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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

The fact of the matter is you black democrats are still the stench of this race.

All that p-ssy azz, yes-man, whatever you say boss attitude ain't helping. When democrats say jump - you say "how high". When they drop - you say how low can we go. And you bent over for they objectives without even knowing what the hell you supporting. Your problem is you need to get your facts together first and then speak.

Case and point: https://ablackweb.com/threads/the-global-climate-crisis.24131/page-9

A whole nine pages of fear mongering and crying about the "climate crisis" which ain't a thing. The main reason you all do this is because democrats spooked you and fed you this nonsense. That's why I literally broke that nonsense down and exposed it w/ your failed chicken little predictions just recently.

How is climate crisis not a thing
"We yapenese still
You'll get cooked in front of your family
Like a Japanese meal
It's Yashua Hibachi and none of you niggas can't stop me
But can't help but watch me."

Yap Gang Politics🤙🏾😎
High IQ folks know
That Kamala gotta go

You're not a strong debater B

At least richdolla, Tayboo, knight, and 12 bit, can give answers and have dialog

Yall 2 niggas, you and ap deflect, and play word salad and act like you don't understand 1+1 = 2

Yall good for surface level debating but when you got to get to the meat and potatoes of the topic and unpack shit... yall niggas result to what I said or folding.

You don't even know basic facts about topics you want to debate. Start there before you want to try and talk about somebody else debate skills.
How can one be 'compromised' in your opinion?

I don't think you all who are supporting Kamala and the Dems are asking or demanding them to do anything.

I already stated Cornell West or Stein are the better candidates, they speak more to the people wants than Kamala and Trump COMBINED. I haven't seen many folks on this board including you push their agenda. I would support them quicker than I would support what Kamala or Trump has laid out.

As I stated to the rain dude, without saying anything negative about Cornell West or Stein, Do you think Kamala plans are a better suit for the people than Cornell West or Stein?

With the Dr. Claude Anderson, he has called out the dems and their lack of support and help, so has Malcolm X. He has told black folks not to rely on them and stated to black folks that these parties won't save you. Remove yourself from the political system, or pay for your politicians.
Black folks haven't paid for Kamala so i'm not sure why you or many on this board are supporting her? Would you be contradicting on what he's saying? I'm sure you heard him state these things, eh?

You brought up Dr. Claude Anderson, I'm sure you follow his work to since you know about his vision, so I'm sure you heard him state that in his speeches, so I wanna ask YOU, why are you running up behind the dems and fighting for Kamala and them?
A candidate has to get elected to get anything done. Cornel and Stein do not have the requisite support so any policies they may propose are moot.

And if you’re looking for a candidate to support policies that are only good for black people that candidate will be in the same boat.

There’s about 150 million people that will vote.

Black people make up 14% of eligible voters but only 60% of black people actually show up to the polls, so that’s about 12 million black people that will actually vote.

This represents about 8% of actual voters.

As you can see, by the numbers, it is not realistic to have a platform that caters solely to black people. Doesn’t mean you can’t have some pro-black policies, but you can’t only have pro-black policies.

Which is why the FBS/ADOS desire to attack Kamala is so asinine. It shows a deep ignorance of how everything works.
Ok bro.

I'm an ignoramus. Now what.

I'ma still talk my shit and raise your blood pressure over there.
You get tight over the words I say lol
Nigga you don't even know me and tight over there
You bothered by what I say lol.

Got niggas mad and tight. Bro just block me. Yo blood pressure would be happy

Boy yall a trip I tell you

These just words dayum.

Nigga over there tight like virginity cuz of I don't like his candidate lol
You need love man

Something in tha water that canadian nigga drinking.
A candidate has to get elected to get anything done. Cornel and Stein do not have the requisite support so any policies they may propose are moot.

And if you’re looking for a candidate to support policies that are only good for black people that candidate will be in the same boat.

There’s about 150 million people that will vote.

Black people make up 14% of eligible voters but only 60% of black people actually show up to the polls, so that’s about 12 million black people that will actually vote.

This represents about 8% of actual voters.

As you can see, by the numbers, it is not realistic to have a platform that caters solely to black people. Doesn’t mean you can’t have some pro-black policies, but you can’t only have pro-black policies.

Which is why the FBS/ADOS desire to attack Kamala is so asinine. It shows a deep ignorance of how everything works.
It’s like they don't even understand the president is a representation of all American people. There can’t be a president (a black one especially) in THIS country going out of their way to represent interests of black people at the exclusion of other groups nor one that represents black interests primarily. You know how many white people are here watching your every move? Besides other groups? Lol. It’s like you can tell who doesn’t have much experience either living in a diverse city and/or neighborhood, nor working in a diverse workplace. You need presidents who have a blend of experience and who can represent that. That’s one of the things that made Obama so cool. And I believe that’s part of the quality Harris has. She comes from a blend of experiences.
It’s like they don't even understand the president is a representation of all American people. There can’t be a president (a black one especially) in THIS country going out of their way to represent interests of black people at the exclusion of other groups nor one that represents black interests primarily. You know how many white people are here watching your every move? Besides other groups? Lol. It’s like you can tell who doesn’t have much experience either living in a diverse city and/or neighborhood, nor working in a diverse workplace. You need presidents who have a blend of experience and who can represent that. That’s one of the things that made Obama so cool. And I believe that’s part of the quality Harris has. She comes from a blend of experiences.
Exactly. They are tearing down Kamala, an actual black woman, because she won’t do the things that will certainly cost her the election and ultimately guaranteeing the things they want will not happen and putting an actual anti-black person into office.

Cutting off their noses to spite their face shit.
A candidate has to get elected to get anything done. Cornel and Stein do not have the requisite support so any policies they may propose are moot.

And if you’re looking for a candidate to support policies that are only good for black people that candidate will be in the same boat.

There’s about 150 million people that will vote.

Black people make up 14% of eligible voters but only 60% of black people actually show up to the polls, so that’s about 12 million black people that will actually vote.

This represents about 8% of actual voters.

As you can see, by the numbers, it is not realistic to have a platform that caters solely to black people. Doesn’t mean you can’t have some pro-black policies, but you can’t only have pro-black policies.

Which is why the FBS/ADOS desire to attack Kamala is so asinine. It shows a deep ignorance of how everything works.
How does a candidate get elected? Let me ask you this.

Have you ever NOT voted for the Democratics? Candidates that are better than the democratic candidates imo won't get support because folks like you look down on them and have a mindset that, they won't get support.

If Vance ran on the Rep ticket and Trump ran on the Democratic ticket? Who would you vote for? Democratic still? lol

Another question: Is there anything wrong for asking the candidate who has to earn your vote to give you something in return?
You don't even know basic facts about topics you want to debate. Start there before you want to try and talk about somebody else debate skills.

Bro, whether it's me or anybody else on this board, you haven't answer a direct question this year.

The things you speak on, you don't know anybody who's been through it, you do a poor job of unpacking your thoughts when pressed, you don't read to know facts, you don't understand basic logic and you deflect.
Again B, your debating skills not that good imo

Basic level at best. I see why folks don't go back and forth with you on topics smh
It’s like they don't even understand the president is a representation of all American people. There can’t be a president (a black one especially) in THIS country going out of their way to represent interests of black people at the exclusion of other groups nor one that represents black interests primarily. You know how many white people are here watching your every move? Besides other groups? Lol. It’s like you can tell who doesn’t have much experience either living in a diverse city and/or neighborhood, nor working in a diverse workplace. You need presidents who have a blend of experience and who can represent that. That’s one of the things that made Obama so cool. And I believe that’s part of the quality Harris has. She comes from a blend of experiences.

The illegals that are coming over, whose helping them with housing, food and living affairs?

Whose helping Israel?

Whose helping the Ukranies?

You can't sit up here and tell me that the gov't or President doesn't sign off on things to help a "specific' group that don't even vote for them?

Is this true or false that the gov't and President are helping Israel with funding? every year?

Is this true or false that the gov't and President are helping the Ukranies with funding?
Bro, whether it's me or anybody else on this board, you haven't answer a direct question this year.

The things you speak on, you don't know anybody who's been through it, you do a poor job of unpacking your thoughts when pressed, you don't read to know facts, you don't understand basic logic and you deflect.
Again B, your debating skills not that good imo

Basic level at best. I see why folks don't go back and forth with you on topics smh

Well good thing I don't value your opinion ain't it? But here you go again not knowing facts and contradicting yourself. You have no idea what I've been through to even make that assumption. Meanwhile you're in multiple topics either making up facts that are proven wrong or simply repeating bullshit you've heard that is also wrong. Makes sense you identify most with the candidates you do.
Well good thing I don't value your opinion ain't it? But here you go again not knowing facts and contradicting yourself. You have no idea what I've been through to even make that assumption. Meanwhile you're in multiple topics either making up facts that are proven wrong or simply repeating bullshit you've heard that is also wrong. Makes sense you identify most with the candidates you do.

I don't concern myself with your word salad, I aint learning a dayum thing from you but to know how NOT to answer a direct question and how to live in fantasty world.
This aint Kansas B

Your whole make up is when asked a direct question or when asked to back up what you're saying/posting you produce nothing. I do that because I know you will either, fold, run out, deflect or act as if 1+1 doesn't =2

I asked you the other day to explain your so call circumstances on a statement/example I stated, and you folded like a lawn chair. Like you do always. I don't even know why you bring yo ass in these topics to spew that nonsense.

You know what, I know why, you have to feel as if you are intellectual when nigga you aint kicking up nothing but some comic book shit.
I don't concern myself with your word salad, I aint learning a dayum thing from you but to know how NOT to answer a direct question and how to live in fantasty world.
This aint Kansas B

Your whole make up is when asked a direct question or when asked to back up what you're saying/posting you produce nothing. I do that because I know you will either, fold, run out, deflect or act as if 1+1 doesn't =2

I asked you the other day to explain your so call circumstances on a statement/example I stated, and you folded like a lawn chair. Like you do always. I don't even know why you bring yo ass in these topics to spew that nonsense.

You know what, I know why, you have to feel as if you are intellectual when nigga you aint kicking up nothing but some comic book shit.

You ever consider that somebody's response towards you is indicative of their level of respect for your intelligence and not a commentary on their own? You can't even formulate coherent povs on these topics. Yet you expect people to answer your questions that you just keep moving the goal posts on because you don't understand the basic facts of the things you're discussing.