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RIP Kevin Samuels

There's a difference between telling hard truths and being flat out ignorant and disrespectful.

Some people in here are just being purposely obtuse.

There is telling hard truths bluntly and then there is trying your best to humiliate someone because that's what sells. I'm sure everyone on here knows good and well, Samuels was doing the latter.

All that said, I'm not sure why some hate him so much. It's not like he was on the street doing that to random people. People chose to call in knowing what he was about, so they got what they asked for.
For those who want keep pushing the "he didn't get fame when he was only insulting Black men" yall don't think it's a sign of a problem that he was able to gain fame and monetize shitting on Black women the way he was? If those are the main videos of his that went viral and that those same male listeners he previously insulted felt compelled to share and push then that actually points to a bigger problem about someone capitalizing on demeaning Black women. That don't stand out to yall as something that shouldn't be a thing at all?

He insulted Black men and women at the same time.

I mean the whole concept of "high value man" is an insult to 99 percent of men.

You think the men that watched Kevin Samuels were high value men, they were average dusty dudes and everyday Kevin Samuels pretty much said you all deserve nothing but the worst of the worst. How many Black men you think make 6 figures? How many Black men you think have a college education? How many Black men have advanced degrees? How many Black men have a passport?

Kevin Samuels shitted on Black men by default when he would go on and on about high value men, most high value men that meet the qualifications of Kevin Samuels gave are White and Asian. Shit, then genuinely attractive women Kevin Samuels would go on and on about were celebrities.

So basically, Black folks were watching a man who put on an image of success talk about shit that 90 percent of us will never ever experience or have. So why Black men didn't get upset when Kevin Samuels told them they ain't shit and ain't gonna get a good woman?

The real reason why nobody freaked out when Kevin Samuels would rail on how a majority Black men ain't shit is because Black men been said they ain't shit since the beginning of time and there's no political philosophy or sociological movement that highlights Black male experience. We used to being told we ain't gonna do shit and ain't gonna accomplish shit and ain't gonna have shit. That's fucking Tuesday.

And on top of that, men in general are just used to being insulted and criticized. We don't fall apart and create campaigns when we get insulted.

Kevin Samuels in reality, insulted 99 percent of the Black community and but the cape got thrown on for Black women because women ain't supposed to get talked to like how Kevin Samuels talked to them.
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Sometimes it's not what you say it's how you say it. The first and only full video I ever watched of his was when had a man on his show and he was asking about the size of is dick...completely turned me off. Never got too deep into his videos or message after that.

Condolences to his children though...
He insulted Black men and women at the same time.

I mean the whole concept of "high value man" is an insult to 99 percent of men.

You think the men that watched Kevin Samuels were high value men, they were average dusty dudes and everyday Kevin Samuels pretty much said you all deserve nothing but the worst of the worst. How man Black men you think make 6 figures? How many Black men you think have a college education? How many Black men have advanced degrees? How many Black men have a passport?

Kevin Samuels shitted on Black men by default when he would go on and on about high value men, most high value men that meet the qualifications of Kevin Samuels gave are White and Asian. Shit, then genuinely attractive women Kevin Samuels would go on and on about were celebrities.

So basically, Black folks were watching a man who put on an image of success talk about shit that 90 percent of us will never ever experience or have. So why Black men didn't get upset when Kevin Samuels told them they ain't shit and ain't gonna get a good woman?

The real reason why nobody freaked out when Kevin Samuels would rail on how a majority Black men ain't shit is because Black men been said they ain't shit since the beginning of time and there's no political philosophy or sociological movement that highlights Black male experience. We used to being told we ain't gonna do shit and ain't gonna accomplish shit and ain't gonna have shit. That's fucking Tuesday.

And on top of that, men in general are just used to being insulted and criticized. We don't fall apart and create campaigns when we get insulted.

Kevin Samuels in reality, insulted 99 percent of the Black community and but the cape got thrown on for Black women because women ain't supposed to get talked to like how Kevin Samuels talked to them.

Men have spent the past few years creating shit like MGTOW and propping up people like Kevin Samuels, talking about being an "alpha male", men's rights movements and campaigns and all sorts of other shit in response to being insulted. So you're wrong in saying men don't fall apart and start shit when they're insulted
Men have spent the past few years creating shit like MGTOW and propping up people like Kevin Samuels, talking about being an "alpha male", men's rights movements and campaigns and all sorts of other shit in response to being insulted. So you're wrong in saying men don't fall apart and start shit when they're insulted

MGTOW isn't mainstream and itself is ridiculed. It's not even a coherent and consistent philosophy.

Feminism is mainstream. It's taught in schools. It's the defacto gender philosophy. You can get a whole degree in studying gender. They got thousands of organizations being feed millions of dollars to accomplish its goals. Men have nothing close to feminism.

And like I said, why would men prop up a guy like Kevin Samuels when he says most of them, especially Black men don't meet his standards of being high value men and men don't fall apart and cry all over social media.

Men are used to being insulted, being told they don't measure up, being told they need to do better.

Women aren't.
MGTOW isn't mainstream and itself is ridiculed. It's not even a coherent and consistent philosophy.

Feminism is mainstream. It's taught in schools. It's the defacto gender philosophy. You can get a whole degree in studying gender. They got thousands of organizations being feed millions of dollars to accomplish its goals. Men have nothing close to feminism.

And like I said, why would men prop up a guy like Kevin Samuels when he says most of them, especially Black men don't meet his standards of being high value men and men don't fall apart and cry all over social media.

Men are used to being insulted, being told they don't measure up, being told they need to do better.

Women aren't.

A huge part of how society is run is based on how men feel and not hurting mens feelings and our masculinity. So yeah being as thats the default then anything other will need to be taught to people. And we are seeing in real time the reaction to people who arent men trying to take autonomy over their own body and general existence with regular rights.

Ask the niggas who call him Godfather why they propped him up because as you said they're riding for a person who was consistently telling them they ain't shit. As for the last part...there's billion dollar industries that thrive on making women feel like they're not good enough. Make up industry, fitness, plastic surgery, fashion, music, movies/tv...basically every tenant of society is based on consistently telling all people they ain't shit women included. So that's just a flat out bad observation.
Didn’t really follow the man, much, aside from clips being shared.
From what I could tell… early videos he made, he would put that mirror up for people that needed it. He made a few good points. He was kinda funny, but he wasn’t cruel about it.

Then once he really got poppin, he leaned too hard into his “gimmick” and his show became about making viral moments. And the nigcels(lol) ate that shit up. Came off too “try hard” to me tho.

Delusional women trying to find their 15 minutes, called in thinking they were gonna be “the one” to get over on him, bear some responsibility for how that shit turned out, too.

I won’t lose no sleep over this. He was like a black Jordan Peterson, to me. Said a few basic, surface level things, that had dudes propping them up like some kinda life coach/father figure. And I find their stans to be more obnoxious than they actually are/were.

But RIP anyway.
Lotta y'all are laughing about how Kevin going mainstream could've had long-term ramifications, but think about this.

Outside of social media, when have you ever seen an article or news segment about redpill/mgtow........or whatever you want to call it on mainstream media?

Has Vice even covered it?

Wonder why?

Because the few times it got covered..........it spread so fast that they decided not to cover it anymore.

Strangely enough, some aspects have still managed to filter their way to the mainstream.

Remember that CNN report about young males deciding to opt-out of college........and them trying to figure out why they were doing it?

Or how women complain about how so many men are more focused on playing video games than getting married/relationships?

Or how a lot of men have opted out of the workforce altogether and decided to just live on the bare minimum?

Where do you think that comes from?

Most of you have no idea because you're not familiar with the space, but those are all by-products of red-pill ideology.

Even given the fact that most of the people who've embraced this type of lifestyle have never even heard of anything even remotely related to it.

They're just responding/reacting to what they're seeing and observing in society and/or their environment.
For those who want keep pushing the "he didn't get fame when he was only insulting Black men" yall don't think it's a sign of a problem that he was able to gain fame and monetize shitting on Black women the way he was?
Or that no one cares about black men getting insulted and once he brought that energy to the women it became a “problem”?
Or that no one cares about black men getting insulted and once he brought that energy to the women it became a “problem”?

So you're saying he was able to monetize anger towards black women because he knew nobody gave a fuck about Black men? Neither of those are good things. You're trying to make a battle out of something where both sides are being shitted on
A huge part of how society is run is based on how men feel and not hurting mens feelings and our masculinity. So yeah being as thats the default then anything other will need to be taught to people. And we are seeing in real time the reaction to people who arent men trying to take autonomy over their own body and general existence with regular rights.

Ask the niggas who call him Godfather why they propped him up because as you said they're riding for a person who was consistently telling them they ain't shit. As for the last part...there's billion dollar industries that thrive on making women feel like they're not good enough. Make up industry, fitness, plastic surgery, fashion, music, movies/tv...basically every tenant of society is based on consistently telling all people they ain't shit women included. So that's just a flat out bad observation.

Men's masculinity get hurt everyday. Men thatget half of they shit taken in court. Men who can't see their children. Men who are 30 plus earning minimum wage. Men who get incarcerated. Men get hurt, bruised, beaten down and shut up and deal with it. We don't ask questions. We don't try to fix it. We say that's the way it is and move on.

And also, there are as many pro-life women as men. The idea that anti-abortion is a man thing isn't true. Plenty of women who pro-life.

And I am talking interpersonally. Women don't get told straight up by another person, they have a stank attitude and they gonna die alone. People handle women with kid gloves when it comes to direct communication.

Women don't get criticize like that, men do. That's why half of Kevin Samuels fanbase were women, and he had plenty of conversations, with Black, White, Latina women that weren't just "you ain't shit conversations'".

People liked Kevin Samuels because he was honest and direct. If you looked frumpy, you most likely ain't gonna get a man that makes 6 figures. If you broke, you ain't gonna get a Rihanna look alike. He wasn't gonna lie to you.

The oh my god, why he talk to a Black woman like thing that blew him up was how he talked to everybody.
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good commentary

Damn, dude just bit Oshay's whole style.

Even down to the skullcap.

Also, I'd be interested to see what the autopsy report says.

Sounds suspect to me, but dude is right.

He didn't move like he was talking.

Hope he didn't caught slipping, but.........if he did.........that should give people an idea of the extent to which so many women hated him.
They saying this is the woman Kevin was with


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