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Kim Kardashian gets dragged for insensitive comments “Get your f--king ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

What makes what she said even worse is she's currently being sued by former employees of hers for not paying them properly for regular nor overtime work and for denying regular meal breaks....but "nobody wants to work anymore". So thats how you become a billionaire...by screwing people over as you gain more profits.

In fairness, until that plays out, her story is she's not the one employing them, which is believable. You hire a lawn service, they do the job, and you pay the boss/company. But the company is the one that manages scheduling, lunch breaks, overtime, etc.

Her hiring a lawn maintenance company sounds more likely than her interviewing and putting together her own lawn crew.
Lemme find out Bow got the DVD box set of keeping up with the Kardashians

Shameless (oops) shameful admission: I watched the kardashians show heavy from 2007-13. I found them quite entertaining for a while, then got bored and stopped being a viewer
She started out talking about women in business and her Republican qwhyte woman jumped out when she said "nobody wants to work these days"....she didn't say only women dont want to work. That is a very political statement to make at this time in history...and one that these companies, business owners and politicians are saying b/c people got "stimulus" money and aren't willing to go back to shitty jobs, killing themselves for shitty pay. She's "one of them"...and like "them", she has the audacity to say some shit like that. That's all this is.

thank you