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I loved it just for the mere fact that they were able to tie up everything and give us (FINALLY) spider-man by his damn self....

but i am kind of mad maybe not mad but jealous (in a good way)... i can't figure out how to always pay my bills on time and these muthafuckas were able to ( in a good way)...figure out how to tie up all these loose ends from three generational spiderman movies plus what took place with the avengers and the first two MCU spiderman moves so brilliantly..ha ha

i mean when the peters were talking about their relationships like all 3 of them happened to be at 3 different phases, McGuire and that MJ really were in a complicated situation because that is how that trilogy happened to ended off, Garfield's story did end with Gwen dying he hadn't met his MJ yet and of course Hollard was in the teenage-love phases with his MJ. ...like damn man that moment was done so well!

oh and they were able to take a piece of Sony's venom(pun intended) off of them to create a correct MCU version, plus give their venom back to them to do whatever with him....ha ha these muthafuckas in that think tank room were working!
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oh and it didn't hit me at first....how they smashed Remi's version of the Green Goblin's mask to then have him come back with the hood on in the finale scenes...dope shit...wish it was more in the day time so i can really peep it.
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The Amazing Spider-Man 1 is better than all of the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films. Tom Holland did a better job at Spider-Man than Tobey Maguire did and Tom's films are better written and overall better.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 wasn't good and that's because Sony tried to squeeze 2 films in one with too many villains because Disney was gonna take over Spider-Man after they bought 21st Century Fox and got the X-Men and Fantastic 4. Sony wanted to get what they could before they lost the franchise. Andrew Garfield also voiced the same sentiments about the second film and said he was jaded by the experience and political malaise.

Bruh...stop Amazing Spider-Man 1 was not better than the original spider-man 1 or 2. That ish made bank and basically started off the comic-book movie revolution. I am just going to chalk ish like this up to be a generational, prisoner of the moment type ish that fans like to do.

ex: When Christopher Nolan's batman came out niggas was loving that ish acting like it was the greatest batman movie ever.....than when Znyder's JL came out., niggas was liking Znyder's batman more and talked about how Nolan's version was too serious and not enough of a comic-book like feel to it. .
They got the order right


And it just hit me Shocker was using an arc reactor. He had the ability to be super OP in this joint
The Amazing Spider-Man 1 is better than all of the Tobey Maguire Spider-Man films. Tom Holland did a better job at Spider-Man than Tobey Maguire did and Tom's films are better written and overall better.

The Amazing Spider-Man 2 wasn't good and that's because Sony tried to squeeze 2 films in one with too many villains because Disney was gonna take over Spider-Man after they bought 21st Century Fox and got the X-Men and Fantastic 4. Sony wanted to get what they could before they lost the franchise. Andrew Garfield also voiced the same sentiments about the second film and said he was jaded by the experience and political malaise.
I agree Tom is the definitive Spider-Man/Peter Parker but both those TASM movies was terrible. He was redeemed in this latest movie though.
Fam this is subjectivity and if we continue no side will waiver. The Tobey Maguire films were great for their time but there are better Spider-Man films and TASM1 was better than the first 3 Maguire films. The Sam Raimi Spider-Man films were written as love stories and for me I didn't like that. It's still a classic tho.

Nolan's Batman films are better than the rest that came before and after. But that's because he was tasked to do a trilogy and took his time. The others were given a 1 picture deal to get it right and maybe a sequel if it outperformed.

Snyder's Batman isn't even top 3. Most people hated Ben Affleck as Batman and hated BMvSM.

You are right it is subjectivity hence why i said "generational" But overall. More people enjoyed Remi's spiderman films over Sony's also hence why they never got to finish their trilogy. Those Remi' films still hold up, i mean MCU is using the same actor for JJ Jamieson that originally came from Remi's. And Peter and MJ is a love story, it's in the mythology how is it any different than spiderman's NO WAY HOME ish...even amazing spiderman 2 told more of a love story between Gwen and Peter.

and i do not know where you seen most people hated Affleck's batman because i have seen the opposite.
The Amazing Spider-Man 2 wasn't good and that's because Sony tried to squeeze 2 films in one with too many villains because Disney was gonna take over Spider-Man after they bought 21st Century Fox and got the X-Men and Fantastic 4. Sony wanted to get what they could before they lost the franchise. Andrew Garfield also voiced the same sentiments about the second film and said he was jaded by the experience and political malaise.

Bruh, WTH are you talking bout. lol

Disney buying Fox ain't got shit to do with Spider-Man. Also that Disney/Fox deal didn't even start negotiations til like 3-4 years AFTER TASM 2.

And Disney has zero control over Spider-Man(unfortunately), Sony does. They(Sony) can pull the plug at anytime.
Hawkeye got the soul stone heā€™s cemented lol
1. Fam the kid is 17 and a high-schooler I wouldn't expect anything less than for him to be naive. He was naive in the last 2 films including the Avengers

2. He had no idea they were villains, the audience does but he doesn't because he's never encountered them in his universe. He was only tasked to bring them back and after Sandman helped him he thought they were just lost and in need of help, same for Green Goblin who was completely harmless at first. He didn't know they killed people.

3. Again he didn't know they were villains and as a 17 year old, most 17 year olds aren't killers - superpowers or not. If you watched carefully he didn't kill any of the villains in his previous films, Mysterio got hit by accidental misfire from the drones.

He did know they were villians because he knew they fought Spider-Man in their own universe and they died. The first thing Doc Ock and Green Goblin did was attack him as soon as they saw him. Doctor Strange tells him that's their fate to die. His aunt tells them that they deserve a second chance and he listens to his Aunt at his own demise.

And even worse, when his aunt is killed, he doesn't send them back to prevent them from killing his friends. Instead, he enlist his friends into helping him cure motherfuckers that just killed his aunt. How dumb is that?

This Spider-Man isn't a regular 17 year old. It's a 17 year old that was enlisted in a galactic scale war to save the world and seen death and instead he acts like the dumbest character in the entire MCU. This Peter isn't naive, he's dumb.

And even if somehow Peter's decisions make sense in the MCU's internal logic...which they don't unless Tom Holland's Peter is Goku, the worst kind of story is a story where the audience knows way more than main character that is making decisions.

If I gotta sit here and watch a character be dumb for the majority of the story, then it's not a good story.
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He did know they were villians because he knew they fought Spider-Man in their own universe and they died. The first thing Doc Ock and Green Goblin did was attack him as soon as they saw him. Doctor Strange tells him that's their fate to die. His aunt tells them that they deserve a second chance and he listens to his Aunt at his own demise.

And even worse, when his aunt is killed, he doesn't send them back to prevent them from killing his friends. Instead, he enlist his friends into helping him cure motherfuckers that just killed his aunt. How dumb is that?

This Spider-Man isn't a regular 17 year old. It's a 17 year old that was enlisted in a galactic scale war to save the world and seen death and instead he acts like the dumbest character in the entire MCU. This Peter isn't naive, he's dumb.

And even if somehow Peter's decisions make sense in the MCU's internal logic...which they don't unless Tom Holland's Peter is Goku, the worst kind of story is a story where the audience knows way more than main character that is making decisions.

If I gotta sit here and watch a character be dumb for the majority of the story, then it's not a good story.

He wasnā€™t ā€œenlistedā€ on a galactic scale war to save the world. He was a stowaway on Thanosā€™s ship wayyyyy after Tony told his ass to go home; ultimately, another poor decision by Peter.
Nostalgia got niggas spraying Aventus Creed on shit with them first two Raimi movies. Folks boost it like itā€™s 9/10 or higher when itā€™s more around a 7.

Too much poor acting. Too much goofy camp shit.

and it was infallible to me until recent rewatches.
i swear, ya'll make the same weird points when trying to compare the three different iterations of the spider films

@Eyerone probably said it the best. i'm paraphrasing but those toby movies were great at the time because of what they achieved in the super hero genre, BUT, those movies have not aged well at all and its ok to say that.
Bruh...stop Amazing Spider-Man 1 was not better than the original spider-man 1 or 2. That ish made bank and basically started off the comic-book movie revolution. I am just going to chalk ish like this up to be a generational, prisoner of the moment type ish that fans like to do.

ex: When Christopher Nolan's batman came out niggas was loving that ish acting like it was the greatest batman movie ever.....than when Znyder's JL came out., niggas was liking Znyder's batman more and talked about how Nolan's version was too serious and not enough of a comic-book like feel to it. .
The first raimi spiderman film was a game changer just like Superman 1978 or Batman 1989