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Police shooting in west Philly

They give up when the cops take them into custody. As a black man I think we need to give up so that we're not constantly shot and killed, I'll rather fight the charges than fight them and end up being a symbol of police brutality after they kill me.

but why they couldn’t taze him
This guy's sanity is in question to pull such an act so maybe he just wanted to go.

Hoping the cops not administer their gun or only shot once or maybe use a taser is ignorant and naive.

Taser shot might not be accurate and if it connects might be ineffective and one shot might also not stop the guy.

The cops are trained to shoot to kill. They should have shot his legs and hands and kicked the knife away from him. That would have stopped him, both from getting closer and using the knife.

Nuance should be a factor when dealing with these situations, however it seems like it's commonly not reserved for black folks. If you believe so, don't approach a cop whilst brandishing a weapon, giving the cop the opportunity to get drastic.
If you can time and time again bring in white muthafuckas who just killed large amounts of people with an automatic weapons in unharmed... someone with a knife who seemingly hasnt killed anyone, should be brought in unharmed as well...
Gotta read the situation.
You're overgeneralizing and acting based on bad intel. You are correct that there are people with power complexes in the police force. You're also correct that there are racists in the police force. However, I do believe you're underestimating the number of cops that are conditioned to be bad actors and the number of non-black people that are also brutalized by the police. It's 100% true that police brutality disproportionately affects black people. It's also 100% true that police brutality is not just a black problem. Part of the reason some of the dumb white people are against BLM is because they believe it is just a problem for black people, and they don't care. They'll care when its their son or daughter that gets fucked up, and we've actually seen examples of that.
Conditioned to be bad?

Sooo the polar opposite should be an option correct?
while I dont think he meant that literally... do me a favor and dont quote me with @DOS_patos going forward please LOL i'm not tryna be put in a position to defend some of his stances lol
lol Aight. Fair enough.
My stances are valid. Message or messenger?

Cops around the world are doing this shit. And at times color don't even matter.

The cops that do this shit should never feel safe.
So shoot him multiple times to kill?
I just think it’s interesting he didn’t say “unfortunately”. Even though he probably meant to.

nah they didn’t have to kill the dude, but we are talking about a white cop who ordered a black man armed with a knife to drop it. You already know how these cops get down and got itchy fingers so why make it any easier for them?
Yes, I believe people can be conditioned to be good. However, I don't believe there is any police department in the nation where the training conditions cops to be good at their jobs.
You think so?

I just don't believe cops are conditioned to be bad.
It's already inside of you and the badge brings it out.
If you a decent person you will do decent things. If you ain't shit?
You think so?

I just don't believe cops are conditioned to be bad.
It's already inside of you and the badge brings it out.
If you a decent person you will do decent things. If you ain't shit?

Everyone has the potential to do both good and bad things. How much of one versus the other will vary from person to person. By your argument, if good people became cops, they would always do good things. That's not really true. Just read any account from former cops about what they go through. A lot of them do enter the force with good intentions, but police departments use fear and prejudice to essentially turn the cops against the citizens. Here's an example. You can find plenty more, and they pretty much all say the same things.

Everyone has the potential to do both good and bad things. How much of one versus the other will vary from person to person. By your argument, if good people became cops, they would always do good things. That's not really true. Just read any account from former cops about what they go through. A lot of them do enter the force with good intentions, but police departments use fear and prejudice to essentially turn the cops against the citizens. Here's an example. You can find plenty more, and they pretty much all say the same things.

So the cities and towns are employing bullied adults or adults who can be bullied out of their good intentions?

Yet, them same cops coming to bully the oppressed people more than any other community.

All for what ? To be apart of the oppressing force thus thinking you are no longer targeted.....But as most black cops know...Until they know you're a cop....You just a nigga who might die today.
So the cities and towns are employing bullied adults or adults who can be bullied out of their good intentions?

Yet, them same cops coming to bully the oppressed people more than any other community.

All for what ? To be apart of the oppressing force thus thinking you are no longer targeted.....But as most black cops know...Until they know you're a cop....You just a nigga who might die today.

I'm not sure why you're so intent on oversimplying a complicated issue. There is a broad spectrum of people who become cops. I don't really see what purpose is served by trying to pigeonhole them all into a couple extreme cases.
I'm not sure why you're so intent on oversimplying a complicated issue. There is a broad spectrum of people who become cops. I don't really see what purpose is served by trying to pigeonhole them all into a couple extreme cases.
Ya know. You right.

It's only a few bad apples and they spoil the bunch.

You got it.

For now
Ya know. You right.

It's only a few bad apples and they spoil the bunch.

You got it.

For now

lol That's not what I'm saying at all. The majority of cops out there on the streets are corrupted to some extent. The point I'm making is that it's not really a problem with the individuals that become cops. You're making it seem like a bunch of bad people sign up to become police and then go out and become bad police. What I'm saying is that the system itself is bad, and it takes people of all kinds and turns them into vary degrees of bad police. The few that are good typically end up leaving the force because they can't deal with the badness or are run out of the force because they trying to take a stand against the badness.
Butter knife... Like 10 feet back.

Cops were scared.

If I had a gun on someone 10 feet back, I'd shoot in the air or the ground first as a warning first. They lit that man the fuck up.
Butter knife... Like 10 feet back.

Cops were scared.

If I had a gun on someone 10 feet back, I'd shoot in the air or the ground first as a warning first. They lit that man the fuck up.
Bruh they wasn't scared......It was opportunity to get stripes or whatever.

Do they even do warning shots anymore?