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Mass Shooting at Bank in Louisville

Easiest path would be looking into why the shooters are doing it. Millions of gun owners don't go out and kill people. So why are these people doing it. Don't need to go fight the constitution for that

And before someone brings up the right voting against mental health... vote them out. It's pretty simple but people act like it's impossible yet want to go the more difficult route
There’s a different reason with different circumstances each and every time. Learning the why is completely pointless to preventing future shootings.

So the next common denominator is the easy access to guns. But folks say focus on what goes on in a person’s mind rather than focus on their preferred instruments of death. As if the former is so much easier than the latter.
There’s a different reason with different circumstances each and every time. Learning the why is completely pointless to preventing future shootings.

So the next common denominator is the easy access to guns. But folks say focus on what goes on in a person’s mind rather than focus on their preferred instruments of death. As if the former is so much easier than the latter.
How is it pointless? Learning why this small percentage is wanting to kill people should be the focus
I think we are too far gone to do anything about the mass shootings anymore as much as I don’t want to believe it. The politicians cut mental health programs or they don’t want to enforce the gun laws that are in place. Yes, a person can be sane one day and the next day they can go off the rails, but not to try to do anything is just crazy to me.
You can be perfectly sane on April 11, 2023, but then become insane damn near instantly. A lost job, A cheating spouse etc. So all the guns ya bought when you were allowed to own them now become deadly weapons and the time frame from when you went from sane to insane will be too quick to notice. Unfortunately for the public, we won't know that you are going through shit until the bullets start flying. I have no point really just trying to show that relying on people to not go crazy is very risky. Prevention is safer than reaction. Shit the way we are going, these shootings won't even make the headlines anymore unless it is an extreme loss of life. That's sad.

I was gonna leave this thread alone, but I wanted to point something out:

Nearly all of these dudes WANT the media attention. They want their names in the history books. Since they can't find meaning or purpose in life, and 9 times out of 10 have chosen to end their life, why not go out by making a name for yourself by killing a bunch of people at random.

And with the way the media sensationalizes these shootings, they're getting exactly what they want: Suicide by cop and their name in the history books. i don't know... Maybe these incidents SHOULDN'T make headlines? It would give them less of an incentive to do it. When you look at the mass shootings from the 70's, 80's, and 90's I can genuinely only remember a few of them even making it to the news for more than a single news cycle. That's why Columbine was so horrific to most people: Those types of things simply weren't reported on much in those days and that shooting stayed in the news rotation for weeks.
The shooters usually leave a reason for why they do it

The issue is how do you stop it before it happens…. How do u monitor these things before it happens

I've said it before: The majority of them had run-ins with law enforcement where it was determined they may be a threat to themselves or others. This is where red flag laws come into play. But they have to be enforced in order for them to work; without enforcement they're bullshit... Like they are now.
I was gonna leave this thread alone, but I wanted to point something out:

Nearly all of these dudes WANT the media attention. They want their names in the history books. Since they can't find meaning or purpose in life, and 9 times out of 10 have chosen to end their life, why not go out by making a name for yourself by killing a bunch of people at random.

And with the way the media sensationalizes these shootings, they're getting exactly what they want: Suicide by cop and their name in the history books. i don't know... Maybe these incidents SHOULDN'T make headlines? It would give them less of an incentive to do it. When you look at the mass shootings from the 70's, 80's, and 90's I can genuinely only remember a few of them even making it to the news for more than a single news cycle. That's why Columbine was so horrific to most people: Those types of things simply weren't reported on much in those days and that shooting stayed in the news rotation for weeks.
I agree with the media sensationalism, but that’s not the only reason so not as much a common denominator as the ease of access to guns themselves.

But let’s put that on the table too. I want to do any and everything to save lives.
I agree with the media sensationalism, but that’s not the only reason so not as much a common denominator as the ease of access to guns themselves.

But let’s put that on the table too. I want to do any and everything to save lives.

No, I'm not saying it's the only reason, but a major factor. They want to kill themselves, but instead of blowing their head off in the bedroom or tying a belt around their neck, they decide to make sure people remember them and choose a spectacle. A spectacle pretty much guarantees huge media coverage and an entry in Wikipedia and because the majority of perps are white the media is going to take the sympathetic humanizing route as opposed to how they would with a Black perp (i.e. Michigan State).
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Those can be lies or could be the truth

Look at the millions of gun owners that aren't going out killing people

I've said I think infamy is a huge reason why these people do it
Infamy is definitely a part of it which is where the live streaming these shootings and why I agree with not making the manifestos public. It gives them and any future shooter what they want
Those can be lies or could be the truth

Look at the millions of gun owners that aren't going out killing people

I've said I think infamy is a huge reason why these people do it

I was gonna leave this thread alone, but I wanted to point something out:

Nearly all of these dudes WANT the media attention. They want their names in the history books. Since they can't find meaning or purpose in life, and 9 times out of 10 have chosen to end their life, why not go out by making a name for yourself by killing a bunch of people at random.

And with the way the media sensationalizes these shootings, they're getting exactly what they want: Suicide by cop and their name in the history books. i don't know... Maybe these incidents SHOULDN'T make headlines? It would give them less of an incentive to do it. When you look at the mass shootings from the 70's, 80's, and 90's I can genuinely only remember a few of them even making it to the news for more than a single news cycle. That's why Columbine was so horrific to most people: Those types of things simply weren't reported on much in those days and that shooting stayed in the news rotation for weeks.

That's pretty much the summary of why this is happening more and more.
The 1980 Documentary, "The Killing In America", touches on this by stating that the Assassination of JFK--captured on Nationwide TV LIVE--is what sparked this "movement" off where People do anything for attention, including Murder.
