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Michelle Obama Is Mad at Black Voters, Not Trump Voters: ‘That’s My Trauma’

I posted this a few pages ago...but y’all don’t wanna acknowledge that there’s different levels of harm

harm is harm rubato

im sorry. Black ppl dying by corona at alarming rates is something nobody should be surprised by, unless you were believing that article that lovely dos posted about corona not surviving in african blood :/

a lot of times what makes us healthy happens outside of a drs office. our environments, communities/homes and accessibility to resources/education keeps us healthy but because of systematic inequalities, we suffer.

so many Black ppl are dying in these democratic ran cities, by coronavirus and staunched progress.
Now that I've confirmed I got yall deep within your feelings imma go start on lunch. Take care.
harm is harm rubato

im sorry. Black ppl dying by corona at alarming rates is something nobody should be surprised by, unless you were believing that article that lovely dos posted about corona not surviving in african blood :/

a lot of times what makes us healthy happens outside of a drs office. our environments, communities/homes and accessibility to resources/education keeps us healthy but because of systematic inequalities, we suffer.

so many Black ppl are dying in these democratic ran cities, by coronavirus and staunched progress.

So you’re saying the same number of our people die from the virus with a Dem in the White House? Or you’re saying the difference isn’t significant to you?

Cause it sounds like you’re arguing one of the two.
If black people don't vote, what incentive is their for any politician to make policy that caters to them?

Where has that incentive been the past 40 years my parents always vote dem. Still millions of black in jail. I get it’s a slow process but how long we gotta wait for change we vote niggas March niggas research we have demands and we donate. Wtf y’all want us to do? Felons can’t vote
And I think y’all underestimate how many red districts their are and how many urban districts are red too. Black people are concentrated in cities large cities. We don’t be in Wyoming or Montana or Oregon like that. Y’all seen the maps. If all 40 million of usvotes democrat what about the 200 million that didn’t? Not even 20 percent of population but we take the blame? That ain’t crazy to you?
So you’re saying the same number of our people die from the virus with a Dem in the White House? Or you’re saying the difference isn’t significant to you?

Cause it sounds like you’re arguing one of the two.

im saying the numbers would be about same because of systematic issues that already exist in our society.

the virus is the crisis
capitalism,enviormental racism, homelessness, etc is the pandemic and has been for quite some time
First, I dont agree with her. Second, I been against the 2 party system before I was old enough to vote. And third, I been a socialist before 2016. Im talking che shirts in high school(yea its oxymoronic), and protesting in NYC, getting cops visiting my house way before bernie.

I say all that cause I dont want a 10 page debate.

All i want to say is even though I dont agree with her, I do understand the disappointment of not having people who voted you into office continue voting so you can get all the policies you want passed. If I got voted in due to a particular group of people and then they dont vote in senate and congress elections, i would also feel like cmon fam, i need yall to vote so these republicans stop obstrucring me.

And again, I say that as a mfer who never bought the obama hype (didnt by the bernie hype either btw).

Just going off human nature.
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Black people came out in droves to make a 2 term President out of Barack and thought he would make a generation changing agenda specifically for the Black Community and that did not happen.

The black voter turnout rate declined for the first time in 20 years in a presidential election, falling to 59.6% in 2016 after reaching a record-high 66.6% in 2012.

The 7-percentage-point decline from the previous presidential election is the largest on record for blacks. (It’s also the largest percentage-point decline among any racial or ethnic group since white voter turnout dropped from 70.2% in 1992 to 60.7% in 1996.)
im saying the numbers would be about same because of systematic issues that already exist in our society.

the virus is the crisis
capitalism,enviormental racism, homelessness, etc is the pandemic and has been for quite some time

I see where you’re going

It obviously still impacts us disproportionately under a different administration, but the overall count (including us) would be way down if you ONLY remove the willful malfeasance aspect of the response.
One side says they care about us; their actions say they don’t actually give a fuck.

The other (sometimes) says they care about us; their actions show deliberate destructive action against us.

You can call it the same but I won’t.

I’ll pick being left alone over being targeted every time.
Black people came out in droves to make a 2 term President out of Barack and thought he would make a generation changing agenda specifically for the Black Community and that did not happen.

The black voter turnout rate declined for the first time in 20 years in a presidential election, falling to 59.6% in 2016 after reaching a record-high 66.6% in 2012.

The 7-percentage-point decline from the previous presidential election is the largest on record for blacks. (It’s also the largest percentage-point decline among any racial or ethnic group since white voter turnout dropped from 70.2% in 1992 to 60.7% in 1996.)

iT dIDnT mAkE a DIfFeREnCe tHo.
First, I dont agree with her. Second, I been against the 2 party system before I was old enough to vote. And third, I been a socialiast before 2016. Im talking che shirts in high school(yea its oxymoronic), and protesting in NYC, getting cops visiting my house way before bernie.

I say all that cause I dont want a 10 page debate.

All i want to say is even though I dont agree with her, I do understand the disappointment of not having people who voted you into office continue voting so you can get all the policies you want passed. If I got voted in due to a particular group of people and then they dont vote in senate and congress elections, i would also feel like cmon fam, i need yall to vote so these republicans stop obstrucring me.

And again, I say that as a mfer who never bought the obama hype (didnt by the bernie hype either btw).

Just going off human nature.

understandable, but if thats the case, her husband should have done more to increase our faith in this system. he instead put kids in cages, protected police during a time when state violent was rampant and far reaching, talk down on Black folks “call up pookie and them and tell them to vote” (excuse me??? what is this exaggerated Black schtick???) droned the shit out of Black and brown countries while simultaneously funneling weapons into the region, creating an even more extensive terrorist network just to bomb it again. bring about the reemergence of slavery in libya, give weapons to isreal so they can continue their reign of terror on occupied Palestine and slew of other heinous shit, including backing superpredator clinton and now segregationist biden


to hell with michelle and her husband tf
Black people came out in droves to make a 2 term President out of Barack and thought he would make a generation changing agenda specifically for the Black Community and that did not happen.

The black voter turnout rate declined for the first time in 20 years in a presidential election, falling to 59.6% in 2016 after reaching a record-high 66.6% in 2012.

The 7-percentage-point decline from the previous presidential election is the largest on record for blacks. (It’s also the largest percentage-point decline among any racial or ethnic group since white voter turnout dropped from 70.2% in 1992 to 60.7% in 1996.)

after obamas second turn, ppl begin to see the light. lmaooo they think ppl stayed home because obama was gone, no they stayed home because after showing up for 8 years in a row, they were paid dust
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I see where you’re going

It obviously still impacts us disproportionately under a different administration, but the overall count (including us) would be way down if you ONLY remove the willful malfeasance aspect of the response.

where is the proof? what are we basing this off of? when has the governement championed for the lives of Black ppl whether democratic or republican? when have we ever faced immunity on a wide scale during a crisis/epidemic????

hillary and her godawful husband are the reason generations and generations of Black ppl are either dead or missing. she was going to save us from the coronavirus?

how? when the clintons crime bill constructed more prisons than schools and those facing incarceration have the same amount of infection rates as nursing homes????