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Breaking News Man kills ex wife,ex girl, then himself in custody battle

It's not exaggerated. Even divorce lawyers admit it's unfair.

And the origins of the system don't matter when the only thing those origins were brought up for was to place blame on men for the system. Yes, men created the fucked up system, but how does that change the fact that the system needs to be fixed or give insight on how the system should be fixed. How does the fact that men back then made the system change the fact that men now are being hurt by the system? Ya'll can play this game all you want, but ya'll are being disingenuous. We all know that he had a stick up his ass this whole topic because he believed (perhaps rightfully so) that Dos was wrongly blaming the victims, so he chose to go tit for tat to find a way to blame men in the secondary discussion.

This is so far off base it's hilarious. Me and Dos go back and forth all the time with me calling the stuff he says stupid.

Your also bringing up stuff that I never said nor implied. Just conclusions you jumped to on your own simply because I noted why shit works the way it does. Somehow you took me talking about the origins of shit as saying that means it doesn't need to change and that's a huge leap you gotta figure out why you made on your own. Literally ended my first post by saying shit won't change until the anger is directed at society that creates the mindsets that allow the system to operate the way it does and you somehow took that as saying shit doesn't need to or will never change?
This is so far off base it's hilarious. Me and Dos go back and forth all the time with me calling the stuff he says stupid.

Your also bringing up stuff that I never said nor implied. Just conclusions you jumped to on your own simply because I noted why shit works the way it does. Somehow you took me talking about the origins of shit as saying that means it doesn't need to change and that's a huge leap you gotta figure out why you made on your own. Literally ended my first post by saying shit won't change until the anger is directed at society that creates the mindsets that allow the system to operate the way it does and you somehow took that as saying shit doesn't need to or will never change?

I didn't say you think it doesn't need to change. I'm pretty sure you agree that it does need to change. I just don't trust your motives for bringing the origins up. I think you're smart enough to know that simply saying "Men created the system and discriminated against women" was not useful in the discussion. Again, the system has evolved. It's not even being used the way those originators would have wanted, so what purpose does bringing it up serve. If you think the context is so important, explain to me how that context would facilitate the necessary changes.
Why am I catching strays?

Those ain't strays. You and Monk have been like the ending of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid throughout this thread.



lookin ass
Those ain't strays. You and Monk have been like the ending of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid throughout this thread.



lookin ass

Don't lump me in with him. I haven't even been talking about this particular case. I've been talking more about the fucked up system. Nobody should be debating against what I've said really, but some of you niggas are weirdos.
Those ain't strays. You and Monk have been like the ending of Butch Cassidy and the Sundance Kid throughout this thread.



lookin ass
I can and always will stand alone on my square.
Y’all just don’t see how right I am yet.
But what else is new
Don't lump me in with him. I haven't even been talking about this particular case. I've been talking more about the fucked up system. Nobody should be debating against what I've said really, but some of you niggas are weirdos.

Ok so in a thread about a guy murdering the mothers of his two children, your mind instantly goes to how fucked up the family court system is but for some reason we're not supposed to make any correlation between the two. And we're the weirdos?
I don’t know about weirdos, but refusing to see BOTH sides of this shit is some bullshit.

Duke didn’t just flip out for nothing. Even if he thinks his actions are justified, and you believe there is no justification for murder (which there isn’t), not refusing to understand what drove him to this is disingenuous as fuck.
I don’t know about weirdos, but refusing to see BOTH sides of this shit is some bullshit.

Duke didn’t just flip out for nothing. Even if he thinks his actions are justified, and you believe there is no justification for murder (which there isn’t), not refusing to understand what drove him to this is disingenuous as fuck.
And there it is.

Nothing else needs to be said.
Ok so in a thread about a guy murdering the mothers of his two children, your mind instantly goes to how fucked up the family court system is but for some reason we're not supposed to make any correlation between the two. And we're the weirdos?

Yes, in a thread where a guy claimed to murder those two women because of the hell he was going through in the family court system, I commented on the fact that the family court system is fucked up. If that is strange to you, yes you are a weirdo.

How many ways can we say what he did was fucked up? If that's all we were allowed to talk about in the topic, this shit could have been closed after two or three posts.
I guess most of us just don't see there are TWO sides to a double-murder/suicide. It seems pretty one-sided at least to me.

That's like saying there are two sides to a man beating his wife. Something must have drove him to that, right? Yeah sure these people may think they have their reasons for doing shit but that doesn't mean we have to accept them.

If you guys want to talk about how fucked up the court system is that's great... but when you choose to do it in relation to this particular story you really shouldn't be surprised that a lot of us are going to be like... wtf are you talking about, b?
I guess most of us just don't see there are TWO sides to a double-murder/suicide. It seems pretty one-sided at least to me.

That's like saying there are two sides to a man beating his wife. Something must have drove him to that, right? Yeah sure these people may think they have their reasons for doing shit but that doesn't mean we have to accept them.

If you guys want to talk about how fucked up the court system is that's great... but when you choose to do it in relation to this particular story you really shouldn't be surprised that a lot of us are going to be like... wtf are you talking about, b?
Isn’t that what investigators do? Ask questions to find out why something happened?

They just don’t solve a crime and leave it at that. Police often try to found out WHY this shit happen; hopefully, it can serve as a way to create deterrent to stop it from happening again.
I guess most of us just don't see there are TWO sides to a double-murder/suicide. It seems pretty one-sided at least to me.

That's like saying there are two sides to a man beating his wife. Something must have drove him to that, right? Yeah sure these people may think they have their reasons for doing shit but that doesn't mean we have to accept them.

If you guys want to talk about how fucked up the court system is that's great... but when you choose to do it in relation to this particular story you really shouldn't be surprised that a lot of us are going to be like... wtf are you talking about, b?
So no talk about the whys or potential whys?
If people claim to hate what happened so much,


Let’s just focus on the end result and ignore the other shit.
That will solve it.
Isn’t that what investigators do? Ask questions to find out why something happened?

They just don’t solve a crime and leave it at that. Police often try to found out WHY this shit happen; hopefully, it can serve as a way to create deterrent to stop it from happening again.
I guess most of us just don't see there are TWO sides to a double-murder/suicide. It seems pretty one-sided at least to me.

That's like saying there are two sides to a man beating his wife. Something must have drove him to that, right? Yeah sure these people may think they have their reasons for doing shit but that doesn't mean we have to accept them.

If you guys want to talk about how fucked up the court system is that's great... but when you choose to do it in relation to this particular story you really shouldn't be surprised that a lot of us are going to be like... wtf are you talking about, b?

Bruh, no offense, but what you're saying sounds stupid.

It's not like we randomly and irrelevantly brought the court system up. It's central to the story. It's in the title of the thread for goodness sake. Again, this dude was dead wrong and psychopathic for what he did. No one has denied that. However, there shouldn't be wrong with simply mentioning the fact that these fucked up court cases have led to a lot of tragedies. Like why is that so offensive to you?
Isn’t that what investigators do? Ask questions to find out why something happened?

They just don’t solve a crime and leave it at that. Police often try to found out WHY this shit happen; hopefully, it can serve as a way to create deterrent to stop it from happening again.

Oh we're doing an investigation now?

OK here's my conclusion... this guy murdered his girfriend in front of his kids and then drove to his ex wife's house and waited for her to get home and then murdered her and then himself while his kids sat in the car. Motive: He was an abusive psychotic piece of shit. Case closed.