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Male Trans Activist Says Women Don’t Own Womanhood or Periods

No, a company hiring a spokesperson that you don't like isn't pushing an ideology. It just isn't.

If Busch was giving a donation to a transgendered child gender reassessment clinic, and people boycotted because they didn't believe in reassignment surgery for children, that would be an ideological disagreement.

Busch simply allowing a trans person to be a spokesperson is not ideological in nature. It's just an acknowledgement that trans people exist, and it's not even genuine support of trans people. Anyone with a brain knows that Busch only did that because they want trans people to buy their beers too.

It's fuckin beer... Do you really think transpeople weren't already buying their beer??? And that audience would be particularly tiny considering the number of them in this country... Who also already were buying their beers.
As much as you may disagree with the statement, you have to be able to separate yourself in this instance. If, in the height of a heated debate, someone chooses to showcase one side of the debate, that can enough for most to assume support for said ideology. To say this is an impossibility for humans ignores all that is human history.

I'm not asking you to agree with the statement, I'm telling you this is how humans work. It's obviously a money grab but that is irrelevant, to some it's them picking a side. Right or wrong, that is how it was interpreted.

Hating other people for minor differences is how humans work too. That doesn't make it right. I fully understand that there were bound to be people upset by the inclusion of a trans person in the promotion. My point is that their negative reaction was nothing but bigotry. It wasn't an ideological difference because there was nothing ideological about the promotion. Busch simply hired a trans person, and that by itself was enough to prompt backlash.

It's fuckin beer... Do you really think transpeople weren't already buying their beer??? And that audience would be particularly tiny considering the number of them in this country... Who also already were buying their beers.

I don't know who's buying their beer. I do know that pandering to communities to increase sales is a tried and true tactic and that's all they were doing here. Nothing more or nothing less.
Hating other people for minor differences is how humans work too. That doesn't make it right. I fully understand that there were bound to be people upset by the inclusion of a trans person in the promotion. My point is that their negative reaction was nothing but bigotry. It wasn't an ideological difference because there was nothing ideological about the promotion. Busch simply hired a trans person, and that by itself was enough to prompt backlash.

You've ignored my post entirely. Tacit support of a side engaged in a war for the hearts and minds of the populace is open to criticism, regardless of what is behind the decision to support it. They "took a side" by platforming him at this moment in time. I've, at no point, suggested bigotry is right. What I have done is agree that there is a lot of bigotry behind much of the hate of this commercial. It is just that, by platforming this person at zenith of the trans debate, the company stepped in to the culture war, so they have certainly drew the ire of those who stand opposed to transgender ideology.

Showcasing one side of a debate while exclaiming how you are trying to be more inclusive and wanting to move away from your past target audience on to a new one is support.
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You've ignored my post entirely. Tacit support of a side engaged in a war for the hearts and minds of the populace is open to criticism, regardless of what is behind the decision to support it. They "took a side" by platforming him at this moment in time. I've, at no point, suggested bigotry is right. What I have done is agree that there is a lot of bigotry behind much of the hate of this commercial. It is just that, by platforming this person at zenith of the trans debate, the company stepped in to the culture war, so they have certainly drew the ire of those who stand opposed to transgender ideology.

Showcasing one side of a debate while exclaiming how you are trying to be more inclusive and wanting to move away from your past target audience on to a new one is support.

Nothing you just said is in opposition to my point. All I said was that this particular boycott is backed mostly by bigotry. Yes, the topic of trans people is part of the culture war. Yes, by allowing a trans woman to promote their brand, Busch is showing support for that trans cause. That said, they did not promote any particular trans-based ideology. They just acknowledged that trans people are people and should be included. The people who feel that doing that is enough to warrant protest aren't the people that have some ideological disagreement with the trans community. The people shooting cases of beer just don't like trans people and don't like having to be exposed to them in any capacity.

That is the reason that I posed that question to koncept. You two dudes might not agree with everything trans people say, but you also aren't going to have such a visceral reaction to Busch using a trans influencer to promote a product. Let's be real, I've never even seen that vid outside of coverage of the boycott. If these bigots didn't make a point of throwing a hissy fit just because a trans person was involved, most of them would have never even known that Busch reached out to her in the first place. That's how you know this isn't based on any real problems. It's just bigots doing bigoted shit.
I'm not really sure what your motivation for posting that. I just want to point out that the reason Bud Light lost all that money is because Rep. politicians, celebrities, and other bigots pushed for a boycott just because the company sent a can to a trans woman in an effort to extend its customer base.

An appreciation for irony more than anything else.

They thought that gearing some of their advertising towards the trans community would bring them more business.

When, in fact, it caused them to lose more business than they ever could've imagined.

What you referred to as a............."can to a trans woman in an effort to extend their customer base".............caused their quarterly revenue to drop by 10.5%.

Who would've thought a "can to a trans" would cause so much damage.

D Wade damn clip.gif
An appreciation for irony more than anything else.

They thought that gearing some of their advertising towards the trans community would bring them more business.

When, in fact, it caused them to lose more business than they ever could've imagined.

What you referred to as a............."can to a trans woman in an effort to extend their customer base".............caused their quarterly revenue to drop by 10.5%.

Who would've thought a "can to a trans" would cause so much damage.

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Yeah, their fault for forgetting a large portion of their customer base consist of intolerant rednecks.
Business is business.

You're being facetious, but you're absolutely right.

If they remembered who their base was, they would've known that it wouldn't be a good idea to appeal to the trans community.

Nah I wasn't being facetious. You're right, it was Busch's fault for thinking that ploy to get a handful of trans customers would outweigh the backlash they would get from their bigot customers.

In their defense though, it probably wouldn't have blown up the way it did if it wasn't for politicians pushing it. DeSantis used an interview as governor to promote the boycott and now he's trying to sue the company because some Floridians had their pension hurt by the boycott. That dude is crystalized fecal matter.
It was kinda implied by you in the grand scheme of your rebuttals

No, it wasn't. I said multiple times that I wasn't talking about people simply disagreeing with trans ideologies. I was talking specifically about the Busch boycott, who was behind it, and why they chose to boycott. Other people made the discussion about general diagreement with trans ideology. For the last time, the boycott has nothing to do with ideology because there was no exchange of ideas. The boycott came solely in response to Busch allowing a trans person to promote for them.
Nah it ain't fair.

Plus, right now ain't the time to raise your hand at any African nation. BRICS'll come right in and swoop em up when we won't. I wonder what other nations were punished by this bank??
I know for a fact The World Bank and IMF have personally dictated to a sub Saharan nations regarding how they manage the nation

I could have written that better
I know for a fact The World Bank and IMF have personally dictated to a sub Saharan nations regarding how they manage the nation

There are agreements made when getting loans from the World Bank and IMF. If you want loan money, you have to abide by certain things. Same shit with Russia in Africa, you want their mercenaries you give them mining rights. You want Chinese roads, you give them farmland and let them send Chinese to work it.

I hate this shit so much.