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Revisiting the whole Pound cake speech. A long read. Lets end this.

or how about having self respect?

now grown man should have pants under his ass like hes 15.

but let you tell it....all this is bills problem for not saying something about white supremacy.
Is sagging pants the reason why black people are targeted?
It's just as useless when we say it as average folks, but the fact that people put more weight on Cosby's words because of who he is makes it particularly important to point out that he's preaching from a place that is lightyears removed from the struggle.

I'm not saying people who are breaking the law to feed themselves are doing the best thing, but I'll be dammed if I tell a man he doesn't have the right to do what he sees is in his best interest. Freedom. Liberty. The pursuit of happiness.

I work two jobs and go to school. I'm part of a writing club in my city. I'm involved in music projects with local artists. But I was also recently struggling with addiction, going through my own personal hell, and I brought my parents through it with me. I know how it is to be in that position and not have the capacity to fix your life on your own. With that wisdom, I can't reasonably condone the tone and approach of Bill's speech.

Also, while I disagree with 5th Letter about white cosigns always being a bad sign, I think the fact that Bill was addressing a white audience is important to keep in mind.
i want to come back to something here.....

bill grew up in a time in philly where it was really bad. a time when white people were bold enough to whip your ass just because it was 2:17pm.

he grew up in a struggle we are fortunate enough to not see. because of him and other who helped pave the way to our freedoms.

so to say he is far removed from the struggle....i think we dont know what a true struggle is.....even if you think its tough now....it was 10x as bad like 60 yrs ago when people was still getting lynched.
No one is in denial. Neither was Bill when he gave that speech, BUT:

Whitey didn't make you go sell drugs
Whitey didn't make you fuck without any form of birth control
Whitey didn't make you drop out of school
Whitey didn't make you pick up a gun and kill someone
Whitey didn't make you rob that liquor store
Whitey didn't force you to join a gang
Whitey didn't force you to sell ass
Whitey didn't put the needle in your arm or put the pipe to your lips
Whitey didn't keep you from picking up a trade
Whitey didn't stop you from going to college
Whitey didn't force you to go broke buying overly expensive stupid shit

This is all shit we did to ourselves. So when Bill put it out there and said "stop blaming the white man", he was dead-on accurate.
But white supremacy created the environment that forced men to sell drugs and rob and for the women to sell their bodies due to a lack of resources.
I don't believe that everyone has that ability. Some people can't do it on their own - they're not at that point in life yet. Of the people who do have that physical and mental strength to change their circumstances, there is a wide degree of variation between people. Some people have very little means to change their lives while others have the power to change the world.

EVERYONE has the ability to change their situation, that ain't the problem. The problem boils down to laziness.

The tools are in front of you, but are you willing to utilize them to pull yourself out of poverty or are you just gonna sit off until someone else does it for you? 'Cause if it's the latter, you'll always be in poverty 'cause ain't nobody trying to help someone that's unwilling to help themselves.
But white supremacy created the environment that forced men to sell drugs and rob and for the women to sell their bodies due to a lack of resources.
what did the slaves do? and the newly free slaves do?
was black wall street built on drug money like miami?

so white people can set the trap...and we too dumb to not fall for it, is what your saying?

so you calling us stupid?

now i see why the cops can drop of boxcars full of guns and watch us kill each other.....we too damn stupid to not do it.
and no one is saying you have to get rich....but most of yall can better ya lives....

like i once said....niggas dont want to start a cupcake company...because its not the business owner image they want to project.
what did the slaves do? and the newly free slaves do?
was black wall street built on drug money like miami?

so white people can set the trap...and we too dumb to not fall for it, is what your saying?

so you calling us stupid?

now i see why the cops can drop of boxcars full of guns and watch us kill each other.....we too damn stupid to not do it.
Address my point sir. What does any of that have to do with the price of tea in China?
Shit is wild cause I ain't even the nigga to criticize drug dealers but I know the shit a choice and I know when the truth about people fucking up is being spoken.

Even if I don't like the truth I have to respect it.
Nobody is forced to do none of that shit.

Yes they did create the environment where some people feel that is their best CHOICE to get money and get ahead.

The shit is still a choice though
So how about the resources that were taken out of the communities? Were those CHOICES too? Black people used to be able to learn a trade in high school and then get a job and be set. All the factory jobs were gone, then you had racists that refused to hire blacks is that a choice also?
Shit is wild cause I ain't even the nigga to criticize drug dealers but I know the shit a choice and I know when the truth about people fucking up is being spoken.

Even if I don't like the truth I have to respect it.
You reading to respond not to understand.
But white supremacy created the environment that forced men to sell drugs and rob and for the women to sell their bodies due to a lack of resources.

Those people made a CHOICE to sell drugs and ass. Please explain the people that go out and work 2-3 jobs and hustle working on cars on the weekend, shoveling snow, and cuttin grass to provide for their families instead of selling drugs to do the same? My wife's moms used to clean white folks' houses on the weekends to make ends meet when my wife was a kid. She would take her with her so they could knock out the jobs faster. Shit, when I was broke I could always throw sounds in niggas cars to get some food up in the crib. Legal hustles always been around. The hood got shade tree/alley mechanics and niggas that can fix everything from your heater to the plumbing and everything in between.

The option to do right is always present. Whether you do right or do something illegal is a CHOICE that YOU make on your own.
So how about the resources that were taken out of the communities? Were those CHOICES too? Black people used to be able to learn a trade in high school and then get a job and be set. All the factory jobs were gone, then you had racists that refused to hire blacks is that a choice also?

Yes they were choices made by racists to fuck over black people. Some black people after that and before that CHOSE a life of crime to get by.

You know what some people did after the factory jobs were removed? They CHOSE to educate themselves for desk and/or white collar work.

Yes its a choice to do crime regardless of the reasons for a person committing said crime.
So how about the resources that were taken out of the communities? Were those CHOICES too? Black people used to be able to learn a trade in high school and then get a job and be set. All the factory jobs were gone, then you had racists that refused to hire blacks is that a choice also?

and depending on where you live they still can learn a trade in high school.