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Official Wrestling News Thread

Britt is an AEW OG, Tony needs to respect the pillar. I'm not sure where all the Britt hate is coming from. She is married to everyone's favorite indie darling and doesn't shy away from trying to put on a great match. For someone that I never heard of before AEW, I thought she was one of the few who showed up already prepared for TV. Solid gimmick, pretty decent on the mic, and isn't afraid to get physical. AEW is going to regret it if she ends up in WWE.
She just has to stop wrestling in slow motion. Takes you out the match. Other then that Yeah she is top tier on the mic and has a personality. She just needs to tune up her wrestling outside hardcore matches.
Britt needs to face slightly better competition. Someone that will absolutely show her that being “the best female wrestler in AEW” aint sounding the way she think it do.

That’s like being 40 and still talking about your Pop Warner days…
On the SummerSlam pre-game show, Michael Cole introduced the viewers to Joe Tessitore, who said he is a long time wrestling fan going back to his days in upstate NY. Cole and he said that they watched wrestling on the same station there growing up.

Cole announced that Tessitore will start with the company on September 2nd, calling Monday Night Raw. Cole will move over to Smackdown, which will start on USA on September 13.

Though it wasn't mentioned, Cole and Pat McAfee will be back on Raw when it moves to Netflix next year.
Dave Meltzer calls SummerSlam an 'angle show':

“It was an angle show. If you were watching the show to see great wrestling, it wasn't that.”

“If you were watching to see angles that were predictable - which there's nothing wrong with, I'm in favor of predictable booking. When people say 'it was predictable', I usually say 'it must mean it make sense' - that's what this was."You pretty much could call everything that happened and they did it well. In that sense, I thought it was an easy show to watch for a four hour show, it never lagged, it didn't drag... I enjoyed it."