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Police shooting in west Philly

which goes to my next question why sign up for a dangerous job and be scared all the time.

The same reason people sign up for the military. Some think it's noble. Some just need a job. Some are legit psychopaths.

To be fair, the conditioning is part of the training, so people are probably worst for after training than they would have been when first joining.
Their lives are on the line too. They are pretty much trained to view everything as a bigger threat than it is, so when someone is actually a threat you can forget about any sort of restraint.

If you can time and time again bring in white muthafuckas who just killed large amounts of people with an automatic weapons in unharmed... someone with a knife who seemingly hasnt killed anyone, should be brought in unharmed as well...
If you can time and time again bring in white muthafuckas who just killed large amounts of people with an automatic weapons in unharmed... someone with a knife who seemingly hasnt killed anyone, should be brought in unharmed as well...
Nah, not the same
If you can time and time again bring in white muthafuckas who just killed large amounts of people with an automatic weapons in unharmed... someone with a knife who seemingly hasnt killed anyone, should be brought in unharmed as well...

I understand the sentiment, but that argument doesn't make much sense to me. A person that just killed people but is not doing nothing threatening is not the same situation as a person who hasn't killed anyone but is actively threatening you. It's probably true that more people in that second scenario could live through that situation than actually do, but we still have to acknowledge that it's a more precarious position for the cops. Dillain Roof got taken to Burger King and that's fucked up, but he also wasn't threatening the cops when they arrived to arrest him.
I understand the sentiment, but that argument doesn't make much sense to me. A person that just killed people but is not doing nothing threatening is not the same situation as a person who hasn't killed anyone but is actively threatening you. It's probably true that more people in that second scenario could live through that situation than actually do, but we still have to acknowledge that it's a more precarious position for the cops. Dillain Roof got taken to Burger King and that's fucked up, but he also wasn't threatening the cops when they arrived to arrest him.

my point was that when the suspect is armed and white... they more often than not find a way to try to de-escalate and find a way disarm the person without ending their life... but when it comes to black folks... its fuck all that and 20+ shots fired.. that's the problem
my point was that when the suspect is armed and white... they more often than not find a way to try to de-escalate and find a way disarm the person without ending their life... but when it comes to black folks... its fuck all that and 20+ shots fired.. that's the problem

Only when dealing with black people.

Policing is unfair, but what ya'll are saying ain't really true. Cops kill blacks disproportionately, but they kill whites too. I've come to believe that as long as we frame this as a black issue, they're never going to do enough to stop it. A lot of white people are protesting on behalf of black people, and that's good, but let's be real, the people in power are never going to make substantive change until they believe people like them are in jeopardy too. The reality is they are. These fucked up cops are menaces to everyone.
Because they not scared.

These cops are not afraid.....They are high on power with a God complex thinking they can decided who lives and dies.

But they don't have it for everyone.

You're overgeneralizing and acting based on bad intel. You are correct that there are people with power complexes in the police force. You're also correct that there are racists in the police force. However, I do believe you're underestimating the number of cops that are conditioned to be bad actors and the number of non-black people that are also brutalized by the police. It's 100% true that police brutality disproportionately affects black people. It's also 100% true that police brutality is not just a black problem. Part of the reason some of the dumb white people are against BLM is because they believe it is just a problem for black people, and they don't care. They'll care when its their son or daughter that gets fucked up, and we've actually seen examples of that.
Policing is unfair, but what ya'll are saying ain't really true. Cops kill blacks disproportionately, but they kill whites too. I've come to believe that as long as we frame this as a black issue, they're never going to do enough to stop it. A lot of white people are protesting on behalf of black people, and that's good, but let's be real, the people in power are never going to make substantive change until they believe people like them are in jeopardy too. The reality is they are. These fucked up cops are menaces to everyone.

what was said that wasnt true? No one in here said they dont kill white people. I said more often than not they de-escalate when the suspect is white as opposed to the damn near instant escalation to violence and lethal force when it comes to black suspects. We both agree that it's disproportionate.

Agreed that folks in power arent gonna make real change until it's at their doorstep... or its put in their face to where they can no longer deny it and have to do something about it. Otherwise... they need to be removed from power
and replaced with someone who will
what was said that wasnt true? No one in here said they dont kill white people. I said more often than not they de-escalate when the suspect is white as opposed to the damn near instant escalation to violence and lethal force when it comes to black suspects. We both agree that it's disproportionate.

Agreed that folks in power arent gonna make real change until it's at their doorstep... or its put in their face to where they can no longer deny it and have to do something about it. Otherwise... they need to be removed from power
and replaced with someone who will

@DOS_patos seems to be saying that this only happens with black people. It doesn't.