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Killmonger was “toxic”

Too many get too caught up in saying "I'm not like them" then simply admitting that those types of people simply do exist. And they get so caught up in defending a point that wasn't even made towards them they end up a. missing the entire point or b. defending some shit they know is wrong just to be defiant. Neither ends up with a solution just 2 people bitching back and forth.
So if it’s not all then what’s the problem?
Are you fucking delusional??? Living in the fuckin Twilight Zone where everything you claim is true???

I, Race, provided factual data. You provided nothing more than empty alarmist bullshit.

The numbers you posted didn't tell the whole story at all and it's that type of shit that we don't need as a community. If you're going to speak on something, speak on the whole truth, not just some sensationalist click-bait trash. You wanna say that 92% of Black women lost their lives at the hands of a Black domestic partner, but you want to hide the fact that only an average of 124 Black women of all ages are killed by a domestic partner in any given year so that 92% suddenly shrinks the number to 114 IF you don't adjust for the age range.

114 Black women killed by a domestic partner in any given year... Shit is hardly the staggering statistic you made it out to be. And, once again, nearly 4 times as many Black women take their own lives in any given year, so maybe y'all need to check yourselves before you check us.

This post is also another example the of the Race post I was referencing only this time her own logic was rightfully used against her. This is why it's important to know what these stats and numbers actually mean when you post them or want to use them for evidence. Otherwise you just come off like you're using big words and concpets for show as opposed to actually knowing how to apply them.
Too many get too caught up in saying "I'm not like them" then simply admitting that those types of people simply do exist. And they get so caught up in defending a point that wasn't even made towards them they end up a. missing the entire point or b. defending some shit they know is wrong just to be defiant. Neither ends up with a solution just 2 people bitching back and forth.
Ego and pride
I'm right and don't need to hear more cuz you wrong.

That's how it goes.
No, help me understand.
Or maybe I'm wrong.

Just I'm right an you wrong.

An then the attacks an insults.
So if it’s not all then what’s the problem?

That too many simply can't even say "Damn thats fucked up them niggas is trash" and offer actual empathy instead of going into automatic defense mode and thinking every single commentary made about black men is about you personally that you must defend. Actually talking to women about this shit, which it's clear many of you don't from the responses, that's basically what many want. They ain't asking for a crusade. Just don't applaud or defend shitty treatment of women you know is wrong without the "whataboutism" that can at times follow.
What gets me is that anytime some female doesnt some wild shit.. its internalizes patriarchy cishnet interdimensional heteronormative intergalactic bullshit.. lol

it never can be that this person is just shitty.. fact is we have a culture that rewards shitty its universally accepted

This shit never really use to annoy me the way it has the last few years but these widely general sweeping statements are all i see and i dont even follow the bullshit its an issue and hypocrisy is screaming all around the shit is tiresome
That too many simply can't even say "Damn thats fucked up them niggas is trash" and offer actual empathy instead of going into automatic defense mode and thinking every single commentary made about black men is about you personally that you must defend. Actually talking to women about this shit, which it's clear many of you don't from the responses, that's basically what many want. They ain't asking for a crusade. Just don't applaud or defend shitty treatment of women you know is wrong without the "whataboutism" that can at times follow.
When we make threads about a black man doing bad stuff to a black woman we acknowledge it then. The way you use your words is important.
I didn't credit myself with anything. You're the one who chose not to post an actual response. Either you have one or you don't.
Bruh what were we talking about? It’s either you’re dumb or you’re playing dumb. And I don’t think you’re a dumb guy so....
When we make threads about a black man doing bad stuff to a black woman we acknowledge it then. The way you use your words is important.

And there's also usually someone there to try and say some stupid shit as well. I remember on the IC anytime a thread was made about a black man killing or harming a black woman it would at some point devolve into an argument about child support and somehow the woman was also at fault because of it. I mean some niggas even tried it in a thread where a dude threw his baby daughter off a damn cliff literally. It's that type of shit that they're talking about.
And there's also usually someone there to try and say some stupid shit as well. I remember on the IC anytime a thread was made about a black man killing or harming a black woman it would at some point devolve into an argument about child support and somehow the woman was also at fault because of it. I mean some niggas even tried it in a thread where a dude threw his baby daughter off a damn cliff literally. It's that type of shit that they're talking about.
And more than likely that poster got hit with negative reactions and got called out.