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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

If people were honest about how terrible he is it wouldn’t even be close. He should be the easiest candidate to beat in the history of politics.

He’s only taken seriously because he’s mobilized a base by leaning into their xenophobia and desire to stick it to the left. Prior candidates knew that was there but chose to not indulge it because it’s dangerous.


What kind of world do you expect it to be if Kamala wins. September 2025, what does this world look like? Economy wise, Gas Prices, Inflation, the Gaza situation.

If you can, give me your opinion of what the world will be like in September 2025 if Kamala is elected.

Could you do the same with Trump.

Also, in September 2025, how does the black community look? Improved or in the same position if Kamala is elected?

What kind of world do you expect it to be if Kamala wins. September 2025, what does this world look like? Economy wise, Gas Prices, Inflation, the Gaza situation.

If you can, give me your opinion of what the world will be like in September 2025 if Kamala is elected.

Could you do the same with Trump.

Also, in September 2025, how does the black community look? Improved or in the same position if Kamala is elected?
I don’t know but I can bet you it will be better on all fronts than it would be under Trump. Even on the economy Goldman Sachs and other economists are saying it would be better.

Can you say it will be better under Trump?
I don’t know but I can bet you it will be better on all fronts than it would be under Trump. Even on the economy Goldman Sachs and other economists are saying it would be better.

Can you say it will be better under Trump?
Bruh you don’t have to be an economist to know black people are doing better than ever TODAY, and under the current admin. And you don’t have to be an economist to reasonably predict we will continue to thrive under Harris even more. Like I don’t know why ppl be up in here acting like they need to be spoon fed the correct info. Ain’t nobody about to do all that. Tell them use their own brain and make the intellectual case for Trump.

Smh a quick Google search and you can find answers to these things, like the fact that Between 2019-2022 Black business ownership grew under Biden at the fastest pace in the last 30 years. The median household income also increased. Look up the earnings for black women too. You got Harris throwing it out there that under her admin she plan to invest considerably in middle class and small business. That’s something she has already SAID. You put 2 and 2 together you understand what that means for black people. Never mind home ownership and the plans for that.

I’ve yet to see one smart answer for the case of having Trump in office again, only wishful thinking based on evidence that’s non existent and that he himself hasn’t even brought forward.
If you have to rely on being spoon fed correct info about stuff like this, then all I can say is good luck with your own personal economy going forward and I hope you beat the odds.

You know what's hypocritically funny?

These feminist niggaz will cry about the 10 commandments being displayed in schools but have no problem with LGBT conditioning their children😐😐😐😄😄😄😆😆😭😭🤣🤣


You on your shyt.

It is funny. Because I've actually posted the agenda here on ABW which documents this lgbt issue was to be introduced into the education system and also posted another book mentioning this lgbt issue to be presented as normal and healthy or some dumb shyt they keep falling for. The agenda should still be there on HuffPost (1993 agenda) and many feminist niggas still act like there ain't a gay agenda. I'm not being rude when I say these ppl are uneducated. It's just the harsh truth.

Naw, this does.

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I don't know why you kind of people make life so difficult.
I'm not voting for a man who plays with nuclear codes alone is problematic. When he lost the election inspired a mob for a coup and endangered his own vice president and other senators. He told America our votes don't matter consistently. He has cases after cases and his people were taking his fall going to prison. Majority of his old people won't vote for him that actually worked with him. He has the support of racist and the most ignorant supporting him is a telltale sign of his incompetency. Trump has the inability to speak beyond a third grader shows he is incompetent and doesn't understand critical points which could lead to disastrous issues. He is hurt, he is scarred, angry, and wants revenge against those and the supreme Court gave the president immunity.

He lies about projects 2025 which his 20 points are definitely on there and his vice president supports project 2025 and took his foreword off the pamplet to bring distance until he is inaugurated. You might not agree with certain liberal philosophies but you'll be worse off under a dangerous entity with even more dangerous people pushing him to win.
Bruh you don’t have to be an economist to know black people are doing better than ever TODAY, and under the current admin. And you don’t have to be an economist to reasonably predict we will continue to thrive under Harris even more. Like I don’t know why ppl be up in here acting like they need to be spoon fed the correct info. Ain’t nobody about to do all that. Tell them use their own brain and make the intellectual case for Trump.

Smh a quick Google search and you can find answers to these things, like the fact that Between 2019-2022 Black business ownership grew under Biden at the fastest pace in the last 30 years. The median household income also increased. Look up the earnings for black women too. You got Harris throwing it out there that under her admin she plan to invest considerably in middle class and small business. That’s something she has already SAID. You put 2 and 2 together you understand what that means for black people. Never mind home ownership and the plans for that.

I’ve yet to see one smart answer for the case of having Trump in office again, only wishful thinking based on evidence that’s non existent and that he himself hasn’t even brought forward.

People open up more businesses? Are these businesses making profit?
I can say that people started working for themselves because the job wages were bad

The household averaged increase, I can say that gas prices increase too. Inflation, insurance increased too so what does that mean to the increase in median household income?? Nothing
You make more but you gotta pay more

A win would be an increase and prices across the board go down. Not the case.

Most single folks are 1 pay check away from being homeless.

Most Americans are living pay check to paycheck

Is this not true?

I read a report where the average American don't have 5k saved in their savings account

Are American saving money NOW or spending more?

What America you're living in b
Bruh you don’t have to be an economist to know black people are doing better than ever TODAY, and under the current admin. And you don’t have to be an economist to reasonably predict we will continue to thrive under Harris even more. Like I don’t know why ppl be up in here acting like they need to be spoon fed the correct info. Ain’t nobody about to do all that. Tell them use their own brain and make the intellectual case for Trump.

Smh a quick Google search and you can find answers to these things, like the fact that Between 2019-2022 Black business ownership grew under Biden at the fastest pace in the last 30 years. The median household income also increased. Look up the earnings for black women too. You got Harris throwing it out there that under her admin she plan to invest considerably in middle class and small business. That’s something she has already SAID. You put 2 and 2 together you understand what that means for black people. Never mind home ownership and the plans for that.

I’ve yet to see one smart answer for the case of having Trump in office again, only wishful thinking based on evidence that’s non existent and that he himself hasn’t even brought forward.

What is the house hold median? You brought that up so I am sure you have stats on this?

Household, are you talking single parent homes? Vs marriages?

Ain't that many black folks married B

Break that statement down for us more so if you care to do so
I don’t know but I can bet you it will be better on all fronts than it would be under Trump. Even on the economy Goldman Sachs and other economists are saying it would be better.

Can you say it will be better under Trump?

I keep going back to this, if her plan is so good then why she didn't tell Biden about this plan to fix the economy.

That's the part I can get over.

It would be a different story if she wasn't the VP and next to buddy, I can understand and get on board maybe but the fact that you are in office now and you being all quiet and see the world burning doesn't sit right with me

You mean to tell me, that the two of them ran on different things? No way.

His ideas were supposed to help folks, hers were too. But now you all of a sudden have the hack? Nah

Trump will keep shit the same and blame Biden. That's what I expect his reign would be.

A bunch a blaming the Dems.
Shit won't change under him either
I keep going back to this, if her plan is so good then why she didn't tell Biden about this plan to fix the economy.

That's the part I can get over.

It would be a different story if she wasn't the VP and next to buddy, I can understand and get on board maybe but the fact that you are in office now and you being all quiet and see the world burning doesn't sit right with me

You mean to tell me, that the two of them ran on different things? No way.

His ideas were supposed to help folks, hers were too. But now you all of a sudden have the hack? Nah

Trump will keep shit the same and blame Biden. That's what I expect his reign would be.

A bunch a blaming the Dems.
Shit won't change under him either
So you’re saying the country would be the same under Trump as it would be under Kamala.

That’s just not factual based on their platforms.

Given that opinion though, let’s just base it on character. Who would be a better representative of and for the US? What other basis would you use to differentiate them and who would be better based on that?
So you’re saying the country would be the same under Trump as it would be under Kamala.

That’s just not factual based on their platforms.

Given that opinion though, let’s just base it on character. Who would be a better representative of and for the US? What other basis would you use to differentiate them and who would be better based on that?

The country will be the same or worse under Trump, but the public won't see this because it's bad already.
What Trump will do is blame the conditions on Biden. Talk about him like a dog in the press.

Kamala can't talk imo. Those other leaders won't respect her imo.

They already don't respect her now.
Trump will make silly ass sound bites. That's what we are really talking about. Silly ass sounds bites and viral moments. Tossing tissue in PR when the hurricane hit, silly shit like that is what we will get him

Kamala won't be respect by them leaders, south Korea, putin etc.
That's a good Ole boy club in a sense and they have their picks and chooses on who they will respect and I don't see Kamala being one who they will listen to.
The country will be the same or worse under Trump, but the public won't see this because it's bad already.
What Trump will do is blame the conditions on Biden. Talk about him like a dog in the press.

Kamala can't talk imo. Those other leaders won't respect her imo.

They already don't respect her now.
Trump will make silly ass sound bites. That's what we are really talking about. Silly ass sounds bites and viral moments. Tossing tissue in PR when the hurricane hit, silly shit like that is what we will get him

Kamala won't be respect by them leaders, south Korea, putin etc.
That's a good Ole boy club in a sense and they have their picks and chooses on who they will respect and I don't see Kamala being one who they will listen to.


as long as trump is demonstrably worse than Kamala, your points will be futile

you think world leaders respect trump? lol

you think putin really respects trump or sees him as a useful idiot cuz he's got tapes of prostitutes pissing on him? lmao

as long as trump is demonstrably worse than Kamala, your points will be futile

you think world leaders respect trump? lol

you think putin really respects trump or sees him as a useful idiot cuz he's got tapes of prostitutes pissing on him? lmao

Well, imo when he was President he kept alot of leaders in check.

Did Putin invade UK on his watch? He could have you do know that right?

What major international shit was going on under Trumps watch that was created?? Not the shit he inherited
What is the house hold median? You brought that up so I am sure you have stats on this?

Household, are you talking single parent homes? Vs marriages?

Ain't that many black folks married B

Break that statement down for us more so if you care to do so
You tell me? This is searchable. If not interested in stats on Household income then how about look the median wage of the black worker, irregardless of household? And tell me how much it increased since 2019? I’m not trying to suggest there isn’t room to grow btw, but to point out that a gain is a gain.