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Malik Yoba at the Breakfast Club addressing Trans Issues

More questions I have for those that are blindly following the request of the trans community. At what point would you consider them the opposite gender? As soon as they say so? Would they have to prove it to you? How would you handle prison and sports? Would you put a trans-man who doesn't have the money for surgeries into a men's prison (they're still anatomically a woman)? If Bones Jones came out today as transgendered should he be able to start fighting women tomorrow?

Idk bro

See, we're all confused Haha. But those questions being hard to answer gotta make you ask yourself some stuff. Are you accepting them as the Man/woman they want to be? Or are you just calling them that pronoun? Because saying you respect their truth, and respecting their truth are 2 different things.

Calling someone a woman, then giving them shit for trying to use a women's bathroom or participate in a women's sport isn't very tolerant. You're like us... you just didn't know it at first.
do these people know their truth?

like frfr

are the same people who are ok with this....ok with that white chicks raising her sons as girls?

and who is the target of all this?

black men.
solid straight black men.

are any of the women pretending to be men....looking like professional manly men? or sweet flaming floaters?

and why do the women who like women tend to take on the persona of the most thuggish nigga?

bruh...we looking lost of here.
At the end of the day, I have no association with the trans community. I have a few gay friends and that is it. I agree with those who feel like the sex you were born with is how you shall be identified as. If you were born a male, I see you as that. But you choose which battles you want to fight. Me personally, it is not a battle I care about. I'm not going to lose my job over having to call a dude a "ms". I got bigger battles to worry about. Companies change there policies all the time and when they do, they usually make you sign the agreement that you understand the changes after reading it. If you don't like that they are trying to make you call a dude "ms" or a woman "mr", then go into business for yourself or find another job. But i also agree with that trans should notify a straight person, that is coming on to them, that the are indeed a transexual. This should happen at first meeting. Give that straight person a chance to decide of they want to proceed or not. No different then a dude walking up to a chick that he doesn't know is gay. Off the back, the female will usually tell the dude she is gay.

The problem here is that you COULD lose your job for something like that and that shouldn't be the case EVER.

Going into business for yourself isn't the answer because the moment one of them patronizes your business and you address them by something other than what they want then you're on blast on social media, trending on twitter, and possibly on the evening news.

Neither should ever happen, but having an apathetic attitude towards it like you appear to have only serves to make that movement stronger because there's no pushback.
The problem here is that you COULD lose your job for something like that and that shouldn't be the case EVER.

Going into business for yourself isn't the answer because the moment one of them patronizes your business and you address them by something other than what they want then you're on blast on social media, trending on twitter, and possibly on the evening news.

Neither should ever happen, but having an apathetic attitude towards it like you appear to have only serves to make that movement stronger because there's no pushback.
can someone remind me of a time when black people as a whole had this type of power?
I'd be interested in hearing what it means to "feel like a *opposite sex*". Because it's crazy if it's just based on gender stereotypes. Let's say you're a woman that hates dolls, hair/makeup stuff, girly clothes, but you like getting your hands dirty, sports, and you're more comfortable wearing men's clothes. That doesn't make you a man, and you don't need a dick for it. You're just a woman, that likes those things.

And if it's not based on gender stereotypes, why aren't there more trans that behave like their natural gender? For example, Caitlin Jenner, Ru Paul, and Laverne Cox didn't become a "woman" that's a tomboy.

I'd always just assumed that somewhere during the development of the fetus that somehow, since we know the male and female brain are wired differntly, a male/female brain developed instead of one that is supposed to fit your gender/sex. Just as anything else during that period can go haywire the brain's development can too
I'd always just assumed that somewhere during the development of the fetus that somehow, since we know the male and female brain are wired differntly, a male/female brain developed instead of one that is supposed to fit your gender/sex. Just as anything else during that period can go haywire the brain's development can too

There is no male or female brain. That has always been bullshit.

Rippon has analysed the data on sex differences in the brain. She admits that she, like many others, initially sought out these differences. But she couldn’t find any beyond the negligible, and other research was also starting to question the very existence of such differences. For example, once any differences in brain size were accounted for, “well-known” sex differences in key structures disappeared. Which is when the penny dropped: perhaps it was time to abandon the age-old search for the differences between brains from men and brains from women. Are there any significant differences based on sex alone? The answer, she says, is no. To suggest otherwise is “neurofoolishness”.

“The idea of the male brain and the female brain suggests that each is a characteristically homogenous thing and that whoever has got a male brain, say, will have the same kind of aptitudes, preferences and personalities as everyone else with that ‘type’ of brain. We now know that is not the case. We are at the point where we need to say, ‘Forget the male and female brain; it’s a distraction, it’s inaccurate.’ It’s possibly harmful, too, because it’s used as a hook to say, well, there’s no point girls doing science because they haven’t got a science brain, or boys shouldn’t be emotional or should want to lead.”
The problem here is that you COULD lose your job for something like that and that shouldn't be the case EVER.

Going into business for yourself isn't the answer because the moment one of them patronizes your business and you address them by something other than what they want then you're on blast on social media, trending on twitter, and possibly on the evening news.

Neither should ever happen, but having an apathetic attitude towards it like you appear to have only serves to make that movement stronger because there's no pushback.
What I am saying is I am not going to put my job on the line if my job wants me to call that dude "ms". I will call them that. It is not a battle that means that much to me. If you want to fight that battle, do you. Just make sure you look at the policies that you signed. If one has their own business and they don't want to address the customer as they request, that is their decision. They will lose some customers but also gain as some will support them. They have to decide if they want the money, or fight that battle and take the risk it comes with. To me, it is not a hard choice to make. And just to be clear, I am only speaking of the argument that has to do with addressing another person based on their request.