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Let’s Build (Vol3): We’re The Reason The Ghetto Is The Ghetto

This is true. My family just moved from a rental last year. We called the homeowner's agent during the winter to say that there was little to no heat coming into the house and that we think that the pipes were frozen. Instead of checking on the heat or the pipes, they told us that the renter that was there before us used a hair dryer to unfreeze the pipes. That was our last straw. They just wanted to raise the rent without fixing anything.
Yep. Unfortunately, some homeowners that rent them out don't wanna do any repairs until they start showing profits on their investment.
Yep. Unfortunately, some homeowners that rent them out don't wanna do any repairs until they start showing profits on their investment.
And that's what it was. The rental price when up in the rest of the area and they wanted to raise theirs up. We understood it was business, but at the same time, we didn't want our girls to be in a cold house.
Renters get called out but homeowners bring down property values too. Homeowners be struggling to pay the mortgage on a house they had no business buying. So upkeep on the house is an afterthought. Fence all fucked up, roof looks like shit. Barking dogs day and night. Grass won't grow or needs cut badly etc. Paint peeling and "project cars" sitting in the driveway that ain't gonna ever see the road. HOA's solve a lot of this but not all neighborhoods have them.
Aye my fence fucked up right now.

Who knew cali gets high winds
Renters get called out but homeowners bring down property values too. Homeowners be struggling to pay the mortgage on a house they had no business buying. So upkeep on the house is an afterthought. Fence all fucked up, roof looks like shit. Barking dogs day and night. Grass won't grow or needs cut badly etc. Paint peeling and "project cars" sitting in the driveway that ain't gonna ever see the road. HOA's solve a lot of this but not all neighborhoods have them.
There are definitely some trash ass homeowners. Everyone doesn't automatically get urge to make sure their home is up to par with the rest of the neighborhood once they sign the mortgage papers. Another thing is if the homeowner who is older or disabled. I know there are a lot of elderly who have family that live with them tearing up the joint and there's not much the elder can do or they live alone and refuse help with maintenance...
As the economy gets worse and people literally can't afford to buy and maintain homes renting is only gonna grow. I see it daily in my job
Foreclosures are up a lot.

More than I thought. So I’m going to grab some in the near future.

Get a few more renters round this bitch.
It starts at the top imo.

A lot of these landlords give zero fuccs around here. Everytime I work, I get about 2 to 3 call each time about a renter wanting to file a complaint against their landlord. Muthafuccas not fixing plumbing...mold issues...bug/rodent infestation...etc. is a constant problem wit a lot of these places here.

It got so bad at one spot...the city filed a lawsuit against the property owners. Mayor did a whole press conference about it. Mainly b/c we kept gettin flooded wit calls from the tenants about the owner not providing HEAT during last year's snowstorm. Plus other issues not being taken care of. Muthafucca was ignoring the tenants calls and refusing to do anything. I think the lawsuit is still ongoing.
Nigga what?

Ok bro the premise of this whole series is getting black people to not tear up their community and work together. Read the thread. It seems like the root of every issue in this thread is black folks not seeing value in themselves and their surroundings. Im saying it’s very hard to make that happen. We have all seen it in real life.
This cycle has been ebbing n flowing since we've been allowed to own houses in substantial numbers here

As the 1900s progressed each wave of relocating rural southern blacks into cities came with local black disgust of their darker skin tone, decorum, family structure, home maintenance standards, and even having to be associated with them etc. Community orgs of the time would implement socialization programs but their range was limited... eventually those who were capable would relocate WHERE THEY WERE ALLOWED TO (emphasis needed)... and their very Black presence depressed home values and the cycle repeats itself to this day

White people are typically the default point of reference for....everything unfortunately, but that doesn't fit here either. The topic is centered on "niggers", but if we gon defer to whites, we gotta acknowledge they have and exercise the capacity to shape reality and their communities at the exclusion any group of people they consider unsavory

This is ultimately a testament to the impotence of Black education and so called Black wealth as its been unable tailor reality to suit it's needs and imagination... one of the most consequential factors being the outrageously arbitrary nature of property valuation and property taxes... hell, taxes at large (in 2023, if you're future is anchored to wages or salary, even if relatively high, you're in a bad position) city planning... industry...even cultural production, which is the feature of this thread.

All of the mentioned, and beyond, has been continually manipulated and adjusted by White people to suit their needs without yielding to consider anyone... poor whites or beyond... we don't have that power, so its niggers fault