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Malik Yoba at the Breakfast Club addressing Trans Issues

I think the way they their most visible/ vocal people behave makes people not want to deal with them (which contributes to some of the discrimination they receive). CTG (a grown married man with children) was uneasy calling himself straight because of the feeling in the room. He was nervous the word was offensive. Yoba was uneasy speaking the whole time too, scared to day the wrong word. Why would I want that feeling in the workplace knowing it can cost me my job or get me sued?

I think the LGBTQetc. community is unaware of how much of a headache some of their demands are, and the precedent it can set.
I can't defend telling people that want to be called a different race/age/species their feelings are invalid, while calling trans people what they feel they are. So the same way I'm not calling Rachel Dolezal black, I'm not calling a man a woman.

Let's unpack this.

It sounds like you feel it's too much of a 'headache' to respect certain groups the way they want to be respected. Or that you think certain conversations shouldn't be had because they make you 'uneasy' or they're inconvenient.

And CTG was uneasy calling himself 'straight' because he's ignorant. Sometimes willfully. Its pretty easy to educate yourself so that you don't feel 'uneasy' describing your own sexual orientation.
I'm almost at the 30 min mark and this interview is a LOT to unpack.

I don't want to do it a disservice by bastardizing what they are trying to talk about. I disagree with a few things in the first part of the interview, but at least from an educational standpoint, they are attempting to clear up things like the terminology commonly associated with this community.

I had NEVER heard the term "cis" used in everyday conversation. This is one of my "grievances" b/c it just seems like it was created last week, but they are saying its a scientific word so its legit
I see the word cis as a slur and will react accordingly.
Let's unpack this.

It sounds like you feel it's too much of a 'headache' to respect certain groups the way they want to be respected. Or that you think certain conversations shouldn't be had because they make you 'uneasy' or they're inconvenient.

And CTG was uneasy calling himself 'straight' because he's ignorant. Sometimes willfully. Its pretty easy to educate yourself so that you don't feel 'uneasy' describing your own sexual orientation.

Cool. Let's talk about it. Let me better understand where you're coming from with some questions. Do you refer to Rachel Dolezal as a black woman? Would you refer to, and treat, a 16 year old like a 35 year old if that's how they identified?
since i got a wack and nosign for my post.....

lookie here.
i dont want to hear how your sexuality is so important you want to be supported.
be who you are.

i am not going to harm anyone but dont try to make me complacent with acknowledging sexuality above race when it dont matter who you sleep with....we all seen as a target.

hate it or not...some of these dude/women are looking for acceptance beyond being black.
seems easier to get it by saying your all those initials.

they have full blown gay-borhoods and now protections.

im sorry...when did this cause become bigger them black rights and where we are and whats happening to us?

yes, they get harmed by our own....and so straight black men.

as if its not enough problems and people wanting respect from us......while we get nothing in return...
im not sure what this is about.
and honestly...im tired about hearing about other struggles when alot of this can be fixed from within our own community.

remember it was an outrage towards black men during that jessie shit.

while i understand alot of things....today..ill be ignorant
since i got a wack and nosign for my post.....

lookie here.
i dont want to hear how your sexuality is so important you want to be supported.
be who you are.

i am not going to harm anyone but dont try to make me complacent with acknowledging sexuality above race when it dont matter who you sleep with....we all seen as a target.

hate it or not...some of these dude/women are looking for acceptance beyond being black.
seems easier to get it by saying your all those initials.

they have full blown gay-borhoods and now protections.

im sorry...when did this cause become bigger them black rights and where we are and whats happening to us?

yes, they get harmed by our own....and so straight black men.

as if its not enough problems and people wanting respect from us......while we get nothing in return...
im not sure what this is about.
and honestly...im tired about hearing about other struggles when alot of this can be fixed from within our own community.

remember it was an outrage towards black men during that jessie shit.

while i understand alot of things....today..ill be ignorant
Damn I rarely ever agree with this fuck nigga but he spot on
"Cisgender" or "cis" has really only been in use in recent years. It's the flawed notion that your "gender" matches the sex you're assigned sex at birth, and therein is the flaw; no one is "assigned" a sex. You either are or aren't a given sex. You're male or female, XY or XX, and anything outside of that is a mutation/defect that we have no real description for.

The term isn't scientific. It was coined as just another way to separate normal people from trans because saying "normal" is apparently insulting to trannies.
The audacity of freak shows and their enablers renaming normal people. That's on the level of children calling their parents by their first names like its cool
@mryounggun you on the fruit booty side of the game?
Cool. Let's talk about it. Let me better understand where you're coming from with some questions. Do you refer to Rachel Dolezal as a black woman? Would you refer to, and treat, a 16 year old like a 35 year old if that's how they identified?

Prolly not.

Prolly not.

But what does that have to do with my statement to you? I didn't make any sort of mention of referring to anyone as anything, fam. All I said was how your post sounded to me. You said 'Cool. let's talk about it'...and then didn't acknowledge what I said at all. You moved on to something different that I made absolutely no mention of.
Prolly not.

Prolly not.

But what does that have to do with my statement to you? I didn't make any sort of mention of referring to anyone as anything, fam. All I said was how your post sounded to me. You said 'Cool. let's talk about it'...and then didn't acknowledge what I said at all. You moved on to something different that I made absolutely no mention of.

I said why I asked the question. If we're going to talk about it I have to understand your views on things, and I didn't have much to go off of. I had a long post explaining mine, so you kinda understand my views already.

My questions point out the hypocrisy in your stance. Why do you choose to ignore the feelings and self image of those that are transracial, but not those that are transgender. You're telling me if she said she was a black man, you'd only correct her by saying "You're not black".

Your statement to me was it sounded like i think it's too much of a headache to respect CERTAIN GROUPS the way they want to be respected. But I'm consistent. It sounds like it's you that's picking and choosing which trans- group you want to respect.

Is Malik ignorant too? I think he was uneasy calling himself a heterosexual man at one point? Is everyone uneasy or is the group confusing? It's LGBTQ but go around calling people (Q)ueer and see what happens to you. Or the non-binary request of being called them/they when talking about one person. That's not even how the English language works man. But that's not confusing? I'm just ignorant?
Let's unpack this.

It sounds like you feel it's too much of a 'headache' to respect certain groups the way they want to be respected. Or that you think certain conversations shouldn't be had because they make you 'uneasy' or they're inconvenient.

And CTG was uneasy calling himself 'straight' because he's ignorant. Sometimes willfully. Its pretty easy to educate yourself so that you don't feel 'uneasy' describing your own sexual orientation.

There's really nothing to educate yourself on. A group of self centered, self righteous weirdos are making unreasonable demands on society. And society is starting to get fed up with their antics creating an ever growing backlash against them. This isn't about respect, it's about fear and the power that comes with it. We're becoming so pussified that we can't call a man a man and a woman a woman without fear of creating a social media shitstorm against you for saying it. And these fringe groups recognize there's power to be had, so they're gonna exploit it as much as possible to get their way.
I said why I asked the question. If we're going to talk about it I have to understand your views on things, and I didn't have much to go off of. I had a long post explaining mine, so you kinda understand my views already.

My questions point out the hypocrisy in your stance. Why do you choose to ignore the feelings and self image of those that are transracial, but not those that are transgender. You're telling me if she said she was a black man, you'd only correct her by saying "You're not black".

Your statement to me was it sounded like i think it's too much of a headache to respect CERTAIN GROUPS the way they want to be respected. But I'm consistent. It sounds like it's you that's picking and choosing which trans- group you want to respect.

Is Malik ignorant too? I think he was uneasy calling himself a heterosexual man at one point? Is everyone uneasy or is the group confusing? It's LGBTQ but go around calling people (Q)ueer and see what happens to you. Or the non-binary request of being called them/they when talking about one person. That's not even how the English language works man. But that's not confusing? I'm just ignorant?

1. I'm not telling you that I'd correct Rachel D. and say 'You're not black'. I dunno where you got that from. I wouldn't say shit to her. If she wants to refer to herself as black, she's welcome to do that.

2. It's never too much of a 'headache' to respect any group the way they want to be respected. So I dunno why it sounds to you like that is the case. If I choose to refer to one person one way, despite how they identify and don't use that same reasoning with another group...it's for a reason, rather than me feeling like it's too much of a headache. Here's the reason, in plain English, so there's no misunderstanding: being African-American is binary. You are or you aren't, but it's very definition. If that definition changes, I'll adjust my thinking. Sex isn't binary. By it's very definition. Now, we can debate based on that if you want to, but that's my REASON.

I used 'headache' because YOU used that word in your description. And you still didn't address what I said about how your statements came off. I addressed your comments about how mine came off.

3. Yes, Malik is ignorant too. Lol. The fuck? Being ignorant just means that you don't have knowledge about certain things. He had no problem referring to himself as a heterosexual male. He had the same problem CTG had - using the proper language to describe certain things. You really can't get a more classic example of 'ignorant' than a person literally admitted they don't know a certain thing.

4. I've never heard of any queer person being upset at being referred to as a queer. the only time I'v ever heard any of them have an issue is when its said in a disrespectful way. I think we can ALL agree that you can make ANYTHING disrespectful depending on how we package it, you know?

5. You can't seriously be sitting here trying to mount a defense based on the rules of the English language. We all bastardize the English language on this very forum all day long. Stop it. I respect most of your points, even if I don't agree with them. But that one is just intellectually dishonest, B.
There's really nothing to educate yourself on. A group of self centered, self righteous weirdos are making unreasonable demands on society. And society is starting to get fed up with their antics creating an ever growing backlash against them. This isn't about respect, it's about fear and the power that comes with it. We're becoming so pussified that we can't call a man a man and a woman a woman without fear of creating a social media shitstorm against you for saying it. And these fringe groups recognize there's power to be had, so they're gonna exploit it as much as possible to get their way.

How is there nothing to educate yourself on when you admittedly don't even know how to refer to your own sexual orientation during a conversation?

Not YOU, but CTG. You know what I mean, nigga.
How is there nothing to educate yourself on when you admittedly don't even know how to refer to your own sexual orientation during a conversation?

Not YOU, but CTG. You know what I mean, nigga.

I haven't watched the video, but from what I've gleaned from the discussion it seems CTG was unsure if saying he was straight/hetero/whatever would offend the guests. And that's not ever something that he should worry about. This is the kind of shit I'm talking about when I mentioned wielding fear-based power; them niggas got some straight folks so shook they gotta wonder if declaring they're straight is offensive to them muhfuckas.
I haven't watched the video, but from what I've gleaned from the discussion it seems CTG was unsure if saying he was straight/hetero/whatever would offend the guests. And that's not ever something that he should worry about. This is the kind of shit I'm talking about when I mentioned wielding fear-based power; them niggas got some straight folks so shook they gotta wonder if declaring they're straight is offensive to them muhfuckas.
I think you just gotta call folks what they ask to be called. I really don’t think it’s hurts any non lbgqt feelings. I get it people don’t like it. But folks be acting like straight people are being oppressed because somebody else wants respect. Your sexuality is part o f your life and who you are.