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Malik Yoba at the Breakfast Club addressing Trans Issues

GOD doesn't make mistakes, Humans do.

Everything we need on this earth has already been set in place, in it's natural form/state including us. Why are we changing the rules??

Bottom line, no man on this site would like their child be taught this shit, so why are they trying to teach us this shit as adults. Shit is an agenda.

They are really trying to push this shit into black society. These ppl have pedo rings, their priests do all type of shit to kids, they fuck each other, siblings, etc. Just all kinds of demonic shit, now they want to slowly bleed that shit over to our community. No No No.

Str8 men do not run the world, gay men run the world. Hollywood is full of gay men, Oil companies are full of gay men, etc, every sector/industry, gay men are at the top. Music industry is full of gay shit.

Str8 men are being, especially black men, are being targeted heavily.

No man on this site, wants their daughter bringing home a trans. The shit aint normal

GOD doesn't make mistakes, Humans do
Explain it simply. As far as I know my daughter does not want to be a boy and finds them nasty. If she thinks boys are nasty am I supposed to assume she is a lesbian?

I am asking you, if your daughter wakes up and says she wants you to call her a boy, How would you feel? Happy? or Sad/Disturbed?

Explain what to her? You are for this movement, what is it that you are explaining to her?? What is it that you would tell a 3 year old child, or let's say 7 year old child about wanting to be a boy?

Will you explain to her that she's not a boy but is actually a girl? or would you allow her to continue to go to school and allow herself to be referred to as a boy?

Will you make her teacher refer to your daughter as a boy? What about her lil cousins? What about your own mother or father, what about her mother? etc.

You see the trail on how this shit affects everybody else and their position, it puts them in an awkward ass position ?? You'll be explaining until the end of time, because it's not a normal thing
Bruh a rapist or killer or pedophile do things to harm people. Sleeping with kids has been looked at as nasty by mainstream society and there probably is 1000s of human trafficking rings across the world.

None of that has anything to do with gay people. Comparing apples to baseballs man.

How many black human trafficking rings are there?? Where in the black community over here in the US where you can go and get a child for on the low, You can go get weed, coke, etc, but can you get a child, Not to my knowledge, so whose behind all of these rings?

The devil was here to bring on confusion on earth and it's happening heavy now. A rapist, Killer, pedo, does harm against ppl, but my point being, they want you to not refer them as such, name that we labeled them as. They want you to look at them as having a disorder, the same as how the gay community state what they have, whatever that is: They want to be put into the same bucket as gays, which white society is doing, Pedo is a minority and want sympathy and a voice.
Rapist are getting slaps on the wrist for committing their acts, probation etc, no real hard time.
I am asking you, if your daughter wakes up and says she wants you to call her a boy, How would you feel? Happy? or Sad/Disturbed?

Explain what to her? You are for this movement, what is it that you are explaining to her?? What is it that you would tell a 3 year old child, or let's say 7 year old child about wanting to be a boy?

Will you explain to her that she's not a boy but is actually a girl? or would you allow her to continue to go to school and allow herself to be referred to as a boy?

Will you make her teacher refer to your daughter as a boy? What about her lil cousins? What about your own mother or father, what about her mother? etc.

You see the trail on how this shit affects everybody else and their position, it puts them in an awkward ass position ?? You'll be explaining until the end of time, because it's not a normal thing

Explain to her she not a boy and that she is a child and needs to worry about other stuff
How many black human trafficking rings are there?? Where in the black community over here in the US where you can go and get a child for on the low, You can go get weed, coke, etc, but can you get a child, Not to my knowledge, so whose behind all of these rings?

The devil was here to bring on confusion on earth and it's happening heavy now. A rapist, Killer, pedo, does harm against ppl, but my point being, they want you to not refer them as such, name that we labeled them as. They want you to look at them as having a disorder, the same as how the gay community state what they have, whatever that is: They want to be put into the same bucket as gays, which white society is doing, Pedo is a minority and want sympathy and a voice.
Rapist are getting slaps on the wrist for committing their acts, probation etc, no real hard time.

Gays and pedophiles arent in the same boat. Just because pedophiles are trying mainstream their crimes with gays does not mean they are in the same arena.
Gays and pedophiles arent in the same boat. Just because pedophiles are trying mainstream their crimes with gays does not mean they are in the same arena.

What makes them not in the same boat, because you don't want to put them in the same boat??

Man these ppl out there trying to normalize this demonic shit, just like what the gays are doing.

I know you want read and accept what's going on but others in this thread can read it and see the demonic shit that's happening.

What makes them not in the same boat, because you don't want to put them in the same boat??

Man these ppl out there trying to normalize this demonic shit, just like what the gays are doing.

I know you want read and accept what's going on but others in this thread can read it and see the demonic shit that's happening.

NAMBLA WAS a part of the homosexual movement until 1994, when the International Lesbian and Gay Association lost it's United Nations charter because NAMBLA was a part of it's membership. Up to that point the gay movement accepted them (and other gay pedo groups) wholeheartedly, especially since their work got the age of consent to be brought in-line with the heterosexual age of consent and they worked to abolish anti-gay sodomy laws across the country. Them niggas was happy to have them when it benefited them to do so, but when they lost that UN charter they kicked them out and washed their hands of it all.

Explain to her she not a boy and that she is a child and needs to worry about other stuff


You're going to explain to her that she is not a boy, she does not listen to your explanation, I am curious to know, what kind of explanation will you tell her??

Will you tell her, that she's not a boy because of what..................................??? Will you just tell her that she is not a boy and walk away, or will you give her several examples of why she is not a boy, she may ask why she is not a boy??? And if so, what will these examples be??


Your daughter does not listen to your many examples on why she is not a boy and grows up to think that she is a boy, Do you think she is now "not in her right mind" has a mental issue?? or will you chalk it up as what..........................??? Your daughter reaches high school and she still thinks she is a boy, will you continue to tell her the difference on why she is not a boy, just like you stated that you would explain to her when she was a child??

Will you accept her as being a boy?? Aiding to the confused state of mind that yall are in, meaning, you have explained to her as a child that she is a girl and not a boy, and she did not listen. Do you still try and tell her the truth about herself, again, do you think she has lost her mind?? You know she is a girl, born one, but yet she wants you to address her as a boy/man

what is your next step that you as a parent will take to convince your child that she is not a boy??

Part 3:

What is the difference between you explaining to your daughter that she is not a boy, who has an understanding that she is not one, she has heard out your explanation on why she is not a boy, but she still thinks she is one, is this normal behavior??

A grown ass man telling another grown ass man that he is not a woman and should not want us to refer to him as one is the same thing that you are doing with your daughter right??

Are you practicing the same thing that we are saying about this demonic shit by explaining to your daughter that she is not a boy?? You know she's not a boy but you championing for folks to accept this confusion as adults, but you wouldn't want your daughter confused, because you're explaining to her that she is not a boy

You're going to explain to her that she is not a boy, she does not listen to your explanation, I am curious to know, what kind of explanation will you tell her??

Will you tell her, that she's not a boy because of what..................................??? Will you just tell her that she is not a boy and walk away, or will you give her several examples of why she is not a boy, she may ask why she is not a boy??? And if so, what will these examples be??


Your daughter does not listen to your many examples on why she is not a boy and grows up to think that she is a boy, Do you think she is now "not in her right mind" has a mental issue?? or will you chalk it up as what..........................??? Your daughter reaches high school and she still thinks she is a boy, will you continue to tell her the difference on why she is not a boy, just like you stated that you would explain to her when she was a child??

Will you accept her as being a boy?? Aiding to the confused state of mind that yall are in, meaning, you have explained to her as a child that she is a girl and not a boy, and she did not listen. Do you still try and tell her the truth about herself, again, do you think she has lost her mind?? You know she is a girl, born one, but yet she wants you to address her as a boy/man

what is your next step that you as a parent will take to convince your child that she is not a boy??

Part 3:

What is the difference between you explaining to your daughter that she is not a boy, who has an understanding that she is not one, she has heard out your explanation on why she is not a boy, but she still thinks she is one, is this normal behavior??

A grown ass man telling another grown ass man that he is not a woman and should not want us to refer to him as one is the same thing that you are doing with your daughter right??

Are you practicing the same thing that we are saying about this demonic shit by explaining to your daughter that she is not a boy?? You know she's not a boy but you championing for folks to accept this confusion as adults, but you wouldn't want your daughter confused, because you're explaining to her that she is not a boy

At some point your kid becomes an individual capable of making choices. Can’t force her to wear a dress. An adult can make their own choices
I tried watching the interview.. But I couldn’t get pass the part where the homo nigga.. Kept saying you’re assigned your gender by a doctor.. That homo was making it seem like doctors look at sonogram and then just decides to flip a coin to decide to see if it’s going to be a boy or girl.. They’re medical professionals making decisions based on their training and what they fucking know about the human anatomy.. They can’t get into the developing minds of a embryo and to see into future that Tommy is going come out the womb as boy.. And after that is going to have issues growing up so then he wants to turn into Tammy.. SMH...
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I was tried watching the interview.. But I couldn’t get pass the part where the homo nigga.. Kept saying you’re assigned your gender by a doctor.. That homo was making it seem like doctors look at sonogram and then just decides to flip a coin to decide to see if it’s going to be a boy or girl.. They’re medical professionals making decisions based on their training and what they fucking know about the human anatomy.. They can’t get into the developing minds of a embryo and to see into future that Tommy is going come out the womb as boy.. And after that is going to have issues growing up so then he wants to turn into Tammy.. SMH...

that "assigned at birth" is a fucking cancer. A person's sex is not "assigned at birth" by anyone. It's determined at conception, when the father's sperm, which carries either an X or Y sex chromosome, fertilizes the mother's ovum, which only carries an X sex chromosome. If an X comes from the sperm, the result is a female, while if a Y comes from the sperm, the result is a male.

That's how it works. There's no argument to be had, no wiggle room, no nothing. You're male or female, it's biological, and it's determined at conception.
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that "assigned at birth" is a fucking cancer. A person's sex is not "assigned at birth" by anyone. It's determined at conception, when the father's sperm, which carries either an X or Y sex chromosome, fertilizes the mother's ovum, which only carries an X sex chromosome. If an X comes from the sperm, the result is a female, while if a Y comes from the sperm, the result is a male.

That's how it works. There's no argument to be had, no wiggle room, no nothing. You're male or female, it's biological, and it's determined at conception.
This is an issue where they basically think their feelings matter more than logic. In all honesty though i think if enough of the masses/influential ppl/ppl in power get behind it theyll even go as far as trying to rewrite the 'science' behind it til even the average joe will think its the new norm while arguing for/against a newer extreme if that make sense
They lost me at that "unnatural" shit.

Ummm...being born to your gender is as natural as it will ever be.

The trans folk try WAAAAY too hard for acceptable, to the point it comes off as forced, and almost fascist if you don't agree with them.
and it all starts at home.
This is an issue where they basically think their feelings matter more than logic. In all honesty though i think if enough of the masses/influential ppl/ppl in power get behind it theyll even go as far as trying to rewrite the 'science' behind it til even the average joe will think its the new norm while arguing for/against a newer extreme if that make sense

Like I been saying fam

Mental illness
I'd be interested in hearing what it means to "feel like a *opposite sex*". Because it's crazy if it's just based on gender stereotypes. Let's say you're a woman that hates dolls, hair/makeup stuff, girly clothes, but you like getting your hands dirty, sports, and you're more comfortable wearing men's clothes. That doesn't make you a man, and you don't need a dick for it. You're just a woman, that likes those things.

And if it's not based on gender stereotypes, why aren't there more trans that behave like their natural gender? For example, Caitlin Jenner, Ru Paul, and Laverne Cox didn't become a "woman" that's a tomboy.
GOD doesn't make mistakes, Humans do.

Everything we need on this earth has already been set in place, in it's natural form/state including us. Why are we changing the rules??

Bottom line, no man on this site would like their child be taught this shit, so why are they trying to teach us this shit as adults. Shit is an agenda.

They are really trying to push this shit into black society. These ppl have pedo rings, their priests do all type of shit to kids, they fuck each other, siblings, etc. Just all kinds of demonic shit, now they want to slowly bleed that shit over to our community. No No No.

Str8 men do not run the world, gay men run the world. Hollywood is full of gay men, Oil companies are full of gay men, etc, every sector/industry, gay men are at the top. Music industry is full of gay shit.

Str8 men are being, especially black men, are being targeted heavily.

No man on this site, wants their daughter bringing home a trans. The shit aint normal

GOD doesn't make mistakes, Humans do

If God doesn't make mistakes and humans do, but we were created by God, wouldn't that mean we are a mistake? Seems like you hate or maybe don't agree with homosexuality due to your religion and that is totally fine. I'm not arguing that. But bringing religion into this is a whole other argument. Not everyone believes in God or the same God. Religion Has nothing to do with this thread. Also, straight people can be pedophiles as well. Middle and high school male teachers having sex with their female students. Female teachers having sex with their male students. And yet, why does homosexuality automatically get associated with pedophilia? Curious about that.
At the end of the day, I have no association with the trans community. I have a few gay friends and that is it. I agree with those who feel like the sex you were born with is how you shall be identified as. If you were born a male, I see you as that. But you choose which battles you want to fight. Me personally, it is not a battle I care about. I'm not going to lose my job over having to call a dude a "ms". I got bigger battles to worry about. Companies change there policies all the time and when they do, they usually make you sign the agreement that you understand the changes after reading it. If you don't like that they are trying to make you call a dude "ms" or a woman "mr", then go into business for yourself or find another job. But i also agree with that trans should notify a straight person, that is coming on to them, that the are indeed a transexual. This should happen at first meeting. Give that straight person a chance to decide of they want to proceed or not. No different then a dude walking up to a chick that he doesn't know is gay. Off the back, the female will usually tell the dude she is gay.
More questions I have for those that are blindly following the request of the trans community. At what point would you consider them the opposite gender? As soon as they say so? Would they have to prove it to you? How would you handle prison and sports? Would you put a trans-man who doesn't have the money for surgeries into a men's prison (they're still anatomically a woman)? If Bones Jones came out today as transgendered should he be able to start fighting women tomorrow?