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Mass Shooting at Bank in Louisville

Even you acknowledged that most mass shooters aren’t responsible gun owners and the recent ones just go out and buy the guns for this sole purpose.

So all of the arguments you make about about how to get around these bans and limits require a good deal of firearm knowledge, right?

So therefore a barrier to entry would be established with some fairly basic limits, correct? Since these mass shooters are not very knowledgeable gun owners?

I showed how even the limits you proposed wouldn't have stopped the majority of the mass shootings in either the Highland Park or Uvalde thread. This cat used a single gun to shoot up his almost-former job. So much for limits on the number you can own. The cat at Michigan State only had two, same for Virginia Tech, Uvalde only had one as with Parkland. Ammo limits are simply impossible to track. Magazine capacity limits don't work: Just ask anybody caught in a crossfire in Cali, Maryland, or New York.

And, since we know that "mass shootings" definitely includes Pookie and Ray Ray shooting up the club trying to kill one another but hitting innocent bystanders, you have to account for all of the illegal guns in circulation in the hands of people that definitely shouldn't have them. There's no shortage of folks out there willing to sell guns illegally and no shortage of ghost guns coming into this country so someone wanting to kill will get their hands on the very weapons you seek to ban (If you have a moment, watch NatGeo's Underworld Inc's episode on Ghost Guns on Hulu where you'll watch dudes in a fuckin village in the Philipines expertly craft 1911 clone handguns from fuckin scratch to be smuggled here and sold on the streets).
You still expecting them to know everything to know gun bad. Nigga gun bad no matter how you slice it. Only reason they even have to jump through all these hoops is to appease 2A enthusiasts. Could just say fuck it no guns like all these other countries.

And your analogies are always lacking. A VPN isn’t a tool who’s only utility is to kill.

The point is they're banning something without even understanding all of it's uses or the ramification of banning it would even mean.
It’s the people that’s the problem.

These event’s wasn’t happening a few decades ago when the same firearms was available.

Why is it happening now is what needs to be answered

Bruh, I asked the same question in the last thread. Even to where I pointed out we had full blown machine guns that could be bought at any goddamned sporting goods store but we didn't have mass shootings like we do now.

Not one of them could answer that question... And they won't.

They'll say shit like "it doesn't matter, that was then" except it DOES matter. If you're trying to restrict access to guns on the premise that doing so will curb mass shootings then they need to be able to explain why we didn't have nearly as many back when actual, factual assault rifles were FAR easier to get and far more capable of killing on a scale like nothing they've ever seen before.

The math ain't mathin' and nothing they do will make any of this shit make sense.
Bruh, I asked the same question in the last thread. Even to where I pointed out we had full blown machine guns that could be bought at any goddamned sporting goods store but we didn't have mass shootings like we do now.

Not one of them could answer that question... And they won't.

They'll say shit like "it doesn't matter, that was then" except it DOES matter. If you're trying to restrict access to guns on the premise that doing so will curb mass shootings then they need to be able to explain why we didn't have nearly as many back when actual, factual assault rifles were FAR easier to get and far more capable of killing on a scale like nothing they've ever seen before.

The math ain't mathin' and nothing they do will make any of this shit make sense.
You admit we have a mental health crisis today unlike then, right? Plus you can’t be dense to the fact that the dynamics in the world we live in today is vastly different than 50 years ago (internet, social media, cable news media, etc.).

So in light of that, gun control is needed. You are not going to cure crazy but you can limit access to guns.

So how about we focus on mental health AND have better gun control policies?

Like I said, you and those like you are the only ones that will not compromise at all.
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So is mental health since nearly every one of these dudes were fuckin nutcases but you don't want that conversation at all.

We do but y’all literally never discuss mental illness until the shit happens. In the thread where the kid shot the teacher you ain’t say anything about mental health you said just whoop the kid. So do you really care about mental health or you just use it as a diversion?
You ducked any responsibility in your words like a pro. You running for office???

Of course you're not "doing this shit". Y'all started it but can't finish it. Not one of you can.

I didn't start this whole tangent. You have @BlackRain, @Inori, and @TheNightKing to thank for that with their lil snide comments back on page 2. You even jumped into it before I did.

So... Shut the fuck up with all that bullshit you typing.

My comment wasn't a thread derailment. You see it kept going along perfectly til you started derailing it yourself. It is hilarious though how you consistently try to equate the possible loss of life to mythical mass knifings to mass shootings. And also how you consistently kept ducking @Blue_London when they were challenging all that shit you were posting about crime in the UK because it could've possibly proved you wrong. You and a couple others keep jumping to the extreme stance and defense that anyone who wants some form of gun reform wants all guns banned and think because you know more of the technical terminology you're more adept at breaking down this issue. Neither of which has proven to be true. Only thing these threads have shown so far is some of you niggas really are caught up deep in the same American gun culture you claim to despise that's helping to spur all these shootings.

Even the language you use shows you got a certain bias towards viewing guns and shootings a certain way. I mean who in the fuck in 2023 is still talking about "Pookie and Ray Ray..." you out here using 1992 comic view style commentary while conflating two very different issues. And since you want to try and slide in shit about mental health then you should know why that there's an actual reason why those shootings aren't compared to mass shootings like this. It's the same reason why they don't just consider anyone who's killed multiple people a serial killer. Like you said words mean things and thr words you're choosing aren't proving the point you think it is.
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Why y’all only care about mental health after the mass shooting?

People don't care about shit til they see the after effects of what happens its not addressed. That's why mental health, especially among men, wasn't a serious discussion til these acts of violence began being directly connected to the long term lack of emphasis on it.
You can be perfectly sane on April 11, 2023, but then become insane damn near instantly. A lost job, A cheating spouse etc. So all the guns ya bought when you were allowed to own them now become deadly weapons and the time frame from when you went from sane to insane will be too quick to notice. Unfortunately for the public, we won't know that you are going through shit until the bullets start flying. I have no point really just trying to show that relying on people to not go crazy is very risky. Prevention is safer than reaction. Shit the way we are going, these shootings won't even make the headlines anymore unless it is an extreme loss of life. That's sad.
You can be perfectly sane on April 11, 2023, but then become insane damn near instantly. A lost job, A cheating spouse etc. So all the guns ya bought when you were allowed to own them now become deadly weapons and the time frame from when you went from sane to insane will be too quick to notice. Unfortunately for the public, we won't know that you are going through shit until the bullets start flying. I have no point really just trying to show that relying on people to not go crazy is very risky. Prevention is safer than reaction. Shit the way we are going, these shootings won't even make the headlines anymore unless it is an extreme loss of life. That's sad.
I was gonna rebuttal with some semantics but I understand your overall pov

Common sense would suggest it being in reference to assault rifles, which are a thing i.e., weapons in the style of an assault rifle. Obviously this means semi-automatic rifles given the context of automatic weapons being largely banned.
Since you can mod firearms that actually makes it pretty difficult
Thing is… he and other people like him, know exactly what everybody else is talking about when they say “assault style” or “semi-auto”.

It’s just a game of semantics. Most people are ignorant to the correct nomenclature, but EVERYBODY knows what is being talked about.

People being willfully obtuse is what blocks anything being done.

Which is, ironically, the reason why I myself have several guns that I hope I’ll never need to use.

It’s far too late in the day for any meaningful gun reform. I figured that out when we couldn’t get traction after the school full of dead six year olds.

So fuck it… stay strapped if you can. Expect and prepare for the worst and hope for the best is the best we got.
I really didn't know wtf he was talking about. Could have been what the stock looked like, could have been the barrel. Who knows. That's why I asked

As koncept has pointed out you can have similar firearms that have wooden stocks that I guess aren't as scary to media
At this point nobody has the answers Sway

Judi stay out of my bank workplace and school when me and my ppls are there
Easiest path would be looking into why the shooters are doing it. Millions of gun owners don't go out and kill people. So why are these people doing it. Don't need to go fight the constitution for that

And before someone brings up the right voting against mental health... vote them out. It's pretty simple but people act like it's impossible yet want to go the more difficult route
Easiest path would be looking into why the shooters are doing it. Millions of gun owners don't go out and kill people. So why are these people doing it. Don't need to go fight the constitution for that

And before someone brings up the right voting against mental health... vote them out. It's pretty simple but people act like it's impossible yet want to go the more difficult route
You don't need to fight the constitution.
Easiest path would be looking into why the shooters are doing it. Millions of gun owners don't go out and kill people. So why are these people doing it. Don't need to go fight the constitution for that

And before someone brings up the right voting against mental health... vote them out. It's pretty simple but people act like it's impossible yet want to go the more difficult route
The shooters usually leave a reason for why they do it

The issue is how do you stop it before it happens…. How do u monitor these things before it happens