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Male Trans Activist Says Women Don’t Own Womanhood or Periods

I'm talking about people that literally hate trans people though. Like buying a case of bud light just so you can shoot it with a gun as a sign of your distate for the company simply acknowledging that trans people exist is not indicative of a simple disagreement. The people that do shit like that just don't like LBGTQ people and are against anything and anyone that doesn't share their sentiments.

They disagreed with Busch's move and voiced their disapproval by no longer buying that product and stood on it; that ain't hatred, that's a boycott. It's something that goes against their fundamentals, whether its a ideological one or religious, so they stopped consuming that product. Now, that's not to say there weren't people that do actually hate them amongst the people that boycotted, there are, but you gotta understand that just as much as the alphabet community has a right to voice their disapproval and boycott and not have it be labeled as "hate", so do the people that boycotted Anheuser Busch
They disagreed with Busch's move and voiced their disapproval by no longer buying that product and stood on it; that ain't hatred, that's a boycott. It's something that goes against their fundamentals, whether its a ideological one or religious, so they stopped consuming that product. Now, that's not to say there weren't people that do actually hate them amongst the people that boycotted, there are, but you gotta understand that just as much as the alphabet community has a right to voice their disapproval and boycott and not have it be labeled as "hate", so do the people that boycotted Anheuser Busch

No one's talking about legal rights. Them having the legal right to do something doesn't mean thier actions aren't motivated by hatred and bigotry. Listen to this old prank.

Dude was ready to be done with NASCAR over the mere suggestion that Snoop take part in one of the races. "It's NASCAR not NASCOON." You don't think that's hatred? Yes he would have the right to boycott NASCAR if he chose, but that wouldn't change the fact that his reason for doing so is because he doesn't like black people and doesn't want black people in spaces that he considers to be his. That's the same exact mindset behind the Busch boycott.
No one's talking about legal rights. Them having the legal right to do something doesn't mean thier actions aren't motivated by hatred and bigotry. Listen to this old prank.

Dude was ready to be done with NASCAR over the mere suggestion that Snoop take part in one of the races. "It's NASCAR not NASCOON." You don't think that's hatred? Yes he would have the right to boycott NASCAR if he chose, but that wouldn't change the fact that his reason for doing so is because he doesn't like black people and doesn't want black people in spaces that he considers to be his. That's the same exact mindset behind the Busch boycott.

#1 I never mentioned "legal rights".
#2 Comparing racism against Black folks in this country against actions by people that don't support transpeople ain't even the same and you know it, you're really being intellectually dishonest here.
#1 I never mentioned "legal rights".
#2 Comparing racism against Black folks in this country against actions that don't support transpeople ain't even the same and you know it, you're really being intellectually dishonest here.

#1 Bruh, you brought up what they have the right to do. If you're not referring to their legal rights to voice their opinions or protest, what else are you talking about?

#2 Yes, there are nuances that differentiate the backlash towards black people vs the backlash towards trans people, but you're just being willfully blind if you don't see that most of those same backwoods redneck hillbilly CACs that want to see all black people go back to Africa are also the same people attacking transgendered people. For goodness sake, Ron DeSantis is both leading the charge against teaching black history and accepting LBGTQ people. You're right, the two things are not the same, but if we drew a Venn diagram for Racists and anti-LBGTQ bigots, a large chunk of those people would fit right in the crossection because those people pretty much hate anyone that's different from them.

Let me ask you a question. I assume that while you don't agree with everything trans people say, you don't hate them. Correct? Would you boycott a restaurant you loved just because a trans person was allowed to make a commercial for that restaurant?
#1 Bruh, you brought up what they have the right to do. If you're not referring to their legal rights to voice their opinions or protest, what else are you talking about?

#2 Yes, there are nuances that differentiate the backlash towards black people vs the backlash towards trans people, but you're just being willfully blind if you don't see that most of those same backwoods redneck hillbilly CACs that want to see all black people go back to Africa are also the same people attacking transgendered people. For goodness sake, Ron DeSantis is both leading the charge against teaching black history and accepting LBGTQ people. You're right, the two things are not the same, but if we drew a Venn diagram for Racists and anti-LBGTQ bigots, a large chunk of those people would fit right in the crossection because those people pretty much hate anyone that's different from them.

Let me ask you a question. I assume that while you don't agree with everything trans people say, you don't hate them. Correct? Would you boycott a restaurant you loved just because a trans person was allowed to make a commercial for that restaurant?

There is nothing subtle about this country's anti-blackness, historical and present. Nuance is the totally incorrect word here.

Bigots being bigoted isn't something new. Despite that, it isn't only bigots that have issue with transgender ideology. You throw out the LGBTQ acronym a lot but there are tons of LGB people who also take issue with transgenderism. A lot of the backlash isn't about them being, it's about them being and demanding everyone else be an active participant in their being.
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#1 Bruh, you brought up what they have the right to do. If you're not referring to their legal rights to voice their opinions or protest, what else are you talking about?

#2 Yes, there are nuances that differentiate the backlash towards black people vs the backlash towards trans people, but you're just being willfully blind if you don't see that most of those same backwoods redneck hillbilly CACs that want to see all black people go back to Africa are also the same people attacking transgendered people. For goodness sake, Ron DeSantis is both leading the charge against teaching black history and accepting LBGTQ people. You're right, the two things are not the same, but if we drew a Venn diagram for Racists and anti-LBGTQ bigots, a large chunk of those people would fit right in the crossection because those people pretty much hate anyone that's different from them.

Let me ask you a question. I assume that while you don't agree with everything trans people say, you don't hate them. Correct? Would you boycott a restaurant you loved just because a trans person was allowed to make a commercial for that restaurant?

"boycotting" is not a legal right but everyone has a right to do it. Everyone can stop supporting businesses on whatever grounds they feel.

Bruh, you do realize that one is based on skin color and the other based on something that no one ever has to know about but is being forced down everyone's throats anyways? This is why it's intellectually dishonest. We're BLACK no matter what we do, there's no hiding it or denying it. Same for Asians, Natives, or any other racial minority in this country.
After being called transphobic cuz of this thread so I reached out to my good friend who happens to be transgendered to chat on it.

So she goes who called you transphobic
Me: some niggas on a message boards
Her: Stay the fuck away from message boards lmao
After being called transphobic cuz of this thread so I reached out to my good friend who happens to be transgendered to chat on it.

So she goes who called you transphobic
Me: some niggas on a message boards
Her: Stay the fuck away from message boards lmao
Bye. Lol

You are a transphobe though
Let me ask you a question. I assume that while you don't agree with everything trans people say, you don't hate them. Correct? Would you boycott a restaurant you loved just because a trans person was allowed to make a commercial for that restaurant?

Depends on the vibes. If it's just them being people, no. If it gives off progressive propaganda vibes, I'd not go there anymore.
There is nothing subtle about this country's anti-blackness, historical and present, and how some people hate trans people. Nuance is the totally incorrect word here.

Bigots being bigoted isn't something new. Despite that, it isn't only bigots that have issue with transgender ideology. You throw out the LGBTQ acronym a lot but there are tons of LGB people who also take issue with transgenderism.

No one said that only bigots have an issue with transgender ideology. I said that the majority of the people supporting this particular boycott are likely bigots. Why? Because it has nothing to with ideology. Busch didn't make some kind of statement about believing that transgendered women should be allowed in women's sports or that children should have transition surgeries performed on them or even that people should have to call transgendered people by their chosen pronouns. All they did was allow a transgendered person to represent them for one video. That was enough to enrage those people. You can't tell me that a reaction like that is due to some logical disagreement with an ideology because that kind of reaction is not logical or rational.

"boycotting" is not a legal right but everyone has a right to do it. Everyone can stop supporting businesses on whatever grounds they feel.

Bruh, you do realize that one is based on skin color and the other based on something that no one ever has to know about but is being forced down everyone's throats anyways? This is why it's intellectually dishonest. We're BLACK no matter what we do, there's no hiding it or denying it. Same for Asians, Natives, or any other racial minority in this country.

Organizing a boycott is a legal right. It's a form of protest, and it's covered under the first amendment of the Constitution.

What the bigotry is based on is irrelevant. You're trying to make it seem like I'm equating the two forms of bigotry. I'm not. I'm saying that a lot of the same people that irrationally hate black people also irrationally hate trans people. See what you're trying to do is come up with a justification for why it's ok to discriminate against one minority and not against another. I'm not even going down that road with you. I'm simply talking about this one particular protest, looking at who is behind it, and acknowledging the fact that a lot of the people that support this specific boycott (e.g., Ron Desantis, Ted Nugent, Kid Rock, etc...) also don't like black people...because they are bigots.

And you didn't answer my question. Would you boycott a restaurant that you liked just because they had a trans person in a commercial?
There is nothing subtle about this country's anti-blackness, historical and present, and how some people hate trans people. Nuance is the totally incorrect word here.

Bigots being bigoted isn't something new. Despite that, it isn't only bigots that have issue with transgender ideology. You throw out the LGBTQ acronym a lot but there are tons of LGB people who also take issue with transgenderism. A lot of the backlash isn't about them being, it's about them being and demanding everyone else be an active participant in their being.

Bruh, there's a grip of gay men that won't date transmen or transwomen and lesbians that won't fuck with transwomen or transmen. I personally know a few gay cats that have said out of their mouths that they want their men to look like men and not have pussies (one said "smell like fish"). They ain't as united as the mainstream likes to make it seem.
No one said that only bigots have an issue with transgender ideology. I said that the majority of the people supporting this particular boycott are likely bigots. Why? Because it has nothing to with ideology. Busch didn't make some kind of statement about believing that transgendered women should be allowed in women's sports or that children should have transition surgeries performed on them or even that people should have to call transgendered people by their chosen pronouns. All they did was allow a transgendered person to represent them for one video. That was enough to enrage those people. You can't tell me that a reaction like that is due to some logical disagreement with an ideology because that kind of reaction is not logical or rational.

Can I not? In the context of the current culture war and the hysteria around transgenderism, can you not see how a commercial including a fairly flamboyant trans-person could be taken as "pushing an ideology"? *If Busch have never done such a thing before but chose to do so *now*. Whether that is the right way to interpret the commercial is a different question but I'm sure that some are anxious enough about all of this to see it that way.

But, not to give too much credit to people, I do agree with you that a lot of the hate of the commercial is likely just blind bigotry.
The one thing she did say though was that ppl online are quick to label ppl and use cliche words to make themselves seem cool
Can I not? In the context of the current culture war and the hysteria around transgenderism, can you not see how a commercial including a fairly flamboyant trans-person could be taken as "pushing an ideology"? Whether that is the right way to interpret the commercial is a different question but I'm sure that some are anxious enough about all of this to see it that way.

No, a company hiring a spokesperson that you don't like isn't pushing an ideology. It just isn't.

If Busch was giving a donation to a transgendered child gender reassessment clinic, and people boycotted because they didn't believe in reassignment surgery for children, that would be an ideological disagreement.

Busch simply allowing a trans person to be a spokesperson is not ideological in nature. It's just an acknowledgement that trans people exist, and it's not even genuine support of trans people. Anyone with a brain knows that Busch only did that because they want trans people to buy their beers too.
Can I not? In the context of the current culture war and the hysteria around transgenderism, can you not see how a commercial including a fairly flamboyant trans-person could be taken as "pushing an ideology"? *If Busch have never done such a thing before but chose to do so *now*. Whether that is the right way to interpret the commercial is a different question but I'm sure that some are anxious enough about all of this to see it that way.

But, not to give too much credit to people, I do agree with you that a lot of the hate of the commercial is likely just blind bigotry.
That same trans person got a deal with a tampon company. Some women was upset.
No, a company hiring a spokesperson that you don't like isn't pushing an ideology. It just isn't.

If Busch was giving a donation to a transgendered child gender reassessment clinic, and people boycotted because they didn't believe in reassignment surgery for children, that would be an ideological disagreement.

Busch simply allowing a trans person to be a spokesperson is not ideological in nature. It's just an acknowledgement that trans people exist, and it's not even genuine support of trans people. Anyone with a brain knows that Busch only did that because they want trans people to buy their beers too.

As much as you may disagree with the statement, you have to be able to separate yourself in this instance. If, in the height of a heated debate, someone chooses to showcase one side of the debate, that can enough for most to assume support for said ideology. To say this is an impossibility for humans ignores all that is human history.

I'm not asking you to agree with the statement, I'm telling you this is how humans work. It's obviously a money grab but that is irrelevant, to some it's them picking a side. Right or wrong, that is how it was interpreted.