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Let’s Build (Vol3): We’re The Reason The Ghetto Is The Ghetto

I get why niggas don't like paying for increases in HOA dues. Everything keeps going up but your wages have stayed stagnant. To them, it just feels like yet another slice of pie they don't get to keep the themselves, regardless of how small it is

I also get the pov from wanting to keep shit nice for everyone to enjoy so everyone must contribute. I recently became a board member for my subdivision and saw the same shit Goldie and Kandy just mentioned. There are things we have to address at some point that will require money and the issue I'm currently facing is, mostly everyone on this street just wants to go to work and come home and I'm probably one of less than ten black owned homes out of 36 so I don't have a nigga issue, at least not now

Not to derail but this is also a people problem. A nigga will say, well I don't use the pool so why should I pay for the maintenance.

Where I live there was a big fuss about them putting a gas station right in the middle of s neighborhood. The community came together and protested it. They still continued on with it. Now when you drive to the more “white” side of where I stay, them white folks was able to stop a store from being built cause they ain’t want it there.

They also got all the stores and shit in that area.
I get why niggas don't like paying for increases in HOA dues. Everything keeps going up but your wages have stayed stagnant. To them, it just feels like yet another slice of pie they don't get to keep the themselves, regardless of how small it is

I also get the pov from wanting to keep shit nice for everyone to enjoy so everyone must contribute. I recently became a board member for my subdivision and saw the same shit Goldie and Kandy just mentioned. There are things we have to address at some point that will require money and the issue I'm currently facing is, mostly everyone on this street just wants to go to work and come home and I'm probably one of less than ten black owned homes out of 36 so I don't have a nigga issue, at least not now

Not to derail but this is also a people problem. A nigga will say, well I don't use the pool so why should I pay for the maintenance.


That’s the thing, most people are only thinking about the pool. The bigger picture is property value.

In northern Va almost every house/townhouse/condo is 400-500k and up. My mom’s neighborhood is one of the only spots still stuck in the 200s. She’s been working on remodeling the spot, but it’s hard to do when homie is renting to government assisted mfs.

But after remodeling, the property will easily go up to at least 350k and everybody eats, but nobody sees the big picture.
What’s the factors?

In the example I presented, 2/3 of the homes are all well kept, why is it when niggas move into the same neighborhood their shit has trash all over the front lawn?

Well if we're talking upkeep of the area you know that's more than just the residents. That's not to say they hold no accountability because they do. But to pretend as if shitty residents is the sole reason and it's just Black folks not caring is disingenuous. For example residents can't fix potholes. Residents can't ensure large parking lots get cleared during a snowstorm. Residents don't control response time to crimes being reported and committed. Residents don't control the fact that redlining that happens that helps to shape the property values of many of these neighborhoods that don't get proper funding that would help eliminate many of the eyesores that don't exist in neighborhoods with different racial demographics.

If all you wanna do is point out "Black people bad." Then cool. Have fun. But you can't seriously talk about social ills without addressing the cause of the sickness.
We need more programs that allow folks to actually own their home, so that the maintenance and upkeep is on them and not the landlord or rental company.

More people gotta see that shit be real. It's tough to understand a sense of community if you never had it.

It's just that everything is credit based and s ok difficult to maintain these days. It's easier to just rent. And once that happens " it ain't my problem"

Unfortunately the shit gonna take just as long to fix as it did to create.

There was a pride about your home in segregation days..... But soon as those with the means could get out and away.... Those who couldn't were forced to struggle in the hood with way less resources and the end result is generations coming up with resentment towards their living conditions. And more times than not its reflected in their treatment of where they stay.
Like there's no incentive. If you go from rental to rental, there's no incentive. But if you're buying you understand property value. And you start understand that the little shit we can call "nigga shit" can effect your pockets. Niggaz don't understand that trash outside, loud ass music, fucked up lawns can cause them up to 100k on a flip.

If niggaz understood how that shit effected their pockets.... Shit would be different real quick
Well if we're talking upkeep of the area you know that's more than just the residents. That's not to say they hold no accountability because they do. But to pretend as if shitty residents is the sole reason and it's just Black folks not caring is disingenuous. For example residents can't fix potholes. Residents can't ensure large parking lots get cleared during a snowstorm. Residents don't control response time to crimes being reported and committed. Residents don't control the fact that redlining that happens that helps to shape the property values of many of these neighborhoods that don't get proper funding that would help eliminate many of the eyesores that don't exist in neighborhoods with different racial demographics.

If all you wanna do is point out "Black people bad." Then cool. Have fun. But you can't seriously talk about social ills without addressing the cause of the sickness.

Fam you’re talking about potholes, snowstorms and murder. I’m talking about beer cans , dirty drawers and trash all over the front lawn.

Im gonna make a separate thread about crime and murder. I want this thread to be specifically about the aesthetics of the hood, the things we have control over.
Like there's no incentive. If you go from rental to rental, there's no incentive. But if you're buying you understand property value. And you start understand that the little shit we can call "nigga shit" can effect your pockets. Niggaz don't understand that trash outside, loud ass music, fucked up lawns can cause them up to 100k on a flip.

If niggaz understood how that shit effected their pockets.... Shit would be different real quick
IDK man

I've seen niggas spend money on the sole film you put on the bottom of your sneakers to keep them from getting dirt on them

If you care that much about a pair of got damn sneakers, you can care about the place you lay your head down every night
I'm just speaking from observation and experience. When everybody on this block owned their houses... It looked a lot better than when renters came around.

When I went over people's house who rented.. the was way more issues because they were always waiting for the landlord to come fix it. Even something simple as snow.

You can tell right away who owns their home cuz they're used to coming out and clearing it all out the way as it's their responsibility. Where as renters will wait until somebody come do it.

It's a mentally I've seen played out many times. It may not be the only reason, but it is a factor
I'm just speaking from observation and experience. When everybody on this block owned their houses... It looked a lot better than when renters came around.

When I went over people's house who rented.. the was way more issues because they were always waiting for the landlord to come fix it. Even something simple as snow.

You can tell right away who owns their home cuz they're used to coming out and clearing it all out the way as it's their responsibility. Where as renters will wait until somebody come do it.

It's a mentally I've seen played out many times. It may not be the only reason, but it is a factor
Well again, unless it's stated the tenant is responsible, the landlord usually does these things and it's probably best they do cause if the tenant does it, even with the best of intentions, if they fuck something up on accident, it could void their lease
I'm just speaking from observation and experience. When everybody on this block owned their houses... It looked a lot better than when renters came around.

When I went over people's house who rented.. the was way more issues because they were always waiting for the landlord to come fix it. Even something simple as snow.

You can tell right away who owns their home cuz they're used to coming out and clearing it all out the way as it's their responsibility. Where as renters will wait until somebody come do it.

It's a mentally I've seen played out many times. It may not be the only reason, but it is a factor
On the flip side, are you constantly doing something you're paying someone else to take care of?
IDK man

I've seen niggas spend money on the sole film you put on the bottom of your sneakers to keep them from getting dirt on them

If you care that much about a pair of got damn sneakers, you can care about the place you lay your head down every night
Niggas walk like ducks to make sure their sneakers don’t get creased then proceed to throw a wrapper on the ground in the front yard
Cuz they own their sneakers. They feel it's a representation of them. It's a sense of pride. They don't have that for where they live because they don't own it.

A lotta niggaz when they get older and wisen up move out the hood and have beautiful houses. But that's if they stay outta jail and the ground.