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Malik Yoba at the Breakfast Club addressing Trans Issues

why must a man consider himself heterosexual?

like ...i gotta define myself because of how someone else defines themself?

why cant i be like, Im Dos but that niggas gay?
Why must it be im heterosexual, if i cant call that dude gay?


I think you just gotta call folks what they ask to be called. I really don’t think it’s hurts any non lbgqt feelings. I get it people don’t like it. But folks be acting like straight people are being oppressed because somebody else wants respect. Your sexuality is part o f your life and who you are.

your sexuality is your sexuality. I don't need to be, or want to be invited into it.

And, no, I don't have to call people what they want to be called. I have a right to call a man a man and woman a woman and fuck them for thinking otherwise.
I think you just gotta call folks what they ask to be called. I really don’t think it’s hurts any non lbgqt feelings. I get it people don’t like it. But folks be acting like straight people are being oppressed because somebody else wants respect. Your sexuality is part o f your life and who you are.
we are....and my sexuality doesnt define my gender.

I hate to go down this road...but this aint the way we were made.
this shit is a product of lack of male guidance and leadership and confusion. and lastly fright. It is almost looked at like a straight black male is the overly aggressive abuser of our community.

and fuck that....we are being oppressed.
fuck i gotta defend a dudes feminine sexuality now? all while we also calling alot of black men toxic masculine?

your sexuality is your sexuality. I don't need to be, or want to be invited into it.

And, no, I don't have to call people what they want to be called. I have a right to call a man a man and woman a woman and fuck them for thinking otherwise.

Who said you didn't have the right to call anybody whatever you want, fam? The Feds ain't gonna come arrest you if you walk up to Caitlyn and call her Bruce.
your sexuality is your sexuality. I don't need to be, or want to be invited into it.

And, no, I don't have to call people what they want to be called. I have a right to call a man a man and woman a woman and fuck them for thinking otherwise.

why do i have to hesitate to say what up bruh?

where was all this shit about 15 yrs ago? back when niggas was just gay and ok with liking men.

now niggas want titles like they degrees.

Dr stuffins?
They did. And they're starting to get laws on the books over this bullshit.

I've never heard anyone say you don't have the right to call anyone whatever you wanna call them. I'm not aware of any law that prevents you from calling them whatever you want to call them.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I was wrong once before in like '73, so it's possible.
1. I'm not telling you that I'd correct Rachel D. and say 'You're not black'. I dunno where you got that from. I wouldn't say shit to her. If she wants to refer to herself as black, she's welcome to do that.

2. It's never too much of a 'headache' to respect any group the way they want to be respected. So I dunno why it sounds to you like that is the case. If I choose to refer to one person one way, despite how they identify and don't use that same reasoning with another group...it's for a reason, rather than me feeling like it's too much of a headache. Here's the reason, in plain English, so there's no misunderstanding: being African-American is binary. You are or you aren't, but it's very definition. If that definition changes, I'll adjust my thinking. Sex isn't binary. By it's very definition. Now, we can debate based on that if you want to, but that's my REASON.

I used 'headache' because YOU used that word in your description. And you still didn't address what I said about how your statements came off. I addressed your comments about how mine came off.

3. Yes, Malik is ignorant too. Lol. The fuck? Being ignorant just means that you don't have knowledge about certain things. He had no problem referring to himself as a heterosexual male. He had the same problem CTG had - using the proper language to describe certain things. You really can't get a more classic example of 'ignorant' than a person literally admitted they don't know a certain thing.

4. I've never heard of any queer person being upset at being referred to as a queer. the only time I'v ever heard any of them have an issue is when its said in a disrespectful way. I think we can ALL agree that you can make ANYTHING disrespectful depending on how we package it, you know?

5. You can't seriously be sitting here trying to mount a defense based on the rules of the English language. We all bastardize the English language on this very forum all day long. Stop it. I respect most of your points, even if I don't agree with them. But that one is just intellectually dishonest, B.

The numbers help. Good move.

1. You're misunderstanding me here. I think people should be able to refer to themselves however they want. I said I shouldn't be forced to do it.

2. Is African American that binary? Africa was the original home of man. Is everyone here African American? What if they're off Irish descent but their grandparents and parents were born in Africa? Are they African American when they move here? What's the date that your ancestors had to be present?

I do think sex is binary unless you get into one offs.

My statement stated how I feel. Without the LGBTQetc community getting on three same page, we can't be asked to understand them. Especially with the risk of severe punishments for getting it wrong.

3. Then we'll forever be ignorant because it's an inconsistent, rapidly changing message. How's the world supposed to become less ignorant and more accommodating if that's the case?

4. Here's a video of LGBT people of different ages, races, political affiliations, etc having a discussion. Some make it clear they don't want to be called queer, and some make it clear they don't even know what it means. That's the confusing messages I'm talking about. One of their defining terms, but it can't be defined.

5. We take liberties with language. But most people don't deliberately mix up singular vs plural. That's a bigger jump than most take.
I've never heard anyone say you don't have the right to call anyone whatever you wanna call them. I'm not aware of any law that prevents you from calling them whatever you want to call them.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I was wrong once before in like '73, so it's possible.

A teacher in VA (a government employee) was fired because he wouldn't call a kid by their chosen gender. He even said he'd call them by their new name, and not refer to them as the gender they don't identify as. Fired him.
A teacher in VA (a government employee) was fired because he wouldn't call a kid by their chosen gender. He even said he'd call them by their new name, and not refer to them as the gender they don't identify as. Fired him.
exactly my point.
The numbers help. Good move.

1. You're misunderstanding me here. I think people should be able to refer to themselves however they want. I said I shouldn't be forced to do it.

2. Is African American that binary? Africa was the original home of man. Is everyone here African American? What if they're off Irish descent but their grandparents and parents were born in Africa? Are they African American when they move here? What's the date that your ancestors had to be present?

I do think sex is binary unless you get into one offs.

My statement stated how I feel. Without the LGBTQetc community getting on three same page, we can't be asked to understand them. Especially with the risk of severe punishments for getting it wrong.

3. Then we'll forever be ignorant because it's an inconsistent, rapidly changing message. How's the world supposed to become less ignorant and more accommodating if that's the case?

4. Here's a video of LGBT people of different ages, races, political affiliations, etc having a discussion. Some make it clear they don't want to be called queer, and some make it clear they don't even know what it means. That's the confusing messages I'm talking about. One of their defining terms, but it can't be defined.

5. We take liberties with language. But most people don't deliberately mix up singular vs plural. That's a bigger jump than most take.

1. But...you're not forced to, bro. ALL of this is optional. All of it. There is no law on file (that I'm aware of) saying that you have to refer to anyone as anything. Like I said earlier, the Feds ain't gonna come get you for referring to a Transsexual as him or her. So who's forcing you?

2. Yes. No. They're Irish. No. Has nothing to do with date. Any other questions? You said 'sex is binary...unless you get into one offs'. So...sex isn't binary then, you know? I'm using YOUR words. Binary doesn't include 'one-offs'. The fact that there are one offs mean that it's not binary.

3. By trying to understand the groups who feel they are being discriminated against. There is nothing at all wrong with being ignorant. There is something wrong with being WILLFULLY ignorant. That's why I made the distinction between the two earlier. There is a big difference.

4. Thank you. It's in interesting video. But I'm honestly not sure what the video proves. Of course they don't agree on it. I don't know a single group of people who agree on everything. I know black people who don't like to be called 'African American'. Some have no problem with it. All that means is that black people, like every single other group, feel differently amongst ourselves about certain things.

5. This is true. Agreed. What's your point though? The fact that they do it to a greater extent than other examples means nothing.
I've never heard anyone say you don't have the right to call anyone whatever you wanna call them. I'm not aware of any law that prevents you from calling them whatever you want to call them.

Maybe I'm wrong.

I was wrong once before in like '73, so it's possible.
keeping fucking with me....you bout to get that work.

you memba them old days
1. But...you're not forced to, bro. ALL of this is optional. All of it. There is no law on file (that I'm aware of) saying that you have to refer to anyone as anything. Like I said earlier, the Feds ain't gonna come get you for referring to a Transsexual as him or her. So who's forcing you?

2. Yes. No. They're Irish. No. Has nothing to do with date. Any other questions? You said 'sex is binary...unless you get into one offs'. So...sex isn't binary then, you know? I'm using YOUR words. Binary doesn't include 'one-offs'. The fact that there are one offs mean that it's not binary.

3. By trying to understand the groups who feel they are being discriminated against. There is nothing at all wrong with being ignorant. There is something wrong with being WILLFULLY ignorant. That's why I made the distinction between the two earlier. There is a big difference.

4. Thank you. It's in interesting video. But I'm honestly not sure what the video proves. Of course they don't agree on it. I don't know a single group of people who agree on everything. I know black people who don't like to be called 'African American'. Some have no problem with it. All that means is that black people, like every single other group, feel differently amongst ourselves about certain things.

5. This is true. Agreed. What's your point though? The fact that they do it to a greater extent than other examples means nothing.

1. People are forced to. If I'm at work and treat a trans person like they're their birth sex rather than their preferred sex government agencies can and will step in. Knowing that there are laws in place makes all of your point 1 incorrect. Does that change your opinion at all?

2. If all of mankind came from modern day Africa, and your ancestors being from Africa makes you African American... why aren't all Americans African American? What's the definition of African American?

3. I agree they're different. My issue is inconsistent teaching makes learning difficult. So people will stop trying to learn. The people in the video acknowledge this. It relates to them first hand, and they have issues keeping up.

I've educated myself. I watched this interview before I saw this thread. I watched the video I sent you (Part 1 and 2) prior to this conversation to learn. I watch trans people debate their stances a lot. I'm informed. I'm just not buying in.

4. The video was long so you may have missed the part I was referring to. You said you don't know of any queer people offended by queer unless it was being said in a hateful way. The video showed people that fall under the "queer" umbrella (according to what others said in the video) that do not want to be called queer. That was my original point.

5. It means a lot. I don't feel I should be forced to ignore the English language. Doesn't seem like I'm asking for much there.
how about these people get some fucking help?

you supposed to have dick holes in ya drawls.
thats why men do.

we dont wear shit with doily fabric around the edges.

1. People are forced to. If I'm at work and treat a trans person like they're their birth sex rather than their preferred sex government agencies can and will step in.

2. If all of mankind came from modern day Africa, and your ancestors being from Africa makes you African American... why aren't all Americans African American? What's the definition of African American?

3. I agree they're different. My issue is inconsistent teaching makes learning difficult. So people will stop trying to learn. The people in the video acknowledge this. It relates to them first hand, and they have issues keeping up.

I've educated myself. I watched this interview before I saw this thread. I watched the video I sent you (Part 1 and 2) prior to this conversation to learn. I watch trans people debate their stances a lot. I'm informed. I'm just not buying in.

4. The video was long so you may have missed the part I was referring to. You said you don't know of any queer people offended by queer unless it was being said in a hateful way. The video showed people that fall under the "queer" umbrella (according to what others said in the video) that do not want to be called queer. That was my original point.

5. It means a lot. I don't feel I should be forced to ignore the English language. Doesn't seem like I'm asking for much there.

1. Now you're moving the goal post. Your original post about Rachel D., my reply to that, your reply to my reply, my reply to your reply to my reply, etc, have ALL made references to 'referring to' or 'calling' them a certain thing. Now all of a sudden we've moved on to treatment for some reason. e gotta stay consistent, bro.

2. Because the definition of African American is 'a black American'.

3. 'Inconsistency makes learning difficult'. And? We all take the time to try to learn and understand the things that we want to or have respect for. The things we don't wanna learn or have respect for...we don't.

4. You showed me vide of something I've never seen before. Thank you.

5. Again, no one is forcing you to do anything. But if you're reasoning is that you aren't asking for much...I mean...I don't think a person asking to be referred to as one three-letter pronoun vs. another three- letter pronoun is asking too much.

I don't think we're gonna make much progress here, B. Seems like we have pretty fundamental differences of opinion on the shit. Appreciate the talk though.
1. Now you're moving the goal post. Your original post about Rachel D., my reply to that, your reply to my reply, my reply to your reply to my reply, etc, have ALL made references to 'referring to' or 'calling' them a certain thing. Now all of a sudden we've moved on to treatment for some reason. e gotta stay consistent, bro.

2. Because the definition of African American is 'a black American'.

3. 'Inconsistency makes learning difficult'. And? We all take the time to try to learn and understand the things that we want to or have respect for. The things we don't wanna learn or have respect for...we don't.

4. You showed me vide of something I've never seen before. Thank you.

5. Again, no one is forcing you to do anything. But if you're reasoning is that you aren't asking for much...I mean...I don't think a person asking to be referred to as one three-letter pronoun vs. another three- letter pronoun is asking too much.

I don't think we're gonna make much progress here, B. Seems like we have pretty fundamental differences of opinion on the shit. Appreciate the talk though.

1. Part of my treatment of a man is using Male pronouns. I don't view this as moving the goal posts.

2. I don't believe that's the definition of African American. I think a lot of people from the islands that look black don't classify themselves this way.

3. I told you some of the videos I've watched from LGBT people to learn about them. Including this hour long interview. I've put in the time and research. Probably more than most. I'm just not buying in.

4. You're ignoring the whole point of the video. You said you've never met anyone who's queer, and is offended by being called queer. Instead of me just saying "well they're out there", I sent a video of queer people saying that they don't like the term queer.

5. You keep saying that and it's not true. I edited point 1, but I guess late. This is a MAJOR issue, but you keep getting it wrong. People are forcing us to do it. People get fired over it, sued over it, fined over it etc. If it wasn't being forced on people, I'd be more on your side.