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Killmonger was “toxic”

I feel like niggas feel targeted whenever black womenswear bring up bad treatment from black men. They feel like the narrative been hammered into our heads for 30 plus years. But acting like it’s not a large amount of toxic niggas openly doing shit is crazy. These same noggas day women just being used against us. Like we didn’t make it easier for them. It’s like we talk about single mothers and how noggas feel they have no stock or their stock is lower cuz of kids and bitches ain’t shit and etc. we really gonna act like we had no responsibility in how black women view us? I mean we mention the bad black women all the time. But we surprised they bring up bad black men openly.
I feel like niggas feel targeted whenever black womenswear bring up bad treatment from black men. They feel like the narrative been hammered into our heads for 30 plus years. But acting like it’s not a large amount of toxic niggas openly doing shit is crazy. These same noggas day women just being used against us. Like we didn’t make it easier for them. It’s like we talk about single mothers and how noggas feel they have no stock or their stock is lower cuz of kids and bitches ain’t shit and etc. we really gonna act like we had no responsibility in how black women view us? I mean we mention the bad black women all the time. But we surprised they bring up bad black men openly.
Fam she didn’t refer To a large amount of niggas or her personal experience, she is discussing Killmonger ....kill fucking monger
I feel like niggas feel targeted whenever black womenswear bring up bad treatment from black men. They feel like the narrative been hammered into our heads for 30 plus years. But acting like it’s not a large amount of toxic niggas openly doing shit is crazy. These same noggas day women just being used against us. Like we didn’t make it easier for them. It’s like we talk about single mothers and how noggas feel they have no stock or their stock is lower cuz of kids and bitches ain’t shit and etc. we really gonna act like we had no responsibility in how black women view us? I mean we mention the bad black women all the time. But we surprised they bring up bad black men openly.

Black people should be allowed to discuss other fucked up black people. Majority of the times that ain't what's happening though. It's just people on both sides yelling a bunch of bullshit stats and unsubstantiated numbers at each other. It's not really ever a discussion of what either side can do better. It's yall niggas or bitches is fucking up, here's how you fucking up now just do better. That's not how shit gets better.

Words have meanings folks need to really understand that. Single mothers just means a woman who isn't married. Single mother doesn't mean the father isn't present in his child's life and not doing his part. People really need to separate the two. Cause if its that many single mothers it's just as many single fathers but that topic isn't spoke on in the same good reverence as single mothers. That is for a reason that most people ain't willing to acknowledge because it doesn't fit the narratives about black people that non black people and some black people want to push.
bruh we got off killmonger 2 pages ago I’m in the context of the last two pages you’re not slow fam
I’m only relating to the O/P, unless ppl wanna make that thread discussing their personal experiences and not random generalizations....
One black man do something wrong then it’s “see see I told y’all black men are toxic with toxic masculinity and misogyny and misogynoir”. Then if you defend yourself then you’re wrong as well.

Oddly enough Race made a post the other day stating why this very phrasing happens...but acknowledging that point would mean alot of ya'll niggas wouldn't be able to bitch just as much as the women you complain about so...
The women spewing this type of nonsense have most likely been hurt by a man in their life that was supposed to protect them. They make it their life mission to lash out at men in general. That and it garners attention.

It's sickening to hear at this point, especially considering they have or will have children to inject their bitter poison into to continue their bullshit cycle.

The bold is hilarious...it's true but it's funny as fuck
So cool she can call black men toxic masculinity but god forbid we defend ourselves right?

Never said that and you have to reach pretty hard to get that from what I said too. Just as simple as recognizing that since most people speak in general terms (which ya'll often talk about not being offended at) + black folks still deal with mainly only black people then these comments are obviously going to be directed at black people. It's not hard to figure out. And it's funny to see people like you disregard your own standards just to be offended at some shit
Never said that and you have to reach pretty hard to get that from what I said too. Just as simple as recognizing that since most people speak in general terms (which ya'll often talk about not being offended at) + black folks still deal with mainly only black people then these comments are obviously going to be directed at black people. It's not hard to figure out. And it's funny to see people like you disregard your own standards just to be offended at some shit
So she can say whatever she wants and anything short of just accepting it is wrong? Got it.
What she's saying is true and false.
It's true for some and false for others.

Her saying black men can be taken as all black men or just those black men. Because after the term black men it was described the type of black men.

If she said all then jump her.
If she didn't...Then people are wearing a show that doesn't fit.

In all we can't act like shit doesn't happen. Even if you not around those types. It happens.
So are we going to hear it out and address it or say it's a lie?

Thread still made me proud tho.
What she's saying is true and false.
It's true for some and false for others.

Her saying black men can be taken as all black men or just those black men. Because after the term black men it was described the type of black men.

If she said all then jump her.
If she didn't...Then people are wearing a show that doesn't fit.

In all we can't act like shit doesn't happen. Even if you not around those types. It happens.
So are we going to hear it out and address it or say it's a lie?

Thread still made me proud tho.
So if it’s not all then what’s the problem?
What she's saying is true and false.
It's true for some and false for others.

Her saying black men can be taken as all black men or just those black men. Because after the term black men it was described the type of black men.

If she said all then jump her.
If she didn't...Then people are wearing a show that doesn't fit.

In all we can't act like shit doesn't happen. Even if you not around those types. It happens.
So are we going to hear it out and address it or say it's a lie?

Thread still made me proud tho.

Too many get too caught up in saying "I'm not like them" then simply admitting that those types of people simply do exist. And they get so caught up in defending a point that wasn't even made towards them they end up a. missing the entire point or b. defending some shit they know is wrong just to be defiant. Neither ends up with a solution just 2 people bitching back and forth.