Pro-Choice or Pro-Life?

Pro Life or Pro Choice?

  • Pro Life

    Votes: 3 20.0%
  • Pro Choice

    Votes: 12 80.0%

  • Total voters
If what Miss K posted is correct, then life begins during fertilization. So even at week one you would be killing a living human.
Missk misinterpreted the information in the article she linked. It said that the fertilization marks the beginning of human life, not personhood. A person is a living being i.e. a person with a brain, an embryo is a potential person, it's the human equivalent of a seed.
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You are robbing a child a chance at a life.
I've had my personal experiences when it came to abortions and shit that I don't care to discuss with anyone. Knowing what could come from it. I can't kill a baby, fetus, something that is inside of me regardless if it has a nervous system or not. Yea it may not "suffer" but you're still killing it. It's fucked up.
robbing a child of a life to me is the example i posted earlier...a mother killing her kids in the tub or something

but how can you kill something that isnt aware it exists in the first place?
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robbing a child of a life to me is the example i posted earlier...a mother killing her kids in the tub or something

but how can you kill something that isnt aware it exists in the first place?

The fact is it does exist.
damn Kandy quit? lol
so does a female who doesnt have the means just continue to take care of a child b/c its wrong to terminate?

I fucking hate this rationale.

You know you don't have the means to take care of a child BEFORE you laid down w/ that person.
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Missk misinterpreted the information in the article she linked. It said that the fertilization marks the beginning of human life, not personhood. A person is a living being i.e. a person with a brain, an embryo is a potential person, it's the human equivalent of a seed.

Is a cell not a living thing? Just because it has not developed other viable organs yet.
So by Goldie's definition this is still a living thing (human albeit early early stages) being murdered.

This argument can go into what makes a human...the brain as you say, the soul, etc.

This is not a debate on murder but more so each individual definition of life and what makes a life
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Niggas are pro-life until the baby is born.

Then they cant be bothered by it anymore.
Especially when it comes to medicare, clothing, safe food, clean water, adequate shelter, quality education the list goes on.


I mean God forbid the baby is chronically ill, or gay, or trans, or undocumented, or poor because peoples morals and all that pro-life rhetoric goes right out the window once they grow of age.

You worship an unborn fetus but don't give a shit about what happens to it once its born.
Some of yall said trans people shouldn't use the bathroom of their ID sex but youre pro-life? lmao stop.
You infringe on peoples rights and hold town-hall meetings about whether or not certain marginalized groups deserve certain rights BUT youre pro-life?
All these kids in orphanages---------who are adopting these kids? the adoption system is grizzly. So many kids get lost in the system day in and day out. "Just put them up for up adoption" and then what?
are you adopting these kids? do you know any families willing to adopt these kids? like come on.

are you even donating to adoption centers? lol

people are pro-life until the baby is born then you look away and continue about your business
....while they are denied resources and left to fend for themselves in this world.

YEAH..... NO
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Saw a thread by a woman with terminal cancer on Reddit. She wants to give birth before she dies, the husband (who'd then be raising 2 kids on his own) does not and wants her to have an abortion for the sake of him and the existing child.

"Yesterday at 15 weeks pregnant I sat in my doctors office with my partner and father of my toddler (age2). For two years I have been complaining of horrible pain inside my bones, only to have doctors tell me it was mental. Well, turns out at 24 I have stage three bone cancer, the doctor told me to terminate my pregnancy so they can give me chemo so I have maybe two extra years tops....I said no. When we got in the car my partner wouldn't look at me, then when we got home he blew up and started screaming about how selfish I am. I feel horrible, I regret it. But I hit him, I've never physically hurt someone my entire life but I just snapped, I started screaming at him too. He looked so shocked and hurt and I feel horrible. He packed his bag and went to a friend, I don't want to kill my baby, and I don't want to die. But I will not let my children remember me as some sickly woman who wasted away. I'm scared, I'm angry, and I am going to miss so much I've been up since yesterday..I haven't told my mother..he won't answer my phone calls..I feel so alone. I just want to bring this baby into the world, even if it's thel last thing I do. Is it wrong?"

What are your thoughts on that scenario, those who think men should have a say?

He should have a say...but in that situation I would've supported her.

My dad raised me and my sis by himself after my mama passed. Was it hard for him? Of course. But he also had a family that helped him as well. It's gonna be hard regardless of its just one child or two.
He should have a say...but in that situation I would've supported her.

My dad raised me and my sis by himself after my mama passed. Was it hard for him? Of course. But he also had a family that helped him as well. It's gonna be hard regardless of its just one child or two.
Yeah idk what I think about that situation. She's dying while pregnant with a very wanted child, and that's horrible, but he's also gonna be the one raising those 2 kids while grieving. That's devastating.

Your father is a strong man.
Yeah idk what I think about that situation. She's dying while pregnant with a very wanted child, and that's horrible, but he's also gonna be the one raising those 2 kids while grieving. That's devastating.

Your father is a strong man.

That's where having that strong family support comes in.

It does take a village to raise a child. B/c one thing you will never hear me say, is that my family hasn't been there for us. My Dad made sure we got the things we needed and wanted.
but not everyone has a strong support system lol
esp in this day n age. we in an atomized society.

back in the day n in most of the world, extended family is like immediate family. u got aunts n uncles n cousins 2x removed willing to raise each others kids n growing up in close proximity to one another. has its pros n cons but i def see the value in the village raising a kid idea
Pro-choice, the baby can be aborted to about the 6 month mark. During the 7th month they can survive outside of the womb, as a premature baby.

During the 7th month it is negligence or due to a life threatening risk.

As for the chemo woman on the first page, carrying to term or aborting will be rough on her system. She also has to make the long-term decision that he may hate the child for losing out on more years with her. Tough situation all around.
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Pro-choice, the baby can be aborted to about the 6 month mark. During the 7th month they can survive outside of the womb, as a premature baby.

During the 7th month it is negligence or due to a life threatening risk.

As for the chemo woman on the first page, carrying to term or aborting will be rough on her system. She also has to make the long-term decision that he may hate the child for losing out on more years with her. Tough situation all around.
Babies can survive outside the womb at 24 weeks (6 months) sometimes. At that stage, an abortion is also going to be medically similar to birth. If it's for non-medical reasons, may as well just call it an early elective c section.