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Kim Kardashian gets dragged for insensitive comments “Get your f--king ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

The advice is good advice regardless of who it came from. I think that’s @Bow to Royalty point about folks are mad because she said it.

Again, no one is mad because she said work hard. People are criticizing her for implying and damn near outright saying that less successful people aren't working hard.

That's the last time I'm going to point that out. If ya'll want to keep acting like anyone has a problem with "Work Hard" as advice, go for it.
I think folks are mad because she said it in what could be seen as degrading.

Dame, Puff etc have said it in a more motivating fashion, one that could potentially light a fire in some hearts.


Might help if she never made that sex tape.

I get you. And with that, different strokes for different folks. Dame and Puff's delivery may break some people. Gotta have thick skin to deal with them, and everyone's not built for it. Dame basically told Envy his own son doesn't respect him because of his job. Some will find motivation, some will see that as degrading. Same with that long ass walk for Cheesecake... some saw degrading. Others saw how bad they wanted to be successful.

Kim's delivery may work for a group. I'd be surprised if no women found motivation in it.
Again, no one is mad because she said work hard. People are criticizing her for implying and damn near outright saying that less successful people aren't working hard.

That's the last time I'm going to point that out. If ya'll want to keep acting like anyone has a problem with "Work Hard" as advice, go for it.

I get what you're saying, but the point remains the same to me. She's not the first to point out other people's perceived lack of work ethic. And I get you say you hold everyone to that standard. I just don't think that's the way the majority respond to it. I think a lot of people are cool with Person A saying it, but not Kim. And if that's the case, just say "Fuck Kim", but don't act like the message is different.
When you're a billionaire and you get up in public and say "nobody wants to work" when a huge part of your success is built off you living a life of luxury you were born into and didn't have to work for...then people are gonna take issue with you saying "nobody wants to work". It's really that simple.
It's the messenger and not the message.

She also come from privilege where she had a high-profile lawyer as a dad and am olympian step-dad that I'm sure was making a big income before Kim hit it big. If it didn't come from a person who had a leg up in the parental dept, didn't have to put a sex tape to get in the limelight that catapulted her into the business world and reality tv world w/ her family, the message would've been received differently.

Not saying that Kim didn't have to work hard to get the businesses intially up and running. Sustaining the business is harder than getting them up and running as well so salutes to her and her team for achieving sustainability. BUT that head start that her and her siblings got from that parental privilege and the sextape helped tremendously

Yeezy gifting that girl all of them shares of Apple and Disney was a huge help too. Privilege, privilege, privilege...
Nah, they were some fuck niggas as well

The funny shit about using Dame and Puff as examples is people give them plenty of pushback as well. Alot of people took issue with how Dame spoke in that Breakfast Club interview. Diddy can't give any piece of advice without people bring up shady record deals and business practices. So even for people who didn't start from an initial place of privilege once you reach a certain level of success then choose to try and speak to others as if all they're lacking is the mere ability to want to work then yeah you're gonna get people who work hard everyday without coming home to a fully staffed mansion looking at you like "what the fuck are you talking about nobody wants to work?"
It's the messenger and not the message.

She also come from privilege where she had a high-profile lawyer as a dad and am olympian step-dad that I'm sure was making a big income before Kim hit it big. If it didn't come from a person who had a leg up in the parental dept, didn't have to put a sex tape to get in the limelight that catapulted her into the business world and reality tv world w/ her family, the message would've been received differently.

Not saying that Kim didn't have to work hard to get the businesses intially up and running. Sustaining the business is harder than getting them up and running as well so salutes to her and her team for achieving sustainability. BUT that head start that her and her siblings got from that parental privilege and the sextape helped tremendously

Yeezy gifting that girl all of them shares of Apple and Disney was a huge help too. Privilege, privilege, privilege...

I don't know about the bold. My wife started her own business a few years ago, and in working with her and a couple other family members that are going that route, the hardest thing to do upfront is building your customer base. The can be the best chef, doctor, accountant, etc... in the world, but that doesn't matter until you get people to try your service and product. The Kardashians' businesses didn't really start until after they gained international fame. That helped them a lot especially when you consider the businesses they have. Also, having a lot of money upfront helps a lot. You can hire help before your business is making enough money to sustain that help. Hell, for new business owners, simply figuring out how to run a business can be tough. It helps a lot of have a mother that's plugged into your desired industries and can get you the help you need.

I'm sure the Kardashians are working hard, but I believe that's more because they have so much going on than because they put a ton of effort into any one thing. In other words, they "suffer" from a wealth of opportunity and that can be time consuming for them.
When you're a billionaire and you get up in public and say "nobody wants to work" when a huge part of your success is built off you living a life of luxury you were born into and didn't have to work for...then people are gonna take issue with you saying "nobody wants to work". It's really that simple.

I get you, but there's another way to look at that. She was born into wealth, so likely never needed to really work. But she chose to, which speaks to work ethic.

So if she's been financially set since birth, and will wake up at 4:00 am to get her work day started (I dunno if she does... just an example of hard work), she may look at people that are trying to go from rags to riches, but want to sleep until 7:00 am a certain way.

I think that's why a lot of wealthy people feel this way. They've already made it, and will still grind harder than the people that say they want to be like them. You can see this in the regular world. People may want to move up in their company, but only to an extent because despite the pay raise... they don't want the work. Everyone wouldn't keep accepting promotions until they're the CEO, even though they'd all take CEO pay.
I get you, but there's another way to look at that. She was born into wealth, so likely never needed to really work. But she chose to, which speaks to work ethic.

So if she's been financially set since birth, and will wake up at 4:00 am to get her work day started (I dunno if she does... just an example of hard work), she may look at people that are trying to go from rags to riches, but want to sleep until 7:00 am a certain way.

I think that's why a lot of wealthy people feel this way. They've already made it, and will still grind harder than the people that say they want to be like them. You can see this in the regular world. People may want to move up in their company, but only to an extent because despite the pay raise... they don't want the work. Everyone wouldn't keep accepting promotions until they're the CEO, even though they'd all take CEO pay.

That last part though about still wanting to work after they've already "made it" is a key thing though. For one they get to do what they want as opposed to what they have to to earn income. And you cannot underestimate or understate the value of being able to have a career in something you choose to do vs something you have to do. There's alot of people who would leave their current jop/career at the drop of a hat to pursue a bunch of different things they'd much rather be doing if they had as big of a cushion to fail as Kim Kardashian and others like her did when starting out. But they don't so most people don't have the luxury of being able to do what they want for a living and instead do what they need to to provide for themselves and their families. So again the idea that people don't want to work is false based on the fact that most people are already working their ass off at jobs they don't want simply to make it day to day.

There's also the fact that just because wealthy people feel that way don't mean it's right. There's all sorts of studies that exist that show how someone's salary isn't an indicator of how hard they actually work on a day to day basis. So just because someone is wealthy it doesn't qualify them to speak on what does or doesn't lead to success. Especially when you had the path laid out for you and didn't have to go through the pains that many others do to achieve anywhere near close to that same level.
It's a crazy narrative that rich people work harder than poor people as a rule. I can't believe people still buy into that shit.

It's easy to sell that dream to people because those same people also foolishly believe they're just one idea and some hard work away from being the next millionaire. When you can convince a society that it's their own lack of effort keeping them from success and not the actual way society is structured then you can keep them blinded as to what the real problem is.
I get you, but there's another way to look at that. She was born into wealth, so likely never needed to really work. But she chose to, which speaks to work ethic.

So if she's been financially set since birth, and will wake up at 4:00 am to get her work day started (I dunno if she does... just an example of hard work), she may look at people that are trying to go from rags to riches, but want to sleep until 7:00 am a certain way.

I think that's why a lot of wealthy people feel this way. They've already made it, and will still grind harder than the people that say they want to be like them. You can see this in the regular world. People may want to move up in their company, but only to an extent because despite the pay raise... they don't want the work. Everyone wouldn't keep accepting promotions until they're the CEO, even though they'd all take CEO pay.

I was rocking with you till this post here buddy. People working like slaves for little is the rule not the exception.

And most people gotta do that going uphill damn near backwards.