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Male Trans Activist Says Women Don’t Own Womanhood or Periods

And just keep in mind, the folks who fell for that gender identity nonsense don't even know the history of it and the lies disgust that come w/ that crap. They got to get they ideology from "The View", Chris Hayes, and other left wing propaganda.

They making us look incompetent smmfh.
The propaganda theyre feeding YOUR children

This is liberal style white supremacy

plantation minions and hellczars pretend its harmless

You see the disgusting/intellectually dishonest way theyre grooming black children while pretending to fight racism...

Those people are evil. Demonic on both sides

That's some classic bait and switch. lol

It does sutbly imply that relationships between people of the same sex is perceived as more acceptable than interracial relationships. That's actually kinda weird coming from an alphabet activist.
That's some classic bait and switch. lol

It does sutbly imply that relationships between people of the same sex is perceived as more acceptable than interracial relationships. That's actually kinda weird coming from an alphabet activist.

Nah, they're normalizing same sex marriages, so to have the characters upset over an interracial marriage as opposed to same sex would be right on message for them.
That's some classic bait and switch. lol

It does sutbly imply that relationships between people of the same sex is perceived as more acceptable than interracial relationships. That's actually kinda weird coming from an alphabet activist.
That whole clip was grooming filth, but i caught something else too

It starts on some real disingenuous 1950s shit. What white kid in any era after the 50s would say white people CAN'T marry black people, as in its not possible? Like its still illegal... Words matter. That was a very very subtle way to mask the bully's beliefs, as a way to make him not look like a white supremacist but just ignorant. Because if he said white people SHOULDN'T marry black that directly reflects HIS OWN racist feelings, Rebecca Sugar aint gonna do that. So instead she writes the bully saying they CAN'T marry as to say its not allowed for some vague reason. Rebecca Sugar wrote it so the onus of racism doesn't fall on the white bully even tho he's obviously the aggressor. That's peak intellectual dishonesty.

So in that one short clip you have Rebecca Sugar misrepresenting anti-black racism (covert) while grooming your black children (overt). I can imagine the propaganda that show spews episode after episode
You can tell I'm out of touch on this matter because all my girls watch is K-Pop videos, anime, or gymnastics videos.

"nobody told me how lonely being a man is"

But you believe you're a man so you're already supposed to know these things.

This shit is hilarious. Muhfucka trying to tell us how we're "broken" after chopping off body parts and taking male hormones for years. The sheer audacity of a woman to complain about how being a man is not like being a woman and, therefore, is wrong and/or problematic.


We're different for a reason.

Yeaaa black people who go along with this pronouns shit are cowards and there's a few black men on this website who don't have the Integrity that sister showed. We don't have no type of rights or protections in this racist country. Everything we say we need gets ignored so imagine going along with these confusing word games to appease privileged white weirdos. That crap doesn't benefit us one bit. Shout out to her for standing on truth.

Yeaaa black people who go along with this pronouns shit are cowards and there's a few black men on this website who don't have the Integrity that sister showed. We don't have no type of rights or protections in this racist country. Everything we say we need gets ignored so imagine going along with these confusing word games to appease privileged white weirdos. That crap doesn't benefit us one bit. Shout out to her for standing on truth.

And we wonder why there's a shortage of teachers and why so many of them are walking away from the profession in droves.

Who in their right mind would want to deal with that bullshit?
"nobody told me how lonely being a man is"

But you believe you're a man so you're already supposed to know these things.

This shit is hilarious. Muhfucka trying to tell us how we're "broken" after chopping off body parts and taking male hormones for years. The sheer audacity of a woman to complain about how being a man is not like being a woman and, therefore, is wrong and/or problematic.

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We're different for a reason.

I honestly don't give a shit about trans people. Let them be who they are an move on.

That said, I believe if someone wanted to make a case against them, this would be a perfect example. This is pretty much a case of a woman believing she is a man because of what she sees from men on the surface and then finding out that the reality for men is different. If she was really a man as she claims to be then she would have tried to adjust. Instead, she just declared everything to be wrong because it didn't fit her female sensibilities. That's about as ridiculous as it gets. She misreading the situation. She's taking it as something being wrong with how men are when the reality is that there's something wrong with her.
I honestly don't give a shit about trans people. Let them be who they are an move on.

That said, I believe if someone wanted to make a case against them, this would be a perfect example. This is pretty much a case of a woman believing she is a man because of what she sees from men on the surface and then finding out that the reality for men is different. If she was really a man as she claims to be then she would have tried to adjust. Instead, she just declared everything to be wrong because it didn't fit her female sensibilities. That's about as ridiculous as it gets. She misreading the situation. She's taking it as something being wrong with how men are when the reality is that there's something wrong with her.


And that, folks, is that.

Yeaaa black people who go along with this pronouns shit are cowards and there's a few black men on this website who don't have the Integrity that sister showed. We don't have no type of rights or protections in this racist country. Everything we say we need gets ignored so imagine going along with these confusing word games to appease privileged white weirdos. That crap doesn't benefit us one bit. Shout out to her for standing on truth.

eh, this went on for way too long
all the teacher had to do was call shawty by her first name and ask if she was ready to present

if she's so hell bent on not presenting because she wasn't called by her preferred pronouns she'll fail the assignment. end of story
eh, this went on for way too long
all the teacher had to do was call shawty by her first name and ask if she was ready to present

if she's so hell bent on not presenting because she wasn't called by her preferred pronouns she'll fail the assignment. end of story

Shit like this is why I get more tired of the anti-trans people than the trans people. They are too extra with this shit. The only reason those of us who don't give a shit about any of this have to deal with is because those two groups are so set on battling each other.