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Israel Prime Minister Says Country Is "At War"

Jews historically did not deserve the hate they got.

Its actually really interesting to dig down on why jews were historically able to own banks and businesses.

In Islam, charging interest on a loan is a sin. In Christianity, charing intetest on a loan was a sin under Catholicism until like 1800. Same with Protestants but I dont remember when they started to allow it.

In Judiasm, interest is also a sin. But the thing with Judiasm is that you have to be born a Jew, and you are allowed to treat non Jews differently than you are Jews. To be fair, thats the same with Islam and Christianity too. The difference though is both of those religions allow converts so I can be a Christian today, Muslim tomorrow, and back to Christian.

The above made it so that in Christian and Muslim countries, Christian and Muslims were not able to become bankers. So, that gave the Jews a great oppurtunity to own that market.

The shit wasnt really malicious. It doesnt make Jews bad. It doesnt mean they deserved what happened to them everytime there was as polgrom. It just means there was an oppurtunity created by circumstance not of their control and they took advantage of it like we all would.

That allowed for years of building and ammasing wealth. It allowed for centuries of Jews being able to collect interest.

Now as with everything else, absolute power corrupts absolutely. Not saying Jews are all corrupt. Just saying as money more and more turned to power, the Jewish families that owned the banks became corrupt and started using that power to get more power.

None of this is an execuse or justification to hate Jews. Jews were unfairly scapegoated countless times in history.

This is just to say fuck Bankers. It just so happens that most happen to be Jewish.

This is also just some historical context

They are not my people ally

You don’t even have to be an ally, but just leave us the fuck alone. They control the media that’s spread negativity about us.
That Jewish woman that’s a part of the government over there held that conference about how young black Americans are the biggest concern for Jews here

The endless amount of videos of common everyday folks from that country belittling folks that don’t look like them

The fans of a soccer team there going crazy when they got a few Muslim players on their team

It’s crazy from the top to the bottom.
Wait?, so it’s hot Hamas prisoners but regular folks including kids?

They're not arresting hamas they kill any hamas ON SIGHT. They can't just outright kill all Palestinians they herd up women and children here and there when shit gets hot.