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Is Kamala Harris The Best Candidate For Black People?

And that's why I said things won't get better with either. I said Trump will blame Biden and the dems for the way things are if he gets elected.

Did Biden try to do anything about food and rent??

It's funny how this works, when I ask or mention how shit is fucked up, it's "oh the President has no control over how fucked up shit is" Then when it comes to Trump..."oh he's going to get in there and fuck shit up and make things worse" well, didn't you just say the President have no control over day to day?

Which is it, One Mic or Oouchie Wally?
Lol but statistically the economy perform better when the Democrats occupy the White House while Congress remains comprised. This is why you see a weird mix of political action committees supported by both labor groups and investors siding with Kamala’s administration versus Trump. The business climate is expected to remain the same so that would allow for folks to plan long term knowing the grander economic agenda will remain at a standstill.

Trump with Republican led Congress may see a change in the general agenda and stipend investment in the short term. It is not that Trump will fuck it up it is that he and some of his supporters in Congress support economic policies not inline with the Federal Reserve Monetary policy. Federal Reserve is raising rates to use future cuts to stimulate in recessionary periods so I turn the Govt should raise taxes. That’s why I’m not mad at restarting the student loan payments even though I’m affected that will lower inflation so again it’s not Trump nor Biden it’s the Fiscal Policy passed by Congress as a whole.

Please understand that two senators and a handful of representatives held up Biden’s agenda. That is why other groups you compare the Black community to lobby Senators and Representatives via PACs to ensure if they can’t get their agenda fulfilled they pay the Congressman or woman to run spoiler.
Lol but statistically the economy perform better when the Democrats occupy the White House while Congress remains comprised. This is why you see a weird mix of political action committees supported by both labor groups and investors siding with Kamala’s administration versus Trump. The business climate is expected to remain the same so that would allow for folks to plan long term knowing the grander economic agenda will remain at a standstill.

Trump with Republican led Congress may see a change in the general agenda and stipend investment in the short term. It is not that Trump will fuck it up it is that he and some of his supporters in Congress support economic policies not inline with the Federal Reserve Monetary policy. Federal Reserve is raising rates to use future cuts to stimulate in recessionary periods so I turn the Govt should raise taxes. That’s why I’m not mad at restarting the student loan payments even though I’m affected that will lower inflation so again it’s not Trump nor Biden it’s the Fiscal Policy passed by Congress as a whole.

Please understand that two senators and a handful of representatives held up Biden’s agenda. That is why other groups you compare the Black community to lobby Senators and Representatives via PACs to ensure if they can’t get their agenda fulfilled they pay the Congressman or woman to run spoiler.

Answer me this in regards to Biden's agenda

Did the dems have the house and senate while at anytime while Biden was the President?

If the answer is yes.

Who then held up his agenda if the answer is yes to who having Congress?

I see where this is going but I wanna know before I assume you try and say that the reason Biden couldn't pass anything in Congress was because of the Republicans

I wanna chop you down there and ask you did at any time did the Dems hold the Senate and the House while Biden was in office

I think they did but I want you to answer that question.

I don't answer the questions the way you want me to because I know what's going to come next. You're going to move the goalposts.

What I am trying to get you to do is stop thinking so black and white. There are a few posters that have challenged you to do the same

A perfect example is the abortion thread. No matter how many times someone responds to your question, you move the goalposts in an attempt to repackage the same question but worded differently

Tayboo answered my questions.
The Knight poster answers direct questions I ask even when they may be going against the grain.
I can respect that. Creates more dialog imo. But niggas that deflect, beat around the bush, act obtuse, waste time imo.

It's only you, rain that either deflect, act obtuse lol.
Rain finally answered a direct question, I think it's his first time this month being direct but look at what I had to do. Had to hold his hand and chop his legs off and he was forced to give a str8 answer. He even had to lol because I took the shit he loves to do away and made him step in front of the class and open his mouth.

In a debate you give direct answers to questions. If you're not going to do that, then why are you or anybody replying to the topic with nonsense.
Let's take the things that the President can control, see it won't be an all or nothing cop out as many like to say, let's unpack this statement.

A. The Gaza situation, Can the President do anything about this situation? Yes or No?

Inflation, Can the President Do anything about this situation? Yes or No?
They can do something in both situations, but in neither situation do they have direct control. Also you have to consider It’s always easier to mess things up, but there’s no magic wand that allows things to be fixed once they are already messed up. All it takes is one person to ruin crap, but to fix them it often takes way more than the one person unless you the Christ. It’s more complicated than that.

I don't answer the questions the way you want me to because I know what's going to come next. You're going to move the goalposts.

What I am trying to get you to do is stop thinking so black and white. There are a few posters that have challenged you to do the same

A perfect example is the abortion thread. No matter how many times someone responds to your question, you move the goalposts in an attempt to repackage the same question but worded differently

Let's do this, for here on out.

Knock says, everything is NOT and all absolute. Ok. Knock says this

I will start saying Majority or the Norm to let you niggas that wanna use the NOT ALL shit to try and be contraian.

How bout that. The Majority or it's the normal, on Average. Let me start saying for you niggas.

Most ppl....I can use that...many people...

You niggas be quick to say not all but ask you niggas for real life examples you can't name any.

Majority or the Norm will be used to cover my bases so you niggas can stop with the black and white cop out.

I say cut and dry, I mean Majority or the Normal thing in society not that 1 to 2% shit yall like to use or talking bout

Oh there's 1 circumstance that can happen but the shit is like striking lighting.

Boy you niggas a trip
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They can do something in both situations, but in neither situation do they have direct control. Also you have to consider It’s always easier to mess things up, but there’s no magic wand that allows things to be fixed once they are already messed up. All it takes is one person to ruin crap, but to fix them it often takes way more than the one person unless you the Christ. It’s more complicated than that.

In the Gaza situation, Kamala or Trump public condem Ole boy from Israel, can say that they wanna cut his funding off, but they can't directly do anything?
True or False??

So the inflation situation, Kamala can SAY she wants to lower inflation? She can SAY she knows that prices are high but, she can't do anything directly to bring down Inflation? Neither can Trump??

True or False??

I just want this shit to be unpacked so that it's crystal clear.

We like to sat Trump will do a b and x and Biden can't do so much.
I wanna unpack this whole process.

We got time
it’s a
Answer me this in regards to Biden's agenda

Did the dems have the house and senate while at anytime while Biden was the President?

If the answer is yes.

Who then held up his agenda if the answer is yes to who having Congress?

I see where this is going but I wanna know before I assume you try and say that the reason Biden couldn't pass anything in Congress was because of the Republicans

I wanna chop you down there and ask you did at any time did the Dems hold the Senate and the House while Biden was in office

I think they did but I want you to answer that question.

Yes the Democrats did but as I have said those senators were compromised: Kristen Simena and Joe Manchin which allowed him to pass the Infrastructure budget touted by both parties as successful. Republicans outmaneuvered the democrats by targeting states and the courts as prioritized under Mitch McConnell’s leadership; so it set the game plan to challenge anything they disagree with again playing spoiler to gain concessions.

Let me ask you this you’re a proponent of Dr Claude Anderson. He has the plan of an economic multiplier by investing in a hyper speed rail connecting the major black cities in the southeastern US reigniting the local black economies increasing the local GDP. Do you think he would spend his time bitching about how much the democrats don’t like black ppl or how much Kamala Harris will do for Black ppl or is he lobbying and leveraging to both parties to progress his agenda as his plan will make republican govt in the south more attractive.

Fam let me stop you right there you are the person here more motivated to punish Kamala Harris and the Democrats than you are to progress your own agenda or that of your community. A politician is a tool and like any other a tool should be used whether you like the tool or not. If you’re not using the tool get ready to be the tool and that tool is usually a hoe.
And they tryna tell me politics isn't entertainment😏


Classic thread🤙🏾😎
Tayboo answered my questions.
The Knight poster answers direct questions I ask even when they may be going against the grain.
I can respect that. Creates more dialog imo. But niggas that deflect, beat around the bush, act obtuse, waste time imo.

It's only you, rain that either deflect, act obtuse lol.
Rain finally answered a direct question, I think it's his first time this month being direct but look at what I had to do. Had to hold his hand and chop his legs off and he was forced to give a str8 answer. He even had to lol because I took the shit he loves to do away and made him step in front of the class and open his mouth.

In a debate you give direct answers to questions. If you're not going to do that, then why are you or anybody replying to the topic with nonsense.

Don't give yourself credit. I laughed because you're not very good at this
In the Gaza situation, Kamala or Trump public condem Ole boy from Israel, can say that they wanna cut his funding off, but they can't directly do anything?
True or False??

So the inflation situation, Kamala can SAY she wants to lower inflation? She can SAY she knows that prices are high but, she can't do anything directly to bring down Inflation? Neither can Trump??

True or False??

I just want this shit to be unpacked so that it's crystal clear.

We like to sat Trump will do a b and x and Biden can't do so much.
I wanna unpack this whole process.

We got time
I didn't say he can’t directly do anything, I said it’s not in his direct control. Which mean the president is not 100% responsible. He’s not even halfway responsible, but barely a slice of the pie responsible when it come to affairs of men occurring in foreign countries (allied or not) at war with each other. Same with Russia and Ukraine. I won’t comment too much on the Gaza situation as a civilian for that same reason since we have no idea what’s being discussed at the table with those country leaders and have no way of knowing what intelligence is what.

When it comes to inflation, if it has been determined that companies are price-gouging, price fixing, collusion, and it turns out that is a considerable part of the reason inflation is high in those industries, the president can do something to affect it, but again it is not in his direct control.

@Richdollaz made a great point about the importance of the president’s economic plans and tax plan aligning with the Fed Monetary policy especially considering the Fed is about to pivot and therefore Fed funds interest rates are about to begin being cut as soon as this week I believe which will also tempt a resurgence of an inflationary environment in markets once again if they mess up the timing of these cuts along the way. Meanwhile to have a tariff based economy with tax cuts for the rich would be insane.
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it’s a

Yes the Democrats did but as I have said those senators were compromised: Kristen Simena and Joe Manchin which allowed him to pass the Infrastructure budget touted by both parties as successful. Republicans outmaneuvered the democrats by targeting states and the courts as prioritized under Mitch McConnell’s leadership; so it set the game plan to challenge anything they disagree with again playing spoiler to gain concessions.

Let me ask you this you’re a proponent of Dr Claude Anderson. He has the plan of an economic multiplier by investing in a hyper speed rail connecting the major black cities in the southeastern US reigniting the local black economies increasing the local GDP. Do you think he would spend his time bitching about how much the democrats don’t like black ppl or how much Kamala Harris will do for Black ppl or is he lobbying and leveraging to both parties to progress his agenda as his plan will make republican govt in the south more attractive.

Fam let me stop you right there you are the person here more motivated to punish Kamala Harris and the Democrats than you are to progress your own agenda or that of your community. A politician is a tool and like any other a tool should be used whether you like the tool or not. If you’re not using the tool get ready to be the tool and that tool is usually a hoe.

How can one be 'compromised' in your opinion?

I don't think you all who are supporting Kamala and the Dems are asking or demanding them to do anything.

I already stated Cornell West or Stein are the better candidates, they speak more to the people wants than Kamala and Trump COMBINED. I haven't seen many folks on this board including you push their agenda. I would support them quicker than I would support what Kamala or Trump has laid out.

As I stated to the rain dude, without saying anything negative about Cornell West or Stein, Do you think Kamala plans are a better suit for the people than Cornell West or Stein?

With the Dr. Claude Anderson, he has called out the dems and their lack of support and help, so has Malcolm X. He has told black folks not to rely on them and stated to black folks that these parties won't save you. Remove yourself from the political system, or pay for your politicians.
Black folks haven't paid for Kamala so i'm not sure why you or many on this board are supporting her? Would you be contradicting on what he's saying? I'm sure you heard him state these things, eh?

You brought up Dr. Claude Anderson, I'm sure you follow his work to since you know about his vision, so I'm sure you heard him state that in his speeches, so I wanna ask YOU, why are you running up behind the dems and fighting for Kamala and them?
I didn't say he can’t directly do anything, I said it’s not in his direct control. Which mean the president is not 100% responsible. He’s not even halfway responsible, but barely a slice of the pie responsible when it come to affairs of men occurring in foreign countries (allied or not) at war with each other. Same with Russia and Ukraine. I won’t comment too much on the Gaza situation as a civilian for that same reason since we have no idea what’s being discussed at the table with those country leaders and have no way of knowing what intelligence is what.

When it comes to inflation, if it has been determined that companies are price-gouging, price fixing, collusion, and it turns out that is a considerable part of the reason inflation is high in those industries, the president can do something to affect it, but again it is not in his direct control.

@Richdollaz made a great point about the importance of the president’s economic plans and tax plan aligning with the Fed Monetary policy especially considering the Fed is about to pivot and therefore Fed funds interest rates are about to begin being cut as soon as this week I believe which will also tempt a resurgence of an inflationary environment in markets once again if they mess up the timing of these cuts along the way. Meanwhile to have a tariff based economy with tax cuts during this would be insane.

Could you list the things that the President could do about the price-gouging, price fixing, collusion that will rectify this situation?

Second question:

What has Biden done to rectify the price-gouging, price fixing, collusion?
Don't give yourself credit. I laughed because you're not very good at this

You're not a strong debater B

At least richdolla, Tayboo, knight, and 12 bit, can give answers and have dialog

Yall 2 niggas, you and ap deflect, and play word salad and act like you don't understand 1+1 = 2

Yall good for surface level debating but when you got to get to the meat and potatoes of the topic and unpack shit... yall niggas result to what I said or folding.
I have been holding back, but it must be said: Knock_twice is an ignoramus.
Ok bro.

I'm an ignoramus. Now what.

I'ma still talk my shit and raise your blood pressure over there.
You get tight over the words I say lol
Nigga you don't even know me and tight over there
You bothered by what I say lol.

Got niggas mad and tight. Bro just block me. Yo blood pressure would be happy

Boy yall a trip I tell you

These just words dayum.

Nigga over there tight like virginity cuz of I don't like his candidate lol
You need love man
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Ok bro.

I'm an ignoramus. Now what.

I'ma still talk my shit and raise your blood pressure over there.
Now what.

With all due respect, start following politics more closely from here on out, both for this and future elections.

Not saying you're dumb or anything, but it just seems like there's a lot that you don't know, that's why some of what Trump says sounds plausible to you.

Anyway, carry on.
Could you list the things that the President could do about the price-gouging, price fixing, collusion that will rectify this situation?

Second question:

What has Biden done to rectify the price-gouging, price fixing, collusion?
To the first question, As Kamala mentioned, legislation can be introduced that define what it is to price-gouge and prohibit it being done in essential industries like food and housing. One example would be limit increases in price beyond a certain capacity within a given period of time. Impose limitations on how many residential properties corporations are allowed to own and how quickly. There's too much greed going on. You can't just let greed roam rampant and unchecked. There's other industries that this kind of regulation already happens like insurance for example. Safe neighborhoods and healthy food are necessities and in a country like this shouldn't be things accessible only to the wealthy, especially if you're someone working full-time. Thank God we don't have to pay for clean air to breathe. (oh, wait...)

To the second question, I don't know off hand what Biden admin has done specifically for this. These are relatively new developments and the first thing was to get inflation under control, which the Fed has helped do with the raising of interest rates.
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