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Is Santa Clause Real?

I don't see anything wrong with a little childhood magic. Truth will be told before school age though.

My cousins' parents didn't tell them until they were 10 and I thought that was a little too late. Especially since I am about the same age and I knew all this time and it was weird. Anway, they both grew up to be well adjusted young women so obviously no harm done.
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I understand Kandy but what is the point of teaching him about Santa only to reveal to him hes not real in the end?
is that not a waste of time? and doesnt that play on your sons intelligence?

like I always say: kids are full human beings and they are very aware.
why lie to them because at the end of the day its a lie ----- just to tell them the truth later on?
adding onto this, how is it less innocent to enjoy christmas/appreciate fictional characters like Santa without thikning they're real beings?

it only becomes a loss of innocence when being intentionally lied to became linked to innocence.

it aint that deep n i don't blame parents for doin it but the santa is real insistence is unnecessary to me.
Yea, I don't go above and beyond with the Santa shit. He just says shit about him and I roll with it. I don't take him to see Santa, we don't bake cookies for Santa (except for one time because I wanted cookies that night). I don't do the extra wrapping and santa shit. (my mom does all that)

I don't even move my couch from in front of my fireplace.
I've heard people say that they weren't going to give a fat white man credit for buying their kids gifts.

Why isn't you knowing that you bought those gifts with your hard earned money, not enough?
I also understand why people participate in Christmas.
I dont have kids and I cant tell ppl what they should or shouldn't do with their child.
I digress.

no, I mean if u r going to family on that particular date when u otherwise wouldn't, n using that marking on the calendar as a family reunion when it cld be any other weekend (or public holiday or w/e), then u r in effect celebrating the holiday. just not with consumerism.

aight so we have two different definitions when it comes to the concept of "celebration" and for the sake of not debating semantics.
I digress.
I did because my parents told us Santa as kids and it wasn't a big deal

So one Christmas we got what looked like less stuff than previous years but only because the gifts were getting more expensive. My offspring come downstairs after I had been up all night baking, wrapping, assembling stuff, etc and first thing out his mouth was wow we must have been bad cuz santa didn't give much stuff this year.

I lost my shit and told them Santa is me and your father! I mean I went smooth off about how we work hard to provide and to gift and we go without lol.

After that no more Santa
i don't get the tooth fairy either. with a wink wink nudge nudge, I can see the fun in that but deliberately keeping up a pretense then dropping it is y ppl say things like "lost innocence" n such when it shld never be that deep. preserve the fun, yes. orchestrated ignorance aint an ingredient to that tho.
I've heard people say that they weren't going to give a fat white man credit for buying their kids gifts.

Why isn't you knowing that you bought those gifts with your hard earned money, not enough?
And why is your Santa White. We have several Santa ornaments and they are all Black. Also and when he is older if he asks about Santa's color we will deal with it then. Do your children also pray to a white man?
And why is your Santa White. We have several Santa ornaments and they are all Black. Also and when he is older if he asks about Santa's color we will deal with it then. Do your children also pray to a white man?

Where do you get the idea my santa is white?

Edit: My child doesn't pray to a white a man.
Where do you get the idea my santa is white?

Edit: My child doesn't pray to a white a man.
the saint santa is based on is from modern day Turkey if i recall correctly. so not necessarily WASP white but def not black.

Santa the character is usually depicted as Anglo lily white with rosy cheeks tho
I didn't teach him about Santa. Santa didn't exist til he was three and my mama said something about Santa. I rolled with it. I don't see any time wasted. I'm not out here letting him take pics on Santa's lap. I believed in Santa when I was a kid and when I was told he wasn't real, I was like "oh ok, see you next year for Christmas." He's a child.

There are worse lies than Santa, in my opinion.

not teaching it, is the same as TEACHING it if he is willfully walking around believing a man comes down a chimney and delivers presents.
"rolling with it" and not challenging it, is pretty much the same as teaching it Kandy.

and of course there are worst lies than Santa Claus.
but why support the lie in the first place? really...that's what I'm driving at?
not teaching it, is the same as TEACHING it if he is willfully walking around believing a man comes down a chimney and delivers presents.
"rolling with it" and not challenging it, is pretty much the same as teaching it Kandy.

and of course there are worst lies than Santa Claus.
but why support the lie in the first place? really...that's what I'm driving at?
Well first thing I hope he realizes is we don't have a chimney. Then we will go from there.
not teaching it, is the same as TEACHING it if he is willfully walking around believing a man comes down a chimney and delivers presents.
"rolling with it" and not challenging it, is pretty much the same as teaching it Kandy.

and of course there are worst lies than Santa Claus.
but why support the lie in the first place? really...that's what I'm driving at?

Only because I don't see the harm in it. I don't see any devastation coming from it or him being mentally fucked up from it. Everyone tells small lies. It's like planning a surprise party. A friend asks are we doing something for her birthday and I say no. However, I know the truth, we actually are. She may feel sad or mad then boom! Surprise!

So boom! Surprise son, Santa's not real, now let's open these gifts so we can go visit people and eat.
Well first thing I hope he realizes is we don't have a chimney. Then we will go from there.

I have a couch in front of mine and my son said how would Santa get in. I said I don't know he will find a way. Then left it at that. My son shrugged and was like ok and went on about his day.