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Official Wrestling News Thread

They’ve been telling a story with Swerve since last summer. His feud with Hanger was out of admiration and jealousy and in order to prove his worthiness for the world title, he showed how ruthless he could be, if needed. That story is still getting told today.

You focused in on that “non-existent” storyline and then mentioned how at the end of it all, people were cheering for Swerve as a babyface. Like that makes a fuckin difference.

Stone Cold went to Brian Pillman crib, beat up his friends and broke into Pillman’s crib and Pillman pulled out on him?

Yeah, Stone Cold was cheered for even more the next week.

What was your fuckin point?

But yeah, they are telling stories. Want another?

They told a story with Eddie Kingston & Bryan Danielson for MONTHS.

You don’t enjoy these stories. And that’s fine. But stop parroting these out of touch talking points that do nothing but show that you don’t really watch like that or are paying attention to aspects that don’t factor into the quality of the actual product (attendance/ratings).
AEW product still blows TNA and MLW out the water. No comparison if we are being fair.
But what are we comparing? Who can book a bigger venue? Who has more money to spend? I bet TNA actually has better long term booking, and they operate using left overs most of the time. They are closer than they are apart. MLW crowds look just as hype as AEWs... and I bet their booking is better too.
We will see what happens. I still believe it doesn't matter who AEW signs since nothing evolves from it. You will get a bunch of matches with no story built behind them. Think of the big names that went from WWE to AEW. They left WWE with hype or some potential that they could elevate themselves or the promotion they join. Claudio and Danielson don't even have the same glow. It's like when Bret Hart went to wCw and didn't quite seem the same in terms of being a big deal; that is the affect AEW has on free agents.

TK has fumbled a lot. I'm always willing to see if shit changes anytime he brings in a big name tho. Like right now I don't see how he can fumble this Mercedes signing so I'm not gone compare it to the others right out the gate.
I can name atleast 3 other active storylines right now :

Adam Copeland vs Christian
Deonna Purazzo vs Toni Storm
Mark Briscoe vs HoB
Sky Blue & Julia Hart vs Willow & Statlander
Cool Hand Daddy Ang vs Zak Knight

Weekly episodic content has been created around all these angles/storylines that you say don’t exist in AEW. If you don’t enjoy them, just say that.

But don’t say they don’t have ongoing storylines.
They’ve been telling a story with Swerve since last summer. His feud with Hanger was out of admiration and jealousy and in order to prove his worthiness for the world title, he showed how ruthless he could be, if needed. That story is still getting told today.

You focused in on that “non-existent” storyline and then mentioned how at the end of it all, people were cheering for Swerve as a babyface. Like that makes a fuckin difference.

Stone Cold went to Brian Pillman crib, beat up his friends and broke into Pillman’s crib and Pillman pulled out on him?

Yeah, Stone Cold was cheered for even more the next week.

What was your fuckin point?

But yeah, they are telling stories. Want another?

They told a story with Eddie Kingston & Bryan Danielson for MONTHS.

You don’t enjoy these stories. And that’s fine. But stop parroting these out of touch talking points that do nothing but show that you don’t really watch like that or are paying attention to aspects that don’t factor into the quality of the actual product (attendance/ratings).
Okay. But you're wrong, so I don't know what you want to do with that.

Yeah Stone Cold did that shit as a heel. And then he turned face later. Swerve didn't actually turn face so much as fans latched onto Nana and turned him face.

Like why is this shit beyond criticism? You like it and that's cool. But when all indicators are telling you that people who used to watch have started tuning out, you gotta be willing to investigate as to why. The problem here is that people are very clearly stating why they are tuning out, and Tony is ignoring them and often times doubling down on the shit.

They don't tell compelling stories. Better? And if they don't improve that aspect of their show, all indications are showing that they will continue to do worse business. And eventually those business indicators will impact their ability to do business. Rather that's losing their TV deal, cutting talent, or something else.
Okay. But you're wrong, so I don't know what you want to do with that.

Yeah Stone Cold did that shit as a heel. And then he turned face later. Swerve didn't actually turn face so much as fans latched onto Nana and turned him face.

Like why is this shit beyond criticism? You like it and that's cool. But when all indicators are telling you that people who used to watch have started tuning out, you gotta be willing to investigate as to why. The problem here is that people are very clearly stating why they are tuning out, and Tony is ignoring them and often times doubling down on the shit.

They don't tell compelling stories. Better? And if they don't improve that aspect of their show, all indications are showing that they will continue to do worse business. And eventually those business indicators will impact their ability to do business. Rather that's losing their TV deal, cutting talent, or something else.

Stop the nonsense. Listen to the crowd cheering as Stone Cold pulled up and beat up on Pillmans friends. Austin wasnt a heel at that point dude. He didn’t officially turn heel until WM17 when he aligned with Vince.

If anybody is wrong, it’s you and I’ve given you different examples of how.

Thanks for participating.
I can name atleast 3 other active storylines right now :

Adam Copeland vs Christian
Deonna Purazzo vs Toni Storm
Mark Briscoe vs HoB
Sky Blue & Julia Hart vs Willow & Statlander
Cool Hand Daddy Ang vs Zak Knight

Weekly episodic content has been created around all these angles/storylines that you say don’t exist in AEW. If you don’t enjoy them, just say that.

But don’t say they don’t have ongoing storylines.
Hey, if those are the feuds that they have to highlight, then I stand corrected. Lower midcard titles...
I can name atleast 3 other active storylines right now :

Adam Copeland vs Christian
Deonna Purazzo vs Toni Storm
Mark Briscoe vs HoB
Sky Blue & Julia Hart vs Willow & Statlander
Cool Hand Daddy Ang vs Zak Knight

Weekly episodic content has been created around all these angles/storylines that you say don’t exist in AEW. If you don’t enjoy them, just say that.

But don’t say they don’t have ongoing storylines.
Those aren't storylines. An angle in and of itself is not a story. Having a series of matches is not a story. But like I just said, we can say they don't have compelling stories if the statement is too general.

Stop the nonsense. Listen to the crowd cheering as Stone Cold pulled up and beat up on Pillmans friends. Austin wasnt a heel at that point dude. He didn’t officially turn heel until WM17 when he aligned with Vince.

If anybody is wrong, it’s you and I’ve given you different examples of how.

Thanks for participating.

Okay. I give up. So Stone Cold wasn't a heel there?

So then what the fuck was the double turn at Wrestlemania 13 then? Huh. Greatest double turn ever, arguably the greatest match ever.

Austin was a heel then. Was a heel at Survivor Series in Bret's return match. Was a heel at Royal Rumble when he cheated to win. Like you're objectively wrong and let you persist. Just let it go.
Bray and LA Knight had a storyline leading into that Mt Dew match…and the match was booty buttcheeks.

Exactly. So to say AEW NEED to have good storylines in order to succeed, increase attendance, or whateva is false. B/c the shyt can go either way.

AEW put on GREAT matches. That's all the fans care about. Plus if you haven't noticed by now....AEW doesn't really do the traditional heels vs babyface only feuds. Once you fully realize that, only then you'll begin to focus enjoying those great matches.
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A heel that had the best selling T-Shirt and was gaining the favor of fans off the heels of winning King of The Ring?

He wasn’t a baby face and he wasn’t a heel. To suggest he was a heel is to suggest Brian Pillman as a face…and that’s not the case at all.

But you got it dude.
The problem with these awesome exhibition dream matches is that such a style of booking is not meant for mainstream TV. Also, we already got that era in the indies twenty years ago. RoH, PWG, Puro, CZW, TNA, etc...we already did dream indie/puro matches to death.

When AEW started I thought we were getting that awesome indie talent in an organized product with some long term direction, something DIFFERENT than what the low budget indie companies can offer.

Why is AEW giving me the exact same product I can get at an indie show/TNA/MLW? Billion dollar budget, dollar store product. It makes no sense. Unfortunately WWE caught up and is now using that same indie talent, except without most of the old WWE barriers. Now it's going to be really hard for a show like AEW to thrive on just exhibition matches.

Uhhh folks tired of those matches in AEW?? That's news to me. Especially when muthafuccas are cheering "THIS IS AWESOME!" in a lot of those matches. And all those promotions you mentioned in that era of indy...hardly anybody was watching them. B/c most of them wasn't even being shown on mainstream TV. Or on networks folks didn't even know existed.

So for a die hard indie fan...yes those dream matches are nothin new to you. But for everyone else who wasn't exposed to that, AND just now seeing it on a mainstream TV show like AEW...then yes it's very much new. The fans don't seem to have an issue wit it.
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Those aren't storylines. An angle in and of itself is not a story. Having a series of matches is not a story. But like I just said, we can say they don't have compelling stories if the statement is too general.

Dude, you are seriously trying to tell me that they aren’t telling a story with this Copeland vs Christian shit.

are you serious?
A heel that had the best selling T-Shirt and was gaining the favor of fans off the heels of winning King of The Ring?

He wasn’t a baby face and he wasn’t a heel. To suggest he was a heel is to suggest Brian Pillman as a face…and that’s not the case at all.

But you got it dude.
Or, you're just wrong.

Pilman was a heel. In fact Stone Cold and Pilman were aligned as heels together. That is until Pilman started showing a little too much deference to Bret Hart. Stone Cold, rattlesnake that he was took exception to Pilman showing Bret respect and broke his ankle.

You see. This is a story. With a narrative, and arc. Beginning, middle, and end. Stone Cold was a heel and Bret was a face. The journey they took that ultimately changed that dynamic IS the story. It's precisely what's missing from the vast majority of AEWs feuds.

Hangman vs Omega. Storytelling. Beginning, middle, and end. Hangman vs Swerve. Poor storytelling. There's a beginning, there's an end. But the middle is convoluted and confusing. So while you can enjoy the matches, what AEW needs to improve upon is clearer narrative structures. To compare it to Stone Cold vs Bret only highlights that fact.
Dude, you are seriously trying to tell me that they aren’t telling a story with this Copeland vs Christian shit.

are you serious?
Edge shows up. Edge wants to team with Christian. Christina tells him to go fuck himself. They feud and feud and feud, inexplicably Nick Wayne's mom gets involved. Edge brings out a spiked bat and rediscovers that he's the rated R superstar for the 4th time in the past 3 years.

Like there's a story there. But it's not a  good one. Edge vs Christian doesn't need Nick Wayne and Luchasaurus, it for damn sure doesn't need Nick Wayne's mom. But if you're going to have them involved they should be having more interesting roles to play in the story.
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