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OPINION Is Marvel's Black Panther movie really a "special moment" for Black America??

I've already laid it out earlier.

The comparison is between two toxic entities int he Black communities. It looks like it wouldn't matter to you if it's a nigga that sets up shop peddling fucked up mortgages to Black folks, a nigga that opens up a payday loan spot, or some shit like that. As far as you're concerned "he giving Black folks jobs" and that's all that matters, to hell with the negative effects on the community that those people are directly responsible for.

TP's portrayal of Black folks, particularly Black men, has been detrimental to the perception of Black men by those that consume the media he creates. But it's all good as far as you're concerned because he's giving Black folks jobs...
So giving a young black person fresh out of school a audio job working at his studio=peddling drugs? That’s a false equivalency and how is TP’s portrayal of black men detrimental to the perception of black men? You still haven’t answered that question.
I hope so...but doubt it.

By looks from the record this movie broke from just advanced tickets alone...BP could Marvel's highest grossing movie.

Because the black dollars are going to push it. This movie will gross more than Deadpool.
Re: birth of a nation

I saw the movie and enjoyed it

my only gripe was that it was only a fraction of the shit that happened, but if he funded it by himself along with help from others, i understand why it couldnt be longer before it got into "ok, this movie long af" territory.
Alex cross lol

that wasnt his movie tho iirc lol

he was just filling in b/c i think Morgan Freeman turned it down or it was supposed to be some prequel or some shit where he was younger no?
that wasnt his movie tho iirc lol

he was just filling in b/c i think Morgan Freeman turned it down or it was supposed to be some prequel or some shit where he was younger no?
Idk I didn't see it because fuck tyler Perry

He started his shit like 13 years ago and he still cross dressing
Idk I didn't see it because fuck tyler Perry

He started his shit like 13 years ago and he still cross dressing
Alex Cross was played by Morgan Freeman in other movies in that universe (along came a spider and kiss the girls...i think those are the only two, but both are good af)

the actual Alex Cross movie i thought was a prequel OR Freeman no longer had the desire to play the part.
Alex Cross was played by Morgan Freeman in other movies in that universe (along came a spider and kiss the girls...i think those are the only two, but both are good af)

the actual Alex Cross movie i thought was a prequel OR Freeman no longer had the desire to play the part.
I didn't see none of those shits but thanks man
@King Du, were you this outraged when Luke Cage came on Netflix?

did you have this same energy?

If Marvel was out here making BP look like some coon, ya'll would have EVERY leg to stand on. If the movie was being directed by a white man, ya'll would have every leg to stand on, but ya are killing me trying to downplay the significance of having an all black cast for this movie.

so people can take off from work to stand in line for Star wars, and people chalk it off to some geek shit, but Oh, let them do it for BP, then its "man ya'll niggas sleep"...which is it??
Why you @ me to a weak argument.

Luke cage was a everyday man doing shit in his black community. Completely different character and completely relatable... Same with black lightning....

BP is more popular than both....
Also taking off work for star wars is equal in the " it's not that important" argument as taking off work for bp
I actually read a bunch of Alex Cross books.

Good books... Written by a white dude, but Alex was a pretty authentic black dude.