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Michelle Obama Is Mad at Black Voters, Not Trump Voters: ‘That’s My Trauma’

One side says they care about us; their actions say they don’t actually give a fuck.

The other (sometimes) says they care about us; their actions show deliberate destructive action against us.

You can call it the same but I won’t.

I’ll pick being left alone over being targeted every time.

and some of us want better.

3rd prty/non voters arent your enemy
understandable, but if thats the case, her husband should have done more to increase our faith in this system. he instead put kids in cages, protected police during a time when state violent was rampant and far reaching, talk down on Black folks “call up pookie and them and tell them to vote” (excuse me??? what is this exaggerated Black schtick???) droned the shit out of Black and brown countries while simultaneously funneling weapons into the region, creating an even more extensive terrorist network just to bomb it again. bring about the reemergence of slavery in libya, give weapons to isreal so they can continue their reign of terror on occupied Palestine and slew of other heinous shit, including backing superpredator clinton and now segregationist biden

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to hell with michelle and her husband tf

I agree with everything you saying. All of these have been my talking points for years. Like word for word. So we on the same page.

Like I said before, just turned 31 and was never even registered to vote. I never voted for any candidate for all the reasons you listed.

This will be my first time voting and ill vote for a rock instead of trump cause trump did some shit that led to people I personally knew who were fighting for freedom in Syria to die and lose everything they fought for.

And no I dont think any of these mfers are better than each other, but this time im emotional and dont give a fuck. Just want trump to lose.
I agree with everything you saying. All of these have been my talking points for years. Like word for word. So we on the same page.

Like I said before, just turned 31 and was never even registered to vote. I never voted for any candidate for all the reasons you listed.

This will be my first time voting and ill vote for a rock instead of trump cause trump did some shit that led to people I personally knew who were fighting for freedom in Syria to die and lose everything they fought for.

And no I dont think any of these mfers are better than each other, but this time im emotional and dont give a fuck. Just want trump to lose.

understandable. i personally want trump and biden to exit this planet expeditiously. praying, wishing and hoping
where is the proof? what are we basing this off of? when has the governement championed for the lives of Black ppl whether democratic or republican? when have we ever faced immunity on a wide scale during a crisis/epidemic????

hillary and her godawful husband are the reason generations and generations of Black ppl are either dead or missing. she was going to save us from the coronavirus?

how? when the clintons crime bill constructed more prisons than schools and those facing incarceration have the same amount of infection rates as nursing homes????

Proof in a hypothetical isn’t possible as you know but I feel sure about that part at least, that Trump’s winning combination of incompetence and malfeasance produced a worse outcome than we would have had otherwise.

If you feel the Clintons are the same then I guess you’re entitled to think that.
So you’re saying the same number of our people die from the virus with a Dem in the White House? Or you’re saying the difference isn’t significant to you?

Cause it sounds like you’re arguing one of the two.

I think we all saying that the issues faced by black people and our health ain’t political. Its our environment. Now the reason why where we stay looks like one great big alley way is political. But we all rap fans all these issues been around despite who the president was.

A lot of people feel like we need a serious long term culture change. I ain’t saying become communist or socialist but socialism ideas can help us. But white Americans don’t believe in that
Proof in a hypothetical isn’t possible as you know but I feel sure about that part at least, that Trump’s winning combination of incompetence and malfeasance produced a worse outcome than we would have had otherwise.

If you feel the Clintons are the same then I guess you’re entitled to think that.

it did and Black ppl suffered as we so often times do. sad all the way around.
after obamas second turn, ppl begin to see the light. lmaooo they think ppl stayed home because obama was gone, no they stayed home because after showing up for 8 years in a row, they were paid dust

Exactly! And niggas was running with Obama can’t be the president of Black he has to president for everybody. But we felt left out. And we always vote blue always
Third party thing could work but literally most people don’t take them serious. It’s like I gotta vote for who wins not what I believe in
It was white women that put Trump into office ,White women have the largest population in the United States. If some Black people didn't want vote for Clinton is because she was a trash candidate to begin with.
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Democrats come with this attitude that Black people have to vote for the Democratic Candidate all the time when they had a Democratic Majority in both the Senate and House of representatives from 2008 to 2010 and had Democrat in the White house. They had the chance to do something big outside affordable care act like Reparations ,but they didn't so blame falls on them.

Not to sound cheap but had they given up real reparations they would’ve had our vote for life. And I know a lot of folks don’t trust niggas with money but I know for sure we would’ve been better off.
Not to sound cheap but had they given up real reparations they would’ve had our vote for life. And I know a lot of folks don’t trust niggas with money but I know for sure we would’ve been better off.
The thing is President Obama gave Reparations to the Jewish community for the Holocaust which was $ 12 million and in the same breath say that Descendants of Slavery do not need Reparations.

The Obama administration has awarded $12 million for assistance to Holocaust survivors.

The allocation from the Department of Health and Human Services to the Jewish Federations of North America, to be disbursed over five years, is part of an initiative launched in late 2013 by Vice President Joe Biden to address the needs of survivors in the United States, a quarter of whom live below the poverty line.

Combined with matching private funds, the approximately $2.5 million per year over the five years “will support $4.1 million in programming annually for organizations that help Holocaust survivors,” the JFNA said. According to JFNA, the funds will be used to advance “innovations in person-centered, trauma-informed supportive services for Holocaust survivors.”
One of the reasons President Obama said he didn't want to do Reparations for African Americans was he feel that Asian American community and Latino community would feel left out or they had nothing to do with slavery. Even though the Sacrifice of African Americans is the reason they even have shot in this country .

Here is Obama response to reparations towards African Americans with Ta-Nihisi Coates

Barack Obama: ... Theoretically, you can make, obviously, a powerful argument that centuries of slavery, Jim Crow, discrimination are the primary cause for all those gaps. That those were wrongs done to the black community as a whole, and black families specifically, and that in order to close that gap, a society has a moral obligation to make a large, aggressive investment, even if it’s not in the form of individual reparations checks, but in the form of a Marshall Plan, in order to close those gaps. It is easy to make that theoretical argument. But as a practical matter, it is hard to think of any society in human history in which a majority population has said that as a consequence of historic wrongs, we are now going to take a big chunk of the nation’s resources over a long period of time to make that right. You can look at examples like postwar Germany, where reparations were paid to Holocaust victims and families, but—

: They lost the war.

Obama: They lost the war. Small population, finite amount of money that it was going to cost. Not multiple generations but people, in some cases, who are still alive, who can point to, “That was my house. Those were my paintings. Those were my mother’s family jewels.” If you look at countries like South Africa, where you had a black majority, there have been efforts to tax and help that black majority, but it hasn’t come in the form of a formal reparations program. You have countries like India that have tried to help untouchables, with essentially affirmative-action programs, but it hasn’t fundamentally changed the structure of their societies.

So the bottom line is that it’s hard to find a model in which you can practically administer and sustain political support for those kinds of efforts. And what makes America complicated as well is the degree to which this is not just a black/white society, and it is becoming less so every year. So how do Latinos feel if there’s a big investment just in the African American community, and they’re looking around and saying, “We’re poor as well. What kind of help are we getting?” Or Asian Americans who say, “Look, I’m a first-generation immigrant, and clearly I didn’t have anything to do with what was taking place.” And now you start getting into trying to calibrate—

: Isn’t there just—not to cut you off—isn’t there, and this is out of the role of U.S. president, I’m almost speaking to you as a law professor now, an intellectual, in fact—

: Well, that’s how I was answering the question, because if you want me to talk about politics, I’ll be much more blunt about it.

: I figured that. I thought that was what I was getting.

: I was giving the benefit of playing out, theoretically, how you could think about that.

: And I appreciate that. And the question I would ask is in that situation, to the immigrant who comes here, first generation, and says, “I didn’t do any of this,” but the country is largely here because of that. In other words, many of the benefits that you will actually enjoy are, in fact, in part—I won’t say largely—in part here because of the past. So when you want the benefits, when you invoke the past, that thus you inherit the debt, too
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On the Michael Jordan documentary on ESPN Obama was caping for MJs "republicans buy shoes too" comments by basically saying ppl like himself and jordan wouldn't be in the positions they're in if they rocked the boat. Obama more or less admitted he was put into place because he wasn't a threat to white supremacy

I don’t agree with that.

Seeing someone like yourself in a higher place can spark auto and white folks wouldn’t want that.
Same shit as last time. Just let white supremacy win again? How's that workin' out for African Americans today? Dyin' from this damn virus due to government

Come up with some actual, feasible ideas and let's discuss them.