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Kim Kardashian gets dragged for insensitive comments “Get your f--king ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

I don't get all this outrage. This is some of the most common advice highly successful people give. Why'd everybody turn sensitive pussy because Kim said it?

Because it's often given as a blanket statement without taking into account other factors that lead to success outside of just "working hard." If it were that simple then people who work 2/3 jobs wouldn’t be thr vast majority of the working poor. people tend not to like being lectured on the value of hard work from people who started life with a big ass head start over the people they're talking to.
Because it's often given as a blanket statement without taking into account other factors that lead to success outside of just "working hard." If it were that simple then people who work 2/3 jobs wouldn’t be thr vast majority of the working poor. people tend not to like being lectured on the value of hard work from people who started life with a big ass head start over the people they're talking to.

So they wanted her to break down a strategy with a 100% success rate for every socioeconomic class anyone could fall into?

This is just acting sensitive because it's Kim to me. If an interviewer asked Durant how to make it to the NBA and he said you gotta get up off your ass and practice, would we get all this pushback?

It's easy for Durant to say, he's almost 7 ft tall. Everyone isn't born with that height advantage. Everyone's parents can't afford to send them to camps to learn the finer points of the game. Some kids have a large role inside the home... they don't have time to practice basketball for hours everyday.
I don't get all this outrage. This is some of the most common advice highly successful people give. Why'd everybody turn sensitive pussy because Kim said it?

1) It's stupid advice. Americans are some of the hardest working people in the world believe it or not, especially among developed nations. So everybody acting like the people who are struggling are doing so because they aren't working hard enough should be criticized not just Kim.

2) Kim didn't get where she is because she worked harder than everyone else, so it's especially ridiculous for her to say that shit. I don't know how hard she works. I do know that hard work isn't what made her rich, and that once you're rich and famous, you don't have to work that hard to get richer.
So they wanted her to break down a strategy with a 100% success rate for every socioeconomic class anyone could fall into?

This is just acting sensitive because it's Kim to me. If an interviewer asked Durant how to make it to the NBA and he said you gotta get up off your ass and practice, would we get all this pushback?

It's easy for Durant to say, he's almost 7 ft tall. Everyone isn't born with that height advantage. Everyone's parents can't afford to send them to camps to learn the finer points of the game. Some kids have a large role inside the home... they don't have time to practice basketball for hours everyday.

Your KD example is kind of a bad one. Nobody would be mad at KD because we'd know given his specific profession he's only talking to a small part of the population who is built to try and pursue that type of career. And even then you gave evidence as to why the blanket advice of "just practice hard" still would be short sighted.

Nobody said they needed a full PowerPoint presentation breakdown of her plan but the whole idea that people aren't successful because they don't work hard is just flat out bullshit and a lie. It's not just working hard that leads to success and for someone who was given a huge advantage in life to try and say it's just about working hard is a slap in the face to people who work just as hard but don't have a dad whose career led to the very personal connections that allowed Kim Kardashian to become who she was.
Skete with the Kim tattoo is some nasty work

But donde Donda Dos?
1) It's stupid advice. Americans are some of the hardest working people in the world believe it or not, especially among developed nations. So everybody acting like the people who are struggling are doing so because they aren't working hard enough should be criticized not just Kim.

2) Kim didn't get where she is because she worked harder than everyone else, so it's especially ridiculous for her to say that shit. I don't know how hard she works. I do know that hard work isn't what made her rich, and that once you're rich and famous, you don't have to work that hard to get richer.

1) I don't understand why her advice was supposed to be a guaranteed plan to wealth and success though. That formula doesn't exist. But among the highly successful, working hard seems to be one of the most common traits. No advice will be effective for all of the billions of people on earth.

2) I get that, but also I didn't think the question was asking for her personal path to riches. Should her advice have been "Be born rich"? She gave some general advice that most people can control (effort). I'm not saying she said anything amazing. I'm just saying it's weird to get this much pushback on some generic, often repeated advice.
1) I don't understand why her advice was supposed to be a guaranteed plan to wealth and success though. That formula doesn't exist. But among the highly successful, working hard seems to be one of the most common traits. No advice will be effective for all of the billions of people on earth.

2) I get that, but also I didn't think the question was asking for her personal path to riches. Should her advice have been "Be born rich"? She gave some general advice that most people can control (effort). I'm not saying she said anything amazing. I'm just saying it's weird to get this much pushback on some generic, often repeated advice.

Because the generic off repeated advice isn't really that great of a piece of advice. Also...this is an instance where the messenger skews the message. Those two things combined just come off as tone deaf. It also shows that the media hasn't caught up yet to the fact that while there's still a large portion of people who pay attention to the Kardashians many do so because they actually despise them. So trying to play up the whole "girl boss self made entrepreneurs" angle has run its course and alot of people don't subscribe to that view of them in that light anymore.
1) I don't understand why her advice was supposed to be a guaranteed plan to wealth and success though. That formula doesn't exist. But among the highly successful, working hard seems to be one of the most common traits. No advice will be effective for all of the billions of people on earth.

2) I get that, but also I didn't think the question was asking for her personal path to riches. Should her advice have been "Be born rich"? She gave some general advice that most people can control (effort). I'm not saying she said anything amazing. I'm just saying it's weird to get this much pushback on some generic, often repeated advice.
You sounding very all lives matter right now b
1) I don't understand why her advice was supposed to be a guaranteed plan to wealth and success though. That formula doesn't exist. But among the highly successful, working hard seems to be one of the most common traits. No advice will be effective for all of the billions of people on earth.

2) I get that, but also I didn't think the question was asking for her personal path to riches. Should her advice have been "Be born rich"? She gave some general advice that most people can control (effort). I'm not saying she said anything amazing. I'm just saying it's weird to get this much pushback on some generic, often repeated advice.

1) Who said anything about a plan to wealth? I said her advice is stupid because it implies that women aren't already grinding. She said nobody wants to work. That's bullshit. The majority of the people in this country are busting their asses day in and day out. Willingness to work is not the primary factor that determines whether someone will be successful or not.

2) As I said before, every rich person should (and most times has) receive the same backlash for making such tone def comments. I'm not sure why a person getting some pushback for saying some dumb shit is weird to you. Yes, she may be getting more attention than others who have said similar things, but that's likely because she has a bigger name.
Because the generic off repeated advice isn't really that great of a piece of advice. Also...this is an instance where the messenger skews the message. Those two things combined just come off as tone deaf. It also shows that the media hasn't caught up yet to the fact that while there's still a large portion of people who pay attention to the Kardashians many do so because they actually despise them. So trying to play up the whole "girl boss self made entrepreneurs" angle has run its course and alot of people don't subscribe to that view of them in that light anymore.

I'm pretty sure most people in the media know the bold. They don't really care. Whether people love or hate the Kardashians, they know they'll get views for putting out some shit like this.
Your KD example is kind of a bad one. Nobody would be mad at KD because we'd know given his specific profession he's only talking to a small part of the population who is built to try and pursue that type of career. And even then you gave evidence as to why the blanket advice of "just practice hard" still would be short sighted.

Nobody said they needed a full PowerPoint presentation breakdown of her plan but the whole idea that people aren't successful because they don't work hard is just flat out bullshit and a lie. It's not just working hard that leads to success and for someone who was given a huge advantage in life to try and say it's just about working hard is a slap in the face to people who work just as hard but don't have a dad whose career led to the very personal connections that allowed Kim Kardashian to become who she was.

You're missing my point. I'm asking why are people getting sensitive over this? We agree "just practice hard" would be short sighted advice. Even with practice, most people won't go pro. But there wouldn't be tons of people offended over his comment. That's what I'm getting at.

Agreed, working hard doesn't guarantee success, but it still may have been a requirement for a majority of the people that are highly successful. People are acting like she put on a seminar titled "The Secret to Guaranteed Success" then just came out and said "Get off your ass and work hard". She just answered an interview question, haha.
You're missing my point. I'm asking why are people getting sensitive over this? We agree "just practice hard" would be short sighted advice. Even with practice, most people won't go pro. But there wouldn't be tons of people offended over his comment. That's what I'm getting at.

Agreed, working hard doesn't guarantee success, but it still may have been a requirement for a majority of the people that are highly successful. People are acting like she put on a seminar titled "The Secret to Guaranteed Success" then just came out and said "Get off your ass and work hard". She just answered an interview question, haha.

Why do you feel somebody or people saying something is tone deaf or shouldn't have been said being sensitive? Maybe just maybe people are expressing they don't like being spoken to a certain way and the manner and tone in which Kim Kardashian said what she said, if you actually listen to the audio clip she does come off as condescending, and the reaction is people putting up a barrier on how they will allow themselves to be spoken to.

And again your further use of the KD example shows why this stance you're taking is a bad one. He has a very specific skill set that only a limited number of people on the planet can do. The same can't be said for Kim Kardashian. So her version of hard work and then saying nobody wants to work is going to come off as talking down to people who legit have to get up and grind and bust their ass on a daily basis to make ends meet. Especially during a time when those very people are being screwed over by decisions being made and influenced by people in her tax bracket and social circles.
You're missing my point. I'm asking why are people getting sensitive over this? We agree "just practice hard" would be short sighted advice. Even with practice, most people won't go pro. But there wouldn't be tons of people offended over his comment. That's what I'm getting at.

Agreed, working hard doesn't guarantee success, but it still may have been a requirement for a majority of the people that are highly successful. People are acting like she put on a seminar titled "The Secret to Guaranteed Success" then just came out and said "Get off your ass and work hard". She just answered an interview question, haha.
You sounding like the people who try to scold others for using their leave and taking off just because

C'mon fam
You're missing my point. I'm asking why are people getting sensitive over this? We agree "just practice hard" would be short sighted advice. Even with practice, most people won't go pro. But there wouldn't be tons of people offended over his comment. That's what I'm getting at.

Agreed, working hard doesn't guarantee success, but it still may have been a requirement for a majority of the people that are highly successful. People are acting like she put on a seminar titled "The Secret to Guaranteed Success" then just came out and said "Get off your ass and work hard". She just answered an interview question, haha.

I'll never understand why every time someone calls a celebrity out on something, other jumping up claiming that person is offended or hurt. No one is hurt about this. People are calling Kardashian out because what she said was stupid, nothing more and nothing less.
I'll never understand why every time someone calls a celebrity out on something, other jumping up claiming that person is offended or hurt. No one is hurt about this. People are calling Kardashian out because what she said was stupid, nothing more and nothing less.

Yeah I don't get the whole idea that telling people that expressing what they don't like means they're sensitive. It just means they're letting you know what they will and won't tolerate. Being a punching bag ain't a sign of strength just to show how much can take.