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OPINION Is Marvel's Black Panther movie really a "special moment" for Black America??

"for black history month nike's gonna make limited edition dashiki air force 1's"

This nigga a asshole but..............niggas would buy them tho
Black panther is important to black America the same way having a black president was important to black America... Was it significantly beneficial to us? Meh... Not really... But the imagery is important for our youth to see so that when we tell them they can be anything in this world, they believe it. So there's some value.

Yes, I'm going to see the movie because I support black actors, I'm a fan of Marvel, and it looks entertaining af. But I already know that this is just for entertainment purposes only and anyone taking their kids to see it should have that conversation with their kids prior to, I'm. But I can say the same for any movie.

And I must be the only black person that wasn't feeling Birth of a Nation... To me, the movie was more like a precautionary tale to remind niggas that we'll never be able to truly rise up or win the fight for the betterment of our people because we don't possess the absolute savagery or weaponry to do so. Yeah, Nat killed some white people up... How many blacks were killed in retaliation though? What were the ramifications?

If I would've made the movie, it would've been focused on the hunting and killing of slave owners... Shit would've been like a horror movie for wypipo... But we can't incite that type of fear in movies because of the real life repercussions...

But I digress... I appreciate what black panther is about. I love Africans and I celebrate their successes as my own under the black pride awning. But I also agree with @King Du that being black in America is a uniquely different experience.
All I'm saying is the first video I see of a little kid doing a black history report of t'challa of wakanda instead of a real fucking person... I'm posting it in here like

Black panther is important to black America the same way having a black president was important to black America... Was it significantly beneficial to us? Meh... Not really... But the imagery is important for our youth to see so that when we tell them they can be anything in this world, they believe it. So there's some value.

Yes, I'm going to see the movie because I support black actors, I'm a fan of Marvel, and it looks entertaining af. But I already know that this is just for entertainment purposes only and anyone taking their kids to see it should have that conversation with their kids prior to, I'm. But I can say the same for any movie.

And I must be the only black person that wasn't feeling Birth of a Nation... To me, the movie was more like a precautionary tale to remind niggas that we'll never be able to truly rise up or win the fight for the betterment of our people because we don't possess the absolute savagery or weaponry to do so. Yeah, Nat killed some white people up... How many blacks were killed in retaliation though? What were the ramifications?

If I would've made the movie, it would've been focused on the hunting and killing of slave owners... Shit would've been like a horror movie for wypipo... But we can't incite that type of fear in movies because of the real life repercussions...

But I digress... I appreciate what black panther is about. I love Africans and I celebrate their successes as my own under the black pride awning. But I also agree with @King Du that being black in America is a uniquely different experience.

O remember they tried to sabotage birth of a nation by not selling tickets to it.

There were videos of hidden cameras with people going to see it and the movie theater saying it was sold out and sold them tickets to la la land or some shit.

The screening room where birth of nation was supposed to be shown was empty smh.

Also they brought up that the director had been charged for rape a decade and half ago and made him apologize, despite the victim admitting long time ago that she lied. smh
In 2nd grade we had an assignment where we could do a review about any character.

me and my friends choose marvel characters

I choose black panther. I was only a kid when I found out about him and was proud that there was a black superhero that had african orgin.

fast foward 2 decades and they're making a movie about him with a black director.

I'll definitely support this one in theaters. They can't sabotage this one like they do the other black movies
convo from another thread, but i personally think that what's happening with this film is no small feat.

Goldie thinks all Marvel is doing is exploiting black culture. I dont see how this is exploiting where you have black director, majority black cast, black writers, etc...


It is. At what point in history has Disney ever gave a fuck about black people? All you gotta do is research. Disney historically has shitted on black culture. Don't be fooled by the illusion of inclusion. And yes I'm well aware of a clip of the movie being in my signature. It will definitely be a dope comic movie but a big moment for black ppl? Nah
Was in a couple European countries around the time straight outta Compton came out. They refused to show it in theaters, execpt for in the UK (which is obvious)

This boycotting of black movies is bigger than y'all think. They don't even show the black man "finn" on covers of star wars in italy or china.

Yes they racist af, but they mainly do it for business purposes. They dont think it will sell if they show a black person.

which is also why dude that made gods of egypt put an all white cast. He said his audience likes seeing white people.

If black panther does good, it will change the dynamic of how hollywood see black people in films as when straight outta compton did good.
Goldie gotta point tho. As far as superhero this is cool but black panther created by Stan Lee i think and the name is obvious ploy. We need black heros we need positive view of Africa. But this is a fantasy. We gotta make our own Sundiata Keita, Mansa Musa, Chaka Zulu and suff
Goldie gotta point tho. As far as superhero this is cool but black panther created by Stan Lee i think and the name is obvious ploy. We need black heros we need positive view of Africa. But this is a fantasy. We gotta make our own Sundiata Keita, Mansa Musa, Chaka Zulu and suff

I don't fuck with anime. But there was an anime created by black kids awhile back that didn't get to tv because no one supported it.

O remember they tried to sabotage birth of a nation by not selling tickets to it.

There were videos of hidden cameras with people going to see it and the movie theater saying it was sold out and sold them tickets to la la land or some shit.

The screening room where birth of nation was supposed to be shown was empty smh.

Also they brought up that the director had been charged for rape a decade and half ago and made him apologize, despite the victim admitting long time ago that she lied. smh

When did victim admit she lied? I think thats false
Menace, Boyz, and all that had a place. As I get older I see them for what they were and don't watch 'em any more and haven't in quite a while but theres a difference between then and now: Back then that's all we could get greenlit because that's all the honkies holding the money would give us funding for. 30 years later what's TP's excuse?

What Menace and the like did was distort the perception of Black youth to the country at large. TP's movies distort the perception of Black males to Black people, which destroys us from within making it far more dangerous than 100 Menace II Society flicks could ever be.

Ok so I just saw this in Facebook and I plan on following this shit too...

I don't know this person well enough to troll then for real... They might catch feelings and I don't have time for that shit 2018-01-25-21-19-12.jpg
If you think you are American than you have already lost track of your identity. America doesn’t want you to be American that is why when you fill out a form they put African American. You are a descendant of Africans. I don’t care where you were born and grown. You dishonor your ancestors by thinking anything else. What is your identity as an American? Your ancestors where more than slaves that America has taught you that they were.

You tripping. We not about to deny 400 years of culture language and customs because some honkeys and their views say we aint like them. Thats disrespectful. Also saying we are American is not denying African identity. If you go to.another country talking like we do acting like we do everybody will see an American.