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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

@mike030270 sooo white Americans had nothing do with 9/11 huh

Bin Laden made building 7 fall without flying a plane into it huh

It wasn't white people right?
Yea we've been through this and you took your lumps..its Mike's turn lol

There's no possible way America's hands are clean in 9/11. Its willfully ignorant to believe that
You think America bombed itself? I knew it was Bin Laden as soon as it happened, he threatened to do it to the G7 conference a month before. He nearly took it down in 93'
America has a self admitted history of attacking itself or letting attacks on itself go through for some type of gain.

This dont mean America was behind or knew about 9-11, it just means it shouldnt surprise anyone if they did.

It wouldnt have been the first time America attacked itself, it would have been closer to the 10th time
And honestly atp do any of us trust the word of the government when it comes to shit like that? And with this era they would never be believed.
Bro that Rappaport vid is hilarious…. I guess since niggas wilded out after the George Floyd shit they expecting us to do the same for this?