victims, not the government.

And they should be present to watch.
Watch the documentary: Inside Death Row with Trevor McDonald. There's a guy in it who killed 2 old ladies when he was 13 while tryna rob them. He was given a 120 year sentence, 0 chance of parole. He rehabilitated himself in conditions where rehabilitation wasn't the goal of his captors, all self guided. Educated himself despite having no chance of applying it in society. Amazing story, made me want to save him with a ring n I was one of those who believe "life sentences with no parole should be the rule of thumb for killings" people.
But he killed 2 ppl
I feel the same way, no one should die except for pedos! Mostly cuz there is no cure for sexual desire. Yes actions can be controlled but sexual desire cannot be changed.

However murder is murder. And life in prison is the most horrid torture a human can endure being caged like an animal.

This I don't agree with. They need extremely intense therapy but it can be undone. It's brought about because of a childhood event that associates sexuality with other children that the individual never let go of. Get to the root of the problem and you can get rid of an unhealthy attraction to kids.
This I don't agree with. They need extremely intense therapy but it can be undone. It's brought about because of a childhood event that associates sexuality with other children that the individual never let go of. Get to the root of the problem and you can get rid of an unhealthy attraction to kids.
Idk, I think I need more case studies or something to believe that would work.