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Male Trans Activist Says Women Don’t Own Womanhood or Periods

Shit like this is why I get more tired of the anti-trans people than the trans people. They are too extra with this shit. The only reason those of us who don't give a shit about any of this have to deal with is because those two groups are so set on battling each other.
How can you be too extra by standing on truth and rejecting fantasy?

And I posted several reasons why every black person should care, because white society is giving consequences for not playing along
She wanted to stand on her what she said.


Her job is to teach students not use her classroom to push her stance on social issues. The kid is a kid and was acting like a kid. She's an adult, and should have acted like one.

How can you be too extra by standing on truth and rejecting fantasy?

And I posted several reasons why every black person should care, because white society is giving consequences for not playing along

Teachers shouldn't be wasting time going back and forth with students over bullshit. That's not what she's being paid for.
Her job is to teach students not take unmoving positions on political stances. The kid is a kid and was acting like a kid. She's an adult, and should have acted like one.

Teachers shouldn't be wasting time going back and forth with students over bullshit. That's not what she's being paid for.
Bet. But pls care enough to resist this nonsense. Its not harmless. No white agenda is harmless
How can you be too extra by standing on truth and rejecting fantasy?

And I posted several reasons why every black person should care, because white society is giving consequences for not playing along

Also, you keep pushing this as an anti-black issues and I still don't buy that especially when most of the people that are getting these consequences you speak of for not playing along are white. White people tend to be way more combative about this type of thing. We more often don't give a shit. The people losing their jobs for refusing to use desired pronouns are like 90% white.
Also, you keep pushing this as an anti-black issues and I still don't buy that especially when most of the people that are getting these consequences you speak of for not playing along are white. White people tend to be way more combative about this type of thing. We more often don't give a shit. The people losing their jobs for refusing to use desired pronouns are like 90% white.
Like I said no white agenda is harmless therefore the consequences will be automatically worse for black offenders

Black kids have already been kicked out of school for "misgendering". That's only going to get worse when legislation passes

Like I said no white agenda is harmless therefore the consequences will be automatically worse for black offenders

Black kids have already been kicked out of school for "misgendering". That's only going to get worse when legislation passes

There's a difference between something being anti-black and being harmless. Again, you can't call this anti-black when the biggest target of these actions appear to be white bigots. Sure, some black people will be caught up in it, but it won't be worse for us unless we adopt white supremacist ways and try to go out of our way to start persecuting people because they are different or because we don't agree with them.

Brilliant quote by Dave...

And the answer to that question is... that's where white supremacy kicks in

It's not enough to wear a wig and a dress and pretend you're a girl, you have to get the rest of the world to play along with it because of white fragility. The need dominate everything is why is white men in dresses demand to be acknowledged as women. The need to dominate everything is why they demand society use pronouns, so we have to re-identify ourselves. We have to re-identify ourselves to make them feel better about being abnormal

So you HellCzar ass negros being allies to tranny delusions are enabling white supremacy, no different than wearing a maga hat.
I hate that Candace has said precisely what a lot of us have been saying in these threads... That means I we gotta agree with this heifer.

Ehh, I've said this here before don't be shamed for sharing the same views as right-wingers on this low-hanging fruit topic. Men are men and women are women, everyone agrees on that. Right wingers think cookies are delicious and so do you, very easy to agree on that

Brilliant quote by Dave...

And the answer to that question is... that's where white supremacy kicks in

It's not enough to wear a wig and a dress and pretend you're a girl, you have to get the rest of the world to play along with it because of white fragility. The need dominate everything is why is white men in dresses demand to be acknowledged as women. The need to dominate everything is why they demand society use pronouns, so we have to re-identify ourselves. We have to re-identify ourselves to make them feel better about being abnormal

So you HellCzar ass negros being allies to tranny delusions are enabling white supremacy, no different than wearing a maga hat.


Mental illness them old white folks in the APA tried to keep us away from.

They were more accurate than most of these dudes who support this behavior even though they the ones w/ smart phones.
The shit some of y'all co-sign is only getting worse

Rewarding (Grooming) gay children

Punishing heterosexual children

Its child abuse

I hate that Candace has said precisely what a lot of us have been saying in these threads... That means I we gotta agree with this heifer.

Candace has been on point lately.

Might still be a hustle for her, but this role fits her better than the ultra right wing stuff she was on a while back.
Still don’t get how women claim to be anti misogyny and anti mansplaining when a man telling a woman what womanhood is and that he is a woman is misogynistic and the ultimate form of mansplaining womanhood probably ever.
Still don’t get how women claim to be anti misogyny and anti mansplaining when a man telling a woman what womanhood is and that he is a woman is misogynistic and the ultimate form of mansplaining womanhood probably ever.

I've been saying this for the longest. It's foul if we do it but cool for some nigga in a blouse, bad wig, and some Maybeline to do it? Them muhfuckas are walking caricatures of womanhood, literally akin to blackface, but somehow shit ain't offensive when they tell actual, factual, XY biological women what "being a woman" means???
