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Kim Kardashian gets dragged for insensitive comments “Get your f--king ass up and work. It seems like nobody wants to work these days.”

Too late y’all made these hoes rich and famous

can’t take it back now....

This ^^^ ALL OF THIS

Man these chicks just need to be seen and not heard from b/c anytime any one of the Kardashians open their mouths they make themselves look and sound like fools.

First it Khole trying to preach about beauty & body positivity online but she's been get surgery on her body forever. Then Kim is talking about get off your ass and work (she's right ironically) but this is the same braud that got famous for getting fucked on camera which was the start of these brauds being open about hoing.
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Kim K is nothing but a hoe that was forced to hustle her pussy by her momma and made her whole family household names.

What "work" she actually did was take dick and have a tv show about her life.

The thing about working is, if you are working with no leverage then you always gonna be broke.

Kim was a rich ass LA girl, being a so called "stylist". She always had leverage because she didn't have to do shit.

She didn't even go to college.

Kim K don't know shit about having to get up in the morning and drive an hour to go somewhere she don't wanna be, do something she don't wanna do, or bills won't get paid.

All she know in her life is playing with house money. Her life is for play play.

Her life ain't reality for 99 percent of humanity.

