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Let’s Build (Vol3): We’re The Reason The Ghetto Is The Ghetto

Well again, unless it's stated the tenant is responsible, the landlord usually does these things and it's probably best they do cause if the tenant does it, even with the best of intentions, if they fuck something up on accident, it could void their lease
Remember a couple of years ago when niggaz was taking pics with guns on Facebook and the black land lord wouldn't rent to them..... What were your thoughts on that?
Cuz they own their sneakers. They feel it's a representation of them. It's a sense of pride. They don't have that for where they live because they don't own it.

A lotta niggaz when they get older and wisen up move out the hood and have beautiful houses. But that's if they stay outta jail and the ground.
Or they value their sneakers looking good because it makes them cool and avoid ridicule from their peers as they have a sense of worth in looking fresh moreso than caring about their yard looking clean
My neighborhood is becoming full of rent houses. If it gets bad, I’m moving. My neighbors next door moved in last month and just got their yard cut last weekend. I hated looking at that shit. However, my neighbor across the street, keep they shit together. I should bake them a cake.
Or they value their sneakers looking good because it makes them cool and avoid ridicule from their peers as they have a sense of worth in looking fresh moreso than caring about their yard looking clean
Or cuz they don't own it.

"That ain't my job" is a favorite go to

I just went thru a whole ordeal this summer to get niggaz to start sweeping up their trash n shit at night before they go home. It's a small combination of variables of why that worked for me and not necessarily everybody else... But these niggaz really be obvious to shit like this until it's pointed out right in front of them...

And sometimes aggressively
Or cuz they don't own it.

"That ain't my job" is a favorite go to

I just went thru a whole ordeal this summer to get niggaz to start sweeping up their trash n shit at night before they go home. It's a small combination of variables of why that worked for me and not necessarily everybody else... But these niggaz really be obvious to shit like this until it's pointed out right in front of them...

And sometimes aggressively
Du that’s bullshit

That’s like not cleaning up where you ate at in a public place because you don’t own it

Niggas who value shit will clean their shit off the table
Du that’s bullshit

That’s like not cleaning up where you ate at in a public place because you don’t own it

Niggas who value shit will clean their shit off the table
It's can be bullshit and still be true.

If they were never taught it, or grew up around it... It has to be pointed out to them to understand it.

I don't smoke in my house, so I'm out in my porch just observing a whole lot.. is a few who get it, but a lot don't.

You just gotta know who to approach to get the rest to fall in line.

When I pointed out to the one nigga my house was appraised for less cuz if the shit y'all going on it here... Then asked him how would he feel if me being trifling caused him to lose 50-100k?

It was like a lightbulb went off. Them Niggaz hit up home Depot got some push brooms and trashbags. And legit clean up their shit at night.

Small victory at the least... But I definitely feel a lot of it comes from never having the real conversation
“Because I don’t own it”

Just cuz it's a bad reason doesn't mean it's the reasons they operating under is my point.

Trying to figure out the cause of shit ain't always gonna give you the answer you want
Cuz they own their sneakers. They feel it's a representation of them. It's a sense of pride. They don't have that for where they live because they don't own it.

A lotta niggaz when they get older and wisen up move out the hood and have beautiful houses. But that's if they stay outta jail and the ground.
So what does that say that you'll take more care of a pair of sneakers that is a huge depreciation item vs a home what increases in value
Remember a couple of years ago when niggaz was taking pics with guns on Facebook and the black land lord wouldn't rent to them..... What were your thoughts on that?
I don't remember this brother
Which goes back to mfs need to be held accountable.
It takes incentive.

If niggaz knew they could get more money for their house by keeping the outside clean and nice... Their attitude towards it would change.

If they had a grandma that said

" The bank said I could get 200k for my house, but all them boys outside all the time they only willing to offer me 100k. If you can get them boys to go somewhere else, I'll give you 50k outta the sale"

That whole block getting lit up
So what does that say that you'll take more care of a pair of sneakers that is a huge depreciation item vs a home what increases in value
It only increases for the owner. Not the renter
Which goes back to mfs need to be held accountable.
I agree, but If i find out they're just renting, im not wasting time talking to them. I'm going above them and sending all of this to the owner. Make them take responsibility of maintaining their property. Shouldnt be my job to maintain their property and watch their tenants. I'mma make sure they do that shit.