Yes gabi we all do that on Tuesday at kids birthday parties, the whole country.Nigga aint you Jamaican? Mfs do this on a random Tuesday afternoon and at they kids birthday parties
but you cryin about seeing a booty cheek. Fuck out my face
Guess I should show a clip of freaknik or myrtle beach and say all y'all do this on Wednesdays. Dumb ass argument
Matter of fact let me do it in keeping with the IQ of the thread :
Ain't all y'all niggaz Americans?
Mfs do this on a random Sunday at Sunday service but have the nerve to not all agree that Keke is well within her rights to show her cakes to a celeb, fuck outta my face.....
See how that sounds
Anyway enough of the shortbus
I'm not crying, I doubt I have more than 2 posts in here
My point is why defend ho shit and ho proclivities when you wouldn't do it yourself?
It's like Cardi b and Beyonce lyrics knowing they got husbands at home
Oh well enjoy y'all selves