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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

And this is why Trump is so Dangerous. If by he wins and Republicans gain a couple seats in the senate...we truly are in trouble. Because we no longer have a John McCain or Mitt Romney to block a vote, just bunch of yes men. So if they get an abortion ban, they are coming for birth control and IVF next, Scalia laid it out in his opinion when Roe v Wade was overturned.
I can tell my comment struck a nerve


Nope. Facts. All it takes is to hover my mouse over your profile.

You've been here since 2017 and amassed nearly 165K posts.

155K of em prolly in "Reel Talk".

-Out on Digital

-This digital

-Remember to get your digital copy

-Did I tell you it was digital

-Don't forget digital

-Why not go digital

-Digital +

-Who needs hard-copy??........ Go digital
As far as Muslims they’ll sit out at best to send a message to democrats on Palestine. They not going in droves to the right.

Sit out or vote Trump to send that message. That's key in those swing states that Kamala will need.

That Muslim vote helps in those swing states and they are not fucking with her because of that Gaza shit that she continues to let happen, well Biden.

They letting buddy cut up. They need to control him

Israel is like the US lil brother, Biden and Kamala should be able to put a leash on that dude, they supplying this nigga all kinds of shit to kill
Sit out or vote Trump to send that message. That's key in those swing states that Kamala will need.

That Muslim vote helps in those swing states and they are not fucking with her because of that Gaza shit that she continues to let happen, well Biden.

They letting buddy cut up. They need to control him

Israel is like the US lil brother

There's lots of jewish voters in those same states that vote at higher rates than muslims and have always been reliable for democrats. They care about Israel's defense... can't alienate them
Nope. Facts. All it takes is to hover my mouse over your profile.

You've been here since 2017 and amassed nearly 165K posts.

155K of em prolly in "Reel Talk".

-Out on Digital

-This digital

-Remember to get your digital copy

-Did I tell you it was digital

-Don't forget digital

-Why not go digital

-Digital +

-Who needs hard-copy??........ Go digital
Keep showing me how my post triggered you

Lol. Yes she is.

Without saying anything negative or any negative connotation towards Cornell West or Stein, what makes Kamala better than Cornell West or Stein in your opinion?

In your opinion and by your post, Cornell West and Stein are not better candidates, imo they are better candidates than Trump and Kamala policy wise/mission wise etc.

I'm just curious to why in your opinion do you think Kamala is a better candidate policy wise/mission/ etc than Cornell West and Stein.
There's lots of jewish voters in those same states that vote at higher rates than muslims and have always been reliable for democrats. They care about Israel's defense... can't alienate them

While the Jewish community still favors a Democrat this November, there is quite a bit of time until election day. Harris has not proven herself to be a great friend of the Jewish community or Israel. Even if Jews still support Harris more than Trump, the support for Trump and the GOP more generally suggests that Jews may finally be breaking away from their tradition of dominantly supporting the Democratic Party.

Why is this change happening now? Richard Baris, who conducted the recent poll, suggested that the softening of support for Democrats among Jewish voters could be a direct result of the dissatisfaction over the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Algemeiner reported that “Jewish voters could be upset with what he described as the Biden administration’s ‘anti-Israel policies,’ potentially sparking a partial exodus among this voting bloc to the Republican Party.” The Biden administration’s troubling and inconsistent position toward Israel, and Harris’ even less supportive views, could certainly play a significant role in turning Jews away from the Democratic Party. This dynamic was evident in the primaries, with a significant level of Jewish engagement in toppling ultra-progressive Jamaal Bowman from his seat in Congress outside of New York City.

However, Jews are not united in their stance toward Israel. What may also be happening is that large numbers of Jews may be turning away from progressive Democrats, like Kamala Harris, because progressive social policies are repugnant to them and they realize how dangerous they are for American prosperity and true diversity
However, Jews are not united in their stance toward Israel. What may also be happening is that large numbers of Jews may be turning away from progressive Democrats, like Kamala Harris, because progressive social policies are repugnant to them and they realize how dangerous they are for American prosperity and true diversity

The article writer lost all credibility with this part here. Kamala isn't a progressive (they hate here more than the right) and i'd love to know what he means by true diversity. Harris isn't losing Jewish support. The worry is down-ballot races that feature an anti Israel progressive.

While the Jewish community still favors a Democrat this November, there is quite a bit of time until election day. Harris has not proven herself to be a great friend of the Jewish community or Israel. Even if Jews still support Harris more than Trump, the support for Trump and the GOP more generally suggests that Jews may finally be breaking away from their tradition of dominantly supporting the Democratic Party.

Why is this change happening now? Richard Baris, who conducted the recent poll, suggested that the softening of support for Democrats among Jewish voters could be a direct result of the dissatisfaction over the Biden administration’s handling of the Israel-Hamas war. Algemeiner reported that “Jewish voters could be upset with what he described as the Biden administration’s ‘anti-Israel policies,’ potentially sparking a partial exodus among this voting bloc to the Republican Party.” The Biden administration’s troubling and inconsistent position toward Israel, and Harris’ even less supportive views, could certainly play a significant role in turning Jews away from the Democratic Party. This dynamic was evident in the primaries, with a significant level of Jewish engagement in toppling ultra-progressive Jamaal Bowman from his seat in Congress outside of New York City.

However, Jews are not united in their stance toward Israel. What may also be happening is that large numbers of Jews may be turning away from progressive Democrats, like Kamala Harris, because progressive social policies are repugnant to them and they realize how dangerous they are for American prosperity and true diversity

That's actually good news!!

See, they are actually big donors to the democrat party. That's the source of a lot of arguing on this site too. It's actually them funding democrats that got democrats like this. They go right, then the democrat party goes back to normal (like they used to be). Because those were the days they were better than republicans and they had the facts to back it up. See when jews go right, now the right-wing is stunk up like they did the democrat party. The last time I checked, the donation cut was like 70%(D) and 30%(R).

The part of the article that is bullshyt is that "Harris has not proven herself to be a great friend of the Jewish community or Israel". That's a lie. KH is married to one or at the least his family is jewish.

Open Borders
A lot (if not all lgbt)

Is mostly them actually. If not all them.
Fam you do realize every time you pose a scenario with very specific criteria, this is exactly what you're doing right?

Multiple variables angles to a get a specific response

Tayboo gave a direct answer, you didn't. She clearly understood the question, it wasn't very hard and she gave her best answer to it and that's all I asked.

You deflected as usually, no worries. You can't answer direct questions and that's ok.

She answered the same 4th grade question I asked you and I respected it.

I've moved on from it. She was able to answer the question directly. You again, didn't. No worries.
The article writer lost all credibility with this part here. Kamala isn't a progressive (they hate here more than the right) and i'd love to know what he means by true diversity. Harris isn't losing Jewish support. The worry is down-ballot races that feature an anti Israel progressive.

\Got it.
Tayboo gave a direct answer, you didn't. She clearly understood the question, it wasn't very hard and she gave her best answer to it and that's all I asked.

You deflected as usually, no worries. You can't answer direct questions and that's ok.

She answered the same 4th grade question I asked you and I respected it.

I've moved on from it. She was able to answer the question directly. You again, didn't. No worries.

I don't answer the questions the way you want me to because I know what's going to come next. You're going to move the goalposts.

What I am trying to get you to do is stop thinking so black and white. There are a few posters that have challenged you to do the same

A perfect example is the abortion thread. No matter how many times someone responds to your question, you move the goalposts in an attempt to repackage the same question but worded differently