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Is Santa Clause Real?

the saint santa is based on is from modern day Turkey if i recall correctly. so not necessarily WASP white but def not black.

Santa the character is usually depicted as Anglo lily white with rosy cheeks tho

I worked with a Santa when I worked at a photo studio. He made major bank from being Santa.
Heres the thing for me....

I dont really care about the aspect of a white man coming down a chimney and delivering gifts. (even tho thats problematic in itself)
I just dont want my kids to be out here believing any and everything.
I want them to question everything, I want them to explore and learn and have autonomy even at an early age.

Im not trying to kill their dreams or disrupt their "magic" as whiskas put it.
I think the real magic lies in a childs ability to discern whats real and whats not.

America is a backwards ass place, with backwards ass morals.
I don't need my children subscribing to anything and everything just because their kids.

teaching them to think for themselves at an early age will benefit them later on in life.
teaching them that these holidays are all bullshit is not hurting them, its preparing them for whats to come.
it shows them that "hey, this world will try to make you believe some pretty dumbass shit, dont buy into it., protect your mental"

I rather have my kids feed the homeless (like I do) on these holidays to let them know shit is real out here and empathy and love is more important than gifts and bullshit.
Your kids go to school to learn fuckin lies, why someone would contribute to the lies being taught to their children is beyond me b.
Your kids go to school to learn fuckin lies, why someone would contribute to the lies being taught to their children is beyond me b.
then y tf u nosigning me when ALL u added to this thread is agreement with my stance

contrarian ass nigga
I think the harder part comes when they are in the world and have to explain things to others. For the most part my family that are Rasta don't celebrate any of the non Orthodox Holidays. But I see the torment that their kids that live in the states suffer when they can't get a costume for Holloween and stuff. It is tough.
then y tf u nosigning me when ALL u added to this thread is agreement with my stance

contrarian ass nigga

U were saying if a family met up to chill on holidays they're "celebrating" it, which isn't the case imo
Your kids go to school to learn fuckin lies, why someone would contribute to the lies being taught to their children is beyond me b.
When they are of a certain age you can discuss the truth from the lies. If you start too soon you can do more harm than good in my humble opinion. I wish I could raise my son in a vacuum but I can't so I try to sprinkle knowledge where I can. Also, my wife is not Rasta so she keeps me balanced from too much to soon.
U were saying if a family met up to chill on holidays they're "celebrating" it, which isn't the case imo
diff definitions. imo, treating it as a special occasion n having get togethers when u otherwise wldnt on any other public holiday, is celebration in practice. even if u dont do any gift exchange/decorations.
When they are of a certain age you can discuss the truth from the lies. If you start too soon you can do more harm than good in my humble opinion. I wish I could raise my son in a vacuum but I can't so I try to sprinkle knowledge where I can. Also, my wife is not Rasta so she keeps me balanced from too much to soon.

You're molding a brain and way of thinking. Letting your child go around believing everything that is told to them is the most harmful thing u can do imo. Training them to question, research and then challenge things that are told to them on their own is imperative.
Heres the thing for me....

I dont really care about the aspect of a white man coming down a chimney and delivering gifts. (even tho thats problematic in itself)
I just dont want my kids to be out here believing any and everything.
I want them to question everything, I want them to explore and learn and have autonomy even at an early age.

Im not trying to kill their dreams or disrupt their "magic" as whiskas put it.
I think the real magic lies in a childs ability to discern whats real and whats not.

America is a backwards ass place, with backwards ass morals.
I don't need my children subscribing to anything and everything just because their kids.

teaching them to think for themselves at an early age will benefit them later on in life.
teaching them that these holidays are all bullshit is not hurting them, its preparing them for whats to come.
it shows them that "hey, this world will try to make you believe some pretty dumbass shit, dont buy into it., protect your mental"

I rather have my kids feed the homeless (like I do) on these holidays to let them know shit is real out here and empathy and love is more important than gifts and bullshit.
I agree with you but a 2 year old can't feed the homeless with understanding. The lessons can be taught gradually as the child grows.
diff definitions. imo, treating it as a special occasion n having get togethers when u otherwise wldnt on any other public holiday, is celebration in practice. even if u dont do any gift exchange/decorations.

On those holidays mostly everybody has the day off and the kids are out of school, it's more about convenience than it is celebration. Alot of those other holidays u still gotta go to work.
the saint santa is based on is from modern day Turkey if i recall correctly. so not necessarily WASP white but def not black.

Santa the character is usually depicted as Anglo lily white with rosy cheeks tho

The Santa Clause is based off a real person, black man from Italy.
They have statures (may have spelled this wrong) built for this man.

His name was Saint Nicholas

Google him if you have time. I think he was a Moor
You're molding a brain and way of thinking. Letting your child go around believing everything that is told to them is the most harmful thing u can do imo. Training them to question, research and then challenge things that are told to them on their own is imperative.
I agree just in stages. I want him to at least understand the question he is asking before he asks
I agree with you but a 2 year old can't feed the homeless with understanding. The lessons can be taught gradually as the child grows.

who am I to say they wont understand whats taking place at 2?
but yeah 2 year olds are rather rambunctious so they wouldn't be helping me around that age.
Ill still bring them along buttttttttt might have to super glue that lil nigga to a chair. :umm:
I agree just in stages. I want him to at least understand the question he is asking before he asks

shit Im just happy my child is asking questions and not just rolling with whatever is being presented in front of them.
whether they understand it or not, idc