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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

Bro that Rappaport vid is hilarious…. I guess since niggas wilded out after the George Floyd shit they expecting us to do the same for this?

Yo, he needs to shut the fuck up for real for real. First, the U.S. ain't about to support the killing of tens of thousands of people for ten black Americans, that's a lie. Second, he needs to stop using black people to push support for a genocide. That's some bullshit.

Funny shit is, this is having the opposite effect then they hoping.

There are more black folks seeing this and getting turned off from supporting Israel then folks seeing this and supporting Israel.
Basically they want this type of action

Basically they want this type of action

Yea fam. These are all old mfers that made their bones in the 80s and 90s. From military folks to heads of propoganda.

Being old and arrogant, they didnt realize that old way of using propoganda dont work in the age of social media. And now they working over time in trying to use their propoganda to get public opinion back on their side but the shit failing and they stressing.

Funny shit is, this is having the opposite effect then they hoping.

There are more black folks seeing this and getting turned off from supporting Israel then folks seeing this and supporting Israel.

I don't know why any of them would ever think that a large number of black people would take the Israeli side. Israel has basically been doing to Palestinians what America did to us. Why would we relate to the oppressor?