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School Fight Between White Teacher and Black Student

1.) If your patient really injures you to the point you’re no longer able to give care… then you are both screwed. So you’d better NOT let that happen!

2.) When you come under attack, whether the patient is knowingly and willingly doing it… or their medical condition is causing them to unknowingly do it… you have every right and responsibility to protect yourself from harm.

3.) Legally, the precedent you must follow, is simple. You are permitted to use the force that is reasonably necessary to keep yourself from being harmed… but NO MORE than the force that is reasonably necessary to keep yourself from being harmed. (i.e. if the patient is wrestling you, that’s not the time to step back, grab a chair and bash their skull in… you must keep your response proportional to the danger.)

4.) During your training, and during your clinicals, you will get exposure to problems such as you’ve described. Each institution has its own policies and procedures for the PREVENTION of this kind of violence, and the MITIGATION of this kind of violence. Also, veteran caregivers who have experience dealing with combative patients will share advice with you.

5.) Nobody in medicine, from the lowest EMT, to the most renowned physician, is an island unto themselves. There’s nothing new under the sun. As a nurse, you’ll be functioning as PART OF A TEAM.

6.) Therefore, YOUR MISSION as a prospective nurse, needs to be to be CONSTANTLY learning from your first day of training, all the way through your retirement, from your fellow caregivers and supporting employees (including hospital security).

7.) Your personal safety, is a matter that IS covered in the training process, as are the legal and ethical duties and responsibilities you’ll carry out. Pay attention in training. Because while I can tell you, “YES, you MAY defend yourself from harm”, it will be those who teach you your profession, who teach you all of the nuances of that very over-simplified statement, as it applies to your profession.

you cant hit or knockout patients fucking idiots
I guess I just grew up in a different era.

I told y'all before about my 7th grade English teacher Mr Hess that smashed a students face against the blackboard because he was being an insubordinate fuck-up. Even though the kid's father was the vice principal, nothing happened to Mr Hess and the kid was suspended for a day.

A year or two after I graduated, one of the science teachers got into a fight with a couple of students. They jumped him over some words between the teacher and one of the dudes in the classroom. He fought back but ended up lumped up and bleeding. Teacher kept his job, them niggas took a trip to county.
again, as a teacher you cannot fight kids. thats like a caretaker fighting their client.

either maintain a certain level of professionalism or bounce
And this is why I’m further grateful you has no standing in the education industry.

There is a law for this. As an educator, you have the power to defend yourself physically from student attacks.

Perhaps you should read the laws on this.

And this is why I’m further grateful you has no standing in the education industry.

There is law for this. As an educator, you have the power to defend yourself physically from student attacks.

Perhaps you should read the laws on this.

yo you really are dumb as shit. i know the law pertraining to every day ppl in the world in regards to self defense.

however there is a code of conduct teachers should follow. i guess you missed that lesson when you were caping for rapist cosby and kelly

take a break sir. you havent been the same since trying to get me banned last month
yo you really are dumb as shit. i know the law pertraining to every day ppl in the world in regards to self defense.

however there is a code of conduct teachers should follow. i guess you missed that lesson when you were caping for rapist cosby and kelly

take a break sir. you havent been the same since trying to get me banned last month
You’ve proven you don’t know shit. While there is a code of conduct educators should follow (and I would know a fuckload more than you what that code is), that code does not entail getting beat on by anyone, youth included.

And you damn near banned yourself, being your usual rash and silly ass ignorance-laden self.

How the fuck are you arguing case law?
You’ve proven you don’t know shit. While there is a code of conduct educators should follow (and I would know a fuckload more than you what that code is), that code does not entail getting beat on by anyone, youth included.

And you damn near banned yourself, being your usual rash and silly ass ignorance-laden self.

How the fuck are you arguing case law?

you dont know shit and thats why niggas been intellectually tagging your ass all day.

i never said the code of conduct allows children to beat on teachers. i said it doesnt grant permission to educators to fight children.

“hitting back may seem justified, but it opens up the teacher and school district to bigger problems. the student who hits a teacher falls under different laws protecting school personnel, however the teacher hitting back, even when most feel it to be justified, often nullifies those law’s applicability and causes the teacher to be eligible for assault charges.”

should a kid hit a teacher? fuck no but i expect a kid to act like a kid not a teacher to stoop down to their level.

when you really care about your students or the youth in general, you dont behave this way AT ALL
lets be clear.

teaching in philly i dealt with A LOT but i always reminded myself my students were grappling with much more and dont have the perceptive and/or analytical skills to handle shit the same way i do in adulthood.

you lack patience? dont be a teacher.

you lack empathy? dont be a teacher.

if youre ill tempered ? dont be a teacher.

its simple.

I worked with the school syestem in my hometown. Def got a different perspective on so called “bad kids” its hard to concentrate on grades and learning when you dont know where u gonna sleep when the bell rings. Wjen you look at school as a place where you know you have a roof and get at least 2 meals.

man it was so taxing emotionally

I worked with the school syestem in my hometown. Def got a different perspective on so called “bad kids” its hard to concentrate on grades and learning when you dont know where u gonna sleep when the bell rings. Wjen you look at school as a place where you know you have a roof and get at least 2 meals.

man it was so taxing emotionally

exactly 🤍
Thing is shit like teachers and nurses you can’t fight them folks unless they bout to kill you. But fuck that teacher he wanted to start some shit
More schools are now teaching what we call in my district "Helping Hands not Felony Fist" toss in avoiding County Kicks, Jailhouse Jabs, and Penitentiary Punches... restraint holds need to be taught to all schools
I don't believe any of y'all you don't fight kids people will just let one of these lil mf'ers pound on you. Other kids see that and they're gonna test you next

You act like getting pounded on is the only option. Look at like getting into it with a woman. You ain’t gonna knock her out but you ain’t gonna let her whoop you
Ehhh protect yourself at all times if little Markus want to play man games you win man prizes.

Also before you weak wrist niggas go at me. The student started the fight so he get what comes with it

Damn so a cracker can say whatever but the kid is wrong

So I'm a doctor and disgruntled person starts swinging cuz he didn't like his bill. I'm suppose to just hope my bob and weave game is A1.

No. I'm breaking his jaw, then wire it shut to heal

Bruh you missed the point. Plus when the hell have you seen a doctor throw a punch in the hospital what y’all even on?
I guess I just grew up in a different era.

I told y'all before about my 7th grade English teacher Mr Hess that smashed a students face against the blackboard because he was being an insubordinate fuck-up. Even though the kid's father was the vice principal, nothing happened to Mr Hess and the kid was suspended for a day.

A year or two after I graduated, one of the science teachers got into a fight with a couple of students. They jumped him over some words between the teacher and one of the dudes in the classroom. He fought back but ended up lumped up and bleeding. Teacher kept his job, them niggas took a trip to county.

You from that era where knocking a kid to sleep was cool tho we not.
Real question y’all say all the time how niggas saying crazy shit to you can get them hurt. Teacher said crazy shit and what happened? Y’all in here caping for crackers from the fucking South. Wyd is wrong with y’all
And this is why I’m further grateful you has no standing in the education industry.

There is a law for this. As an educator, you have the power to defend yourself physically from student attacks.

Perhaps you should read the laws on this.

Nah b fuk actual laws.

That Taekwondo Instructor she refenced is the authority on self defense law.................. :hahaha:
Yall wild with the fantasies. What kind of teacher tells a kid that he gonna be another black boy dead in the street?!

How about you dont verbally assault children and avoid having to "defend" yourself entirely.

What the teacher said was really fucked up but nah

you don't get to go around putting your hands on people cause they said some shit that you didnt like.. I mean you can but you gotta be ready to deal with whatever consequences come with that shit.

Not everybody about to play with you just cause you a kid. Especially when you old enough to know better.

I said it in a thread similar to this: If you a child then stay in a childs place, don't step to me like a man trying to fight me because then ima treat you like one.
you dont know shit and thats why niggas been intellectually tagging your ass all day.

i never said the code of conduct allows children to beat on teachers. i said it doesnt grant permission to educators to fight children.

“hitting back may seem justified, but it opens up the teacher and school district to bigger problems. the student who hits a teacher falls under different laws protecting school personnel, however the teacher hitting back, even when most feel it to be justified, often nullifies those law’s applicability and causes the teacher to be eligible for assault charges.”

If you aren’t a teacher and haven’t been in those situations, all you have is bullshit assumptions to go off of.

Ive been there. And have been forced into defending myself from students. And never faced discipline for it because I was justified in used physicality to prevent them from legit harming me.

This is why I say GO TEACH…then you’ll learn.
Lol..I started the fight, but this nigga hit me back..is what I’m getting

why is this a controversy..my highschool principal used to riot stick niggaz, and don’t let the resource officer catch you, you eating a few
What third world nation did you attend school at?