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Movie Night (Official Movie Discussion Thread)

I tried to start rewatching mcu from the beginning about a month ago but as soon as I started running that marathon again just seemed dated and pointless so I stopped.

Reading @Chi-Town B posts restoring the feeling tho.
I tried to start rewatching mcu from the beginning about a month ago but as soon as I started running that marathon again just seemed dated and pointless so I stopped.

Reading @Chi-Town B posts restoring the feeling tho.
The thor movies were kinda a struggle to get through for me

This ultra violent and gory movie about army commando Amrit finding out his true love, Tulika, is engaged against her will, he boards a New Delhi-bound train but is thrown into action mode when he happens upon a gang of bandits was right up my alley and one of my favorite type of genre films. The film let me catch my breathe here and there by adding some moving and reflective moments. The film has style and then some as bloody fights take place in cramped quarters.Great kills throughout. I did have to suspend disbelief a few times as a few situations play out.
I actually enjoy how tragic and some of these India based films are.

Scale of 1 to 10 an 8

Unbelievable !!

PRAISE: Right from the start this movie about a father taking his daughter to the concert of a famous pop star but something sinister is tied to daddy daughter day wants the audience to buy into several things. There have been plenty of real life stories about murderers and serial killers having normal careers and loving families that had no clue what they were up to so no problem there. I thought Josh Hartnett did well as the psycho off balance dad Cooper. With blank stares and quickly fading smiles he gets the character right . As his daughter Riley Ariel Donoghue also is quite good as the ultra fan of pop diva, Lady Raven (Saleka Shyamalan). Director M. Night Shyamalan is able to capture all of the corny parts of a mega star and the masses of fans one has. There are some good planned ahead moments.

PROBLEMS: After the 30 minute mark I started to question several of the story set ups. For example the FBI not doing something that would have made more sense to do from the start. Well know procedures police take in real life in certain situations are clearly forgotten in the script for this movie. By painting a character as someone who is ultra nice and caring Shyamalan paints himself into a corner simultaneously. I started to wonder if a character was a magician because I kept wondering how the character moved so quickly. Something that was supposed to be a huge secret is blatantly obvious. Anyone that has even seen a small glimpse of a concert by a mega pop star can tell that even a person that was so enraptured by the performer would know something is off and be alarmed as the concert was going on. The movie completely forgets a story thread that I actually wanted to know more about. The trailer for this movie was far better than this final product.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 5

Madness !!

PRAISE: I like when I'm watching a movie and about 10 to 15 minutes in I'm trying to figure out what's going on. Presented with the character Gretchen, who's slightly off balance due to some past trauma but functioning is at a setting which seems normal but slowly but surely reveals it's the complete opposite. I think this is always a good path to take in movies with a plot like this. Am I going mad or is everyone else playing a sinister role in everything that's happening? Hunter Schafer does really good here turning in a believable performance. Dan Stevens is really great luring not only the characters in but the viewer as well. It's one of those roles Anthony Hopkins,Malcolm McDowell and Christoph Waltz would have been great as. Writer-director Tilman Singer does some great work here in several stand out scenes especially when light and darkness are played with and the terrifying closeness of something or someone sinister.

PROBLEMS: I had hoped the pace and scary tones of some scenes that are only spread out had been maintained Instead they make things more complicated than they need to be trying to explain away everything.Parts of the climax felt uninspired and really basic maybe even a bit generic.

Scale of 1 to 10 a 7½


Brief bliss then boredom

PRAISE: I played the video game on which this movie is based about four years ago. Still following the story thread of finding The Vault a ragtag team attempts to do so. I did like how colorfully jumbled and fun the movie was at times. I did laugh at some of the antics of the characters. It was cool to see Janina Gavankar on the big screen because I haven't seen her in anything since Big Sky. The talents of some of the cast including Cate Blanchett,Kevin Hart,and Jack Black shine through the hurdles of the plot here and there.

PROBLEMS: This movie has been sitting on a shelf for years and it shows. Some scenes reminded me of all the bad parts of Escape from L.A. The movies turns are ultra predictable with huge inconsistent moments. The movie tries to be a raunchier version of Guardians of the Galaxy with cleavage displays and toilet humor. While watching the last 30 minutes of the movie play out anything good I was watching was just spotty with a cool SFX here and a funny moment there but I just found myself looking at my watch saying 90 minutes haven't passed yet ?!?

Scale of 1 to 10 a 4