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Official Black Web Boxing Corner

Added to Calendar: 05-18-24

Who Wins Tonight?

  • Tank Davis

  • Frank Martin

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They did tho... doesn't take away the fact that there's too many belts

lol I believe the point was that you can't criticize people basking in the benefits of there being too many belts when you did the same thing.

Anyway, people have been saying this for a long time. Think you have to look at it similarly to what other sports do with divisions and conferences. You can be the conference champion, but unless you unify those belts, you ain't he real champion. Hell, they should just make it so pepole have to commit to one belt and then have regular tournaments where the belt holders have to fight it out to see who is the real overall champion. If they did that, at least we know that we'd always be guaranteed to see the best fight the best at some point.