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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

I'm asking you, with all that you said about Trump, how he's this and that, and I agree, Covid doesn't happen.

I believe Trump walks into the White House for his 2nd term.
I don’t know. I don’t think those who voted against him was necessarily mad about his covid response. He said a lot of dumb shit but the vaccines still got out and lockdowns still happened and everything. They seen him as a bystander for the last part taking a back seat to Fauci and the NHS.

I think people were just tired of all the dumb shit in aggregate.
I'd say this, let's go by what you are stating by saying household income for black workers are up. Kool

They are spending more, and saving less so it does not matter if the income is up. It's actually a good thing that the income is up, if they income was not up, then those folks would be on the streets because of the high prices that they have been going on.
Point made, agreed inflation outpaced wages. That is mostly a result of the Federal Reserve monetary policy during the first year of the pandemic and them not raising interest rates fast enough. Nothing to do with president except if you want to say the last admin should have responded quicker and been more prepared so we didn’t have to shut down so long to begin with.

Still, we do NOT want Trump with tariff-based economics coming screw stuff up even more to say the very least especially not over a fresh Harris admin with all the bipartisan support she has garnered in record time and people backing her.
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Point made, agreed inflation outpaced wages. That is mostly a result of the Federal Reserve monetary policy during the first year of the pandemic and them not raising interest rates fast enough. Nothing to do with president except if you want to say the last admin should have responded quicker and been more prepared so we didn’t have to shut down so long to begin with.

Still, we do NOT want Trump with tariff-based economics coming screw stuff up even more to say the very least especially not over a fresh Harris admin with all the bipartisan support she has garnered in record time and people backing her.

If the inflation is because of the Feds as you say, why should I believe in Kamala when she says that she will lower inflation and KEEP THEM LOW?

Trump did what he did in 2016 and 2017 and I did not hear many black folks fussing about the economy

Like I said in my last couple of post, Covid doesn't happen, Trumps walks into the W for the 2020 election
I don’t know. I don’t think those who voted against him was necessarily mad about his covid response. He said a lot of dumb shit but the vaccines still got out and lockdowns still happened and everything. They seen him as a bystander for the last part taking a back seat to Fauci and the NHS.

I think people were just tired of all the dumb shit in aggregate.

Again, the time during Covid was Biden's saving grace. Biden and Kamala, the dems going into the election in 2019 for 2020 did not have anything put together to win the Presidency
Then Covid happened and it was not handled right and that's how the dems won it. Nothing on they ran on is working now.

Gaza is out of control, they can't control Putin, and the economy is in the shit hole. Imo, I think things will be worse or in its same current state when Kamala gets into office. Nothing will be changed, or things will get worse. With either President.
Again, the time during Covid was Biden's saving grace. Biden and Kamala, the dems going into the election in 2019 for 2020 did not have anything put together to win the Presidency
Then Covid happened and it was not handled right and that's how the dems won it. Nothing on they ran on is working now.

Gaza is out of control, they can't control Putin, and the economy is in the shit hole. Imo, I think things will be worse or in its same current state when Kamala gets into office. Nothing will be changed, or things will get worse. With either President.
People hated Trump, that’s how he lost. His covid response had nothing to do with it.
If the inflation is because of the Feds as you say, why should I believe in Kamala when she says that she will lower inflation and KEEP THEM LOW?

Trump did what he did in 2016 and 2017 and I did not hear many black folks fussing about the economy

Like I said in my last couple of post, Covid doesn't happen, Trumps walks into the W for the 2020 election
The choice is yours. That’s up to you. She already addressed this, so there’s your reason. Are you asking yourself the reason why you shouldn’t believe what she said? And if you find one, then be a fair judge and use the same standard to see if you can rationalize the case for Trump (or for not at least voting against him).

Besides Inflation is already down overall at 2.5% this year after being nearly three times that in 2022. That doesn’t mean it’s down in everything, but it’s down overall. Food is still high, and so is rent. Again, she already addressed this. Regulation on pricing for things like food and housing could help because they are both necessities and people shouldn’t be subject to price gouging on those things which is likely the main reason why they’re both high.

The reason you don’t hear black people or anyone for that matter complaining about the economy the first couple years Trump was in office is because things were relatively fine. But it’s a mistake to credit Trump for that economy. The previous admin (Obama ) helped restore the economy to the state it was at that time. Even citizens of foreign countries know this. If you want to credit Trump for it then that’s nothing new either… black people stay doing the work and putting in sacrifices that someone else benefit from and get credited for.

Trump still messed it up btw. For example I and all my coworkers lost our jobs not even a couple weeks after Trump got in office as a direct result of something he signed. I was in mortgage lending at the time. The entire industry got a hit.
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The choice is yours. That’s up to you. She already addressed this, so there’s your reason. Are you asking yourself the reason why you shouldn’t believe what she said? And if you find one, then be a fair judge and use the same standard to see if you can rationalize the case for Trump (or for not at least voting against him).

Besides Inflation is already down overall at 2.5% this year after being nearly three times that in 2022. That doesn’t mean it’s down in everything, but it’s down overall. Food is still high, and so is rent. Again, she already addressed this. Regulation on pricing for things like food and housing could help because they are both necessities and people shouldn’t be subject to price gouging on those things which is likely the main reason why they’re both high.

The reason you don’t hear black people or anyone for that matter complaining about the economy the first couple years Trump was in office is because things were relatively fine. But it’s a mistake to credit Trump for that economy. The previous admin (Obama ) helped restore the economy to the state it was at that time. Even citizens of foreign countries know this. If you want to credit Trump for it then that’s nothing new either… black people stay doing the work and putting in sacrifices that someone else benefit from and get credited for.

Trump still messed it up btw. For example I and all my coworkers lost our jobs not even a couple weeks after Trump got in office as a direct result of something he signed. I was in mortgage lending at the time. The entire industry got a hit.

2.5% is not good bro. That doesn't move the needle overall in this country. She can 'say' that doesn't mean it will get down. According to you, the feds have a hand in inflation and the president has no effect so which one is it??

Why hasn't Biden done anything about the food and rent? I'm just curious as to why we have to wait until she wins to 'try' and get things down?

I am not giving Trump any credit, what I'm saying while he was in office, things were good economy wise, if he inherited or not. That's what I'm saying.
Trump in 2019, things were still good, it wasn't until March 2020 when shit went left with Covid.
2022, inflation was out of control, still is.
That's what I'm saying.

Can you name me the things Biden ran on and has currently done?

I can name many things that has happened on his watch that him and his team (KH) see happen under their watch
2.5% is not good bro. That doesn't move the needle overall in this country. She can 'say' that doesn't mean it will get down. According to you, the feds have a hand in inflation and the president has no effect so which one is it??

Why hasn't Biden done anything about the food and rent? I'm just curious as to why we have to wait until she wins to 'try' and get things down?

I am not giving Trump any credit, what I'm saying while he was in office, things were good economy wise, if he inherited or not. That's what I'm saying.
Trump in 2019, things were still good, it wasn't until March 2020 when shit went left with Covid.
2022, inflation was out of control, still is.
That's what I'm saying.

Can you name me the things Biden ran on and has currently done?

I can name many things that has happened on his watch that him and his team (KH) see happen under their watch
Man I’m bout to go to work bruh.
Man yall be bowing out when I simply press a bit. smh lol. This like the 4th poster I made tap out. Just block me lol dayum if you can't debate with me

I'm starting to see dead people

I just want be wanting to debate, that's all man lol.
2.5% is not good bro. That doesn't move the needle overall in this country. She can 'say' that doesn't mean it will get down. According to you, the feds have a hand in inflation and the president has no effect so which one is it??

Why hasn't Biden done anything about the food and rent? I'm just curious as to why we have to wait until she wins to 'try' and get things down?

I am not giving Trump any credit, what I'm saying while he was in office, things were good economy wise, if he inherited or not. That's what I'm saying.
Trump in 2019, things were still good, it wasn't until March 2020 when shit went left with Covid.
2022, inflation was out of control, still is.
That's what I'm saying.

Can you name me the things Biden ran on and has currently done?

I can name many things that has happened on his watch that him and his team (KH) see happen under their watch
Everything is relative, inflation being down 2.5% YOY is not good in comparison to what metric? Isn’t it not advising that prices are rising slower than they were a year ago how is that not good?

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to tamper inflation. Fiscal Policy comes from Fucking Congress not the God damn President if it was the opposite Biden wouldn’t have to work around Congress for Student loans. You have this weird understanding that the President influences your day to day more than your local reps including the Gov of your state.

If Biden unilaterally did anything about rent or food it would have been challenged in court as other parts of his agenda have been. That is a Federal Fiscal Policy issue decided by the two chambers of Congress l then you hope that the funds are accepted by the State Government as we can see they refuse the funds from time to time.

The main driver of rent/housing price increase is lack of supply, insurance premiums, interest rates: of these which can the President influence without working with Congress?

Neither Trump nor Biden nor Kamala will be successful in their time in office if they don’t have a stronghold in Congress as both parties made attempts successful and not at playing interference in the others agenda or time in office. Trump had the backing of a number of far right groups and agency in the Freedom caucus to bully the Republican Party to fall in line. Biden had nothing similar which is why your so disappointed in his administration.
Man yall be bowing out when I simply press a bit. smh lol. This like the 4th poster I made tap out. Just block me lol dayum if you can't debate with me

I'm starting to see dead people

I just want be wanting to debate, that's all man lol.
Do you know what the overall inflation target is? Where it was and how far it’s come?

I think that’s why dude ghosted you.
Everything is relative, inflation being down 2.5% YOY is not good in comparison to what metric? Isn’t it not advising that prices are rising slower than they were a year ago how is that not good?

The Federal Reserve has raised interest rates to tamper inflation. Fiscal Policy comes from Fucking Congress not the God damn President if it was the opposite Biden wouldn’t have to work around Congress for Student loans. You have this weird understanding that the President influences your day to day more than your local reps including the Gov of your state.

If Biden unilaterally did anything about rent or food it would have been challenged in court as other parts of his agenda have been. That is a Federal Fiscal Policy issue decided by the two chambers of Congress l then you hope that the funds are accepted by the State Government as we can see they refuse the funds from time to time.

The main driver of rent/housing price increase is lack of supply, insurance premiums, interest rates: of these which can the President influence without working with Congress?

Neither Trump nor Biden nor Kamala will be successful in their time in office if they don’t have a stronghold in Congress as both parties made attempts successful and not at playing interference in the others agenda or time in office. Trump had the backing of a number of far right groups and agency in the Freedom caucus to bully the Republican Party to fall in line. Biden had nothing similar which is why your so disappointed in his administration.

And that's why I said things won't get better with either. I said Trump will blame Biden and the dems for the way things are if he gets elected.

Did Biden try to do anything about food and rent??

It's funny how this works, when I ask or mention how shit is fucked up, it's "oh the President has no control over how fucked up shit is" Then when it comes to Trump..."oh he's going to get in there and fuck shit up and make things worse" well, didn't you just say the President have no control over day to day?

Which is it, One Mic or Oouchie Wally?
Man yall be bowing out when I simply press a bit. smh lol. This like the 4th poster I made tap out. Just block me lol dayum if you can't debate with me

I'm starting to see dead people

I just want be wanting to debate, that's all man lol.
Nah I was just saying I’m not going to be able to write a prompt response since I’m about to be tied up most the day. lol
A lot of Trump hate came when he announced he was running as a Republican.

He was all over rap songs prior and was just the rich white dude Donald Trump that everybody knew about.
And that's why I said things won't get better with either. I said Trump will blame Biden and the dems for the way things are if he gets elected.

Did Biden try to do anything about food and rent??

It's funny how this works, when I ask or mention how shit is fucked up, it's "oh the President has no control over how fucked up shit is" Then when it comes to Trump..."oh he's going to get in there and fuck shit up and make things worse" well, didn't you just say the President have no control over day to day?

Which is it, One Mic or Oouchie Wally?
It all depends on what you talking about specifically. All those things are variables based on more variables. Why are you trying to bog everything down equally in terms of absolutes and all-or-nothings? Some stuff the president does will impact us for worse, directly, indirectly etc, and other things they do won’t. It’s not all or nothing. Depending on what exactly you referring to the impact of the policies of president will correlate differently to measurable outcomes in different contexts, depending on what you talking about. Also the time it takes for those resulting effects to be seen are also different, variable and correlates depending on the context, both immediate and overall as well. We can’t take the easy way out over simplify things just because we don’t want to take the time to zoom in to look at the details.
A lot of Trump hate came when he announced he was running as a Republican.

He was all over rap songs prior and was just the rich white dude Donald Trump that everybody knew about.
Running as a Republican is not the reason people have distain for Trump. The man started his campaign taking about how all the brown immigrants were pretty much all criminals....
It all depends on what you talking about specifically. All those things are variables based on more variables. Why are you trying to bog everything down equally in terms of absolutes and all-or-nothings?
Sounds like the word nuance which knock doesn't like to hear when having debates.

Bolded.... This is why a lot of people tap out when conversing with knock when he feels like all he did was, in his words, "press a little bit"
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