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Michelle Obama Is Mad at Black Voters, Not Trump Voters: ‘That’s My Trauma’

It doesn't but it does affect the reaction from people if they feel they're singled out vs simply being spoken to. The title and way the quote is presented shows a singling out of black folks which isn't what she did
Because she said something about us black people. If she only said young people didn’t vote and she wished more democrats showed up then fine. Since that covers everybody. She specifically called out our folks for not voting.
But she is not lying the black vote was 12% less in 2016 than in 2012

So what?

81% of black male voters voted for Hilary Clinton and 98% of Black Women voted for Hilary Clinton
despite the 12% drop, WE DID OUR JOB


Hilary Clinton lost because she ran a garbage campaign and took certain demographics for granted

If Milwaukee, Detroit, and Philly put up better numbers Trump loses in '16. Those states went red because the rural cac vote exploded and the black vote was not only depressed, but DELIBERATELY SUPPRESSED in Wisconsin and Michigan. Shit was closer to Ohio in '04 and Florida in '00 than negroes realize.

GOP literally won their last 3 presidential elections by finding creative ways to keep niggas votes from being counted lol smh. Ain't that a bitch?

I really feel like voter suppression played a much bigger part than we think.